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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. Sorry, Ballet West is classed as private and therefore only £6,000 of the fees are available in the student loan. You have to find the remaining £3,000 per year yourself.
  2. My DD is entering, in group 3
  3. are there any guest teachers at their summer school?
  4. The London Transport Museum is close by and it's really good! I know it sounds a bit boring in a way, but actually it's great. There are real old tube trains from Victorian days etc. and lots of other stuff I can't remember but well worth a visit. http://www.ltmuseum.co.uk/ edited to add: I've somehow "liked" my own post - an accident!
  5. My DD also going. There are loads of restaurants around the area which will definitely be open - I'm meeting a friend for supper whilst DD does the gold group.
  6. I agree it illustrates the "stiff upper lip" but I'm afraid i couldn't help wondering where the doodlebug did actually land and what lives were destroyed as a result.
  7. Do entrants need to have done all the RAD exams up to their current level? e.g., if they are currently working at Advanced Foundation level but the last exam they did was Grade 5 or 6 a few years back?
  8. would the sports minister advocate pole dancing? just wondering!
  9. Where is their safeguarding policy? I can't see it on the website.
  10. if anyone has one to sell, please let me know!
  11. Absolutely - why on earth don't they use email?
  12. Hello Wish22, when is your daughter hoping to audition? is she wanting to go to an Upper School starting Sept 2014?
  13. Hi, my DD has been offered and accepted a place at Ballet West starting September this year, and the last exam she did was RAD Grade 5 back in 2010 I think.
  14. Well done to your DD! She is such an Italia conti pupil!! fantastic news... I know you have to sort the funding but whatever happens you know they saw her potential. good luck!
  15. I just saw on FB - very well done everyone!!!
  16. any scholarships awarded this time for the summer school?
  17. DD had a wonderful afternoon in gold group - hasn't told me much however, except that she enjoyed it loads! Has anyone had any feedback from their DD that they would like to share? Were any scholarships awarded for the Dar Dance summer school?
  18. thank you Frangapani - are you up there in Feb for a course or an audition?
  19. No I've not heard anything. I think they said to check their Facebook page or something?
  20. thank you and who is on the faculty please? I don't have a copy of DT here.
  21. Where in the South East are they located?
  22. Dd was offered Ballet West which we accepted there and then and proceeded to tear up all the other application forms! She fell in love with it and knows a few people there. She loved the audition class. It completely took the pressure off and she is carrying on with the rest of Year 11 with things sorted. This approach won't be right for everyone - but I'm just pointing out that sometimes for some people one offer is enough. Family dynamics, personality of DD and lifestyle all need to be taken into account and these vary enormously from family to family don't they.
  23. Thanks for posting that Busymum. Sounds like there are classes out there during Christmas hols! Unfortunately Birmingham is too far for us in January but I know they are very good teachers - I'm sure there will be demand. found out today that DD is accepted onto ENBS audition course in January so with that and the Wells masterclass there's a couple of things to keep her ticking over. Regular classes during termtime are a bit haphazard for us at the moment.
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