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Everything posted by alison

  1. Casting (now, at least) looks to me to be the same as the current run. With another 6 performances, it's a bit of a shame they couldn't have supplied a third cast.
  2. Another thing which might be worth throwing into the mix, location-wise, is that I believe both Clapham Junction and East Croydon have an all-night rail service from Victoria because the service to Gatwick runs 24/7 - probably only 1 per hour, though. Not sure if there's something similar for the Heathrow line.
  3. The Met Police one? This reminds me that the Evening Standard property section (on Wednesdays, if that helps) ran a series of articles on more unconventional types of accommodation in London a while back. I seem to remember that one involved occupying unused buildings for security purposes (what that series "Crashing" on Channel 4 has been about - I can't think what the term for it is), but others were rather more potentially viable options. Trouble is, I don't know how you'd search the website for them.
  4. Worth pointing out, perhaps, that they're on at Eastleigh in Hampshire at the end of April, a mere few days before South West Trains' special £15 return offer runs out Also, the theatre is about 5 minutes' walk from the station.
  5. Not going to save any paper for those who need to print them off, then, is it?
  6. Whoopee: after all these years of moaning, what has dropped into my inbox this morning but an email from Odeon entitled "Top event cinema screenings for Alison‏"! That's more like it.
  7. Sometimes we fail to see what's under our noses
  8. Excellent! Would that more train companies would do that. I'm still trying to get a small amount of money out of Southeastern, and they are making it ridiculously hard: I sent them all the proof they needed, and they returned it, asking for the very proof I'd given them. I think I may just give up - I really only put that claim in to make a point, and am not sure I can be bothered to waste the time and energy on it.
  9. It seems that the "older sister doing ballet" approach is frequently the cause - which I'm afraid is a reflection of the inherent sexism/anti-ballet bias still so prevalent in many people's minds. It either doesn't occur to parents that their sons might actually be interested in dance, or they actively oppose the possibility, while they'll happily send a daughter to classes. As I've mentioned before, both British Royal Ballet principals or ex-principals Edward Watson and Rupert Pennefather only started ballet because their twin sisters were sent to lessons. And I'm not sure off-hand what the situation with Xander Parish - now First Soloist with the Mariinsky - was: is his sister Demelza younger or older than him, does anyone know?
  10. There *could* of course be completely genuine reasons why a man might do some of the things mentioned, rather than nefarious ones. You shouldn't automatically assume the worst of anyone. On the other hand, you also shouldn't assume that every man (or woman, for that matter) you encounter online is exactly who they say they are: they could be a potential scammer, rapist, con artist or anything else. It just pays to be aware that you *don't* actually have any independently corroborrated proof that they are who they say they are, that their appearance/job is as they portray it, their relationship/family status is as represented, in fact anything at all - and to be aware of the characteristic features of the scams that some people perpetrate, particularly in relation to online dating sites - and exert extreme caution, as I'm sure any dating site worth its salt will recommend in detail.
  11. Well, whoever thought my laptop had such a good sound system? With headphones in, it sounds about as good as my DAB radio. And I can now confirm that Fabiano's voice in the aria sounded wonderful without the kettle boiling in the background - as does Nicole Car's Also, am currently being amazed as to quite how much Tchaikovsky's music in Act III sounds like Sleeping Beauty, which is of a much later date.
  12. Anyone would think there'd been some nasty computer bug deleting your posts from the beginning, or something. Weird. But congrats on finally getting to 200!
  13. I hadn't even realised you were male, Stirrups!
  14. Ah, of course. I'd have needed to get to London/Clapham Junction. OTOH, I don't usually look for combined tickets from home because I know they tend to be a rip-off, so perhaps I am still a bit surprised. I imagine I'd have put in Waterloo to Soton on the National Rail website. I suppose I *could* try getting to see Sleeping Beauty there - it'd solve the problem of trying to fit it in at Wimbledon during Holy Week - but the seating prices are horribly expensive. I really don't fancy paying over £20 for worst seats in the house. (If anyone spots a ticket offer, please post!)
  15. I'd be interested to know what the ratings were for the Acosta Carmen, which after all was shown on BBC4. After all, if a big name like that doesn't attract someone outside the usual balletomanes, what will?
  16. Thanks, Indigo - I suspected as much. Interesting that it was valid for the week BRB were down in Southampton, yet didn't show up when I was looking for fares back then - I might have gone to one of the matinees if I'd known Is there any other dance or anything down at the Mayflower before the end of April, does anybody know?
  17. My thoughts exactly, Sim. Although there *are* various cinema membership schemes which would reduce the price somewhat - Picturehouse members get a £5 discount (or I suppose it may be more - I'm going by the ROH broadcast prices), and I think Barbican Members get a discount at the cinema, at least.
  18. Not that I want to put Lisa off even more, but I've just come across an article on dating scammers, so thought I ought to post it here so it gets a wider audience: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/12148131/Dating-scams-on-the-rise-A-fraudster-conned-me-out-of-thousands.html
  19. Indigo, thank you for your long comments, most of which I agree with - from what I could actually see of all 3 ballets! However, diverging from the actual programme, what I wanted to ask was what train company the £15 offer was with, and whether it operates in the other direction as well.
  20. Just finished listening to this (in the kitchen, no heating, so as not to disturb anybody), and I can only concur with others about the 3 principals, the conducting and the orchestral playing. It sounded beautifully clear in DAB. Only problem was the nameless member of the household who decided that the kettle absolutely had to be boiled in the middle of Lensky's aria (GRRRRRR!!), so I shall have to catch up with that on iPlayer while I have the opportunity
  21. I too really liked the Violetta, but would be interested to hear about Alfredo from anyone who saw it live.
  22. How awful: I really do feel for them - and for Goddard, of course, in particular. I hope he mends well, and soon.
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