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Everything posted by Tulip

  1. My daughter has OCD and is so organised, and has checked and fussed and checked everything, it can be very frustrating aaaarrrrgh
  2. Not all dance teachers are qualified, doesn't stop them from being a fantastic teacher does it? If they claim that they have certificates in teaching dance, and haven't, then that's fraudulent.
  3. My ballet daughters favourite subjects are physics and maths, she achieved As in both subjects and would have Persued a career that involved these subject, however ballet stole her heart and passion.
  4. Anyway back on topic, tough dance training has enabled my daughter to Persue her dream as a dancer.
  5. Hope he gets good news Lisa. My husband was seen very quickly after his scan, within the week. Big hugs to you Lisa as you must be worried sick xx
  6. Hello Noobag, along with her feedback, I hope this teacher then went on to say what exercises she would be doing for daughter.
  7. KNT are holding a week long open adult classes next week in Liverpool. Students have been invited to run classes.
  8. My advice is, norther ballet grad prog, is fantastic if you can achieve a place, to keep training to a high standard or improve it whilst still auditioning. Other options are, live in London and attend lots of open classes without corrections. I wish there was something for dancers Inbetween contracts, that would keep technique strong.
  9. Sorry BLou you were talking about apprentices and not graduates, my apologise x
  10. Yes you are speculating BLou, some dancers already had contracts for Phantom at the beginning of course, others achieved contracts for other companies, some were good enough but didn't fit the company, and perhaps some weren't ready. All were good enough to be selected for their graduate programme just 12 selected out of ????? Candidates auditioning this year were from RB, Elmhurst, Central, Hammond, Ballet West and others. A lot of the company members left because of different contracts and opportunities. If you get on the graduate programme, you can breath and relax because you are in for a excellent year of training whilst auditioning, you have the same chance as any other person when they audition for the company. Being a graduate means they get to see all of your good bits and the bad.
  11. Northern graduate programme took only one graduate this year, yet the graduates are used in the productions? Each company is after something specific to fit their company. It is just the way it is end of. Dancer begin to realise at the end of graduation how tough and how small the job pool is. Sometimes it's not that the dancers aren't good enough, they just aren't right for that company. However even to be selected for the graduate programme it is tough and I think it will get tougher now that we are no longer part of th EU, making work permits expensive and freedom to travel more difficult. I think it was ballet Flanders who requested that to audition for them this season, dancer must be part of the EU. We are ok for two years I think. Anyway long and short of it all, Northern don't ever promise to employ their graduates and they all know this, one or two may get an apprenticeship. The training is professional with some professional performance experience, good for your CV.
  12. There are classical jobs, just that they won't pay enough for you to live on. My daughter got a contract with a small company, but the wage they offered whilst rehearsing didn't cover the rent to live in London, never mind food and travel.
  13. My daughter used Northern to keep her training from Central at the level it was. Training that was of a very high standard everyday whilst still auditioning. My daughter no longer wants to concentrate on pure ballet, she wants to dance in all jandres and will take any opportunity into musical theatre. She has a contract for seven months on a cruise ship, where she will dance everyday and finally earn some money, enough for when she comes home to continue auditioning. It is extremely tough out there with very few jobs. Having said this my daughter wasn't prepared to travel to certain countries so limited her chances.
  14. Students are allowed to audition throughout the year. Unfortunately there was only two men this year but I think in previous years there were more. The students dance alongside company members when they are home, they also take part in Northern Ballets productions.
  15. My daughter has just finished this year with this programme. There are only ever 12 students in total. Lots of students audition from all the top schools and abroad, so again cut throat. The training keeps them at the top of their game whilst they are still auditioning.
  16. Tulip

    Hammond final

    Aw lovely news well done.
  17. Did any of you lovely ladies attend the jazz class at KNT tonight in Manchester?
  18. It's been very hard Janet, Norther ballet (grad) have been very supportive with Elizabeth.
  19. My husband has just gone into remission after having testicular cancer. His only symptom was a dull ache. Even though his cancer had spread, the cure rate is very high. Also two years ago my 20 year old son had a large lump in his neck, this turned out to be hodgkins Lymphoma. It was an horrendous time, but again he is in remission. Our GP missed both my husband and sons condition in the beginning, so further advice is to insist on being referred for scans. My son today two weeks after his dad went into remission has just achieved a 2.1 BSc in computer science, we are ecstatic. Lumps and bumps very often are just that, but always important to get checked out properly. Hope your son gets good news Lisa and I'm always here if you need to ask me anything.
  20. It is heartbreaking to read all the messages on my daughters Facebook page. All of them are dancers and they are so upset about their futures and their art. These friends are not all from the UK either, a very sad day ????
  21. My daughter and her friends from Central were the dancers in this film. The bit they did was filmed in a theatre in London. Carlos Acosta really looked after my daughter and her friends, making sure they weren't getting too cold etc.
  22. When you say bow do you mean sway back or bowing out to the sides? What does her dance teacher say? If you have only just spotted this in your daughter, the bowness must only be slight. When my daughter was a senior associate there was a girl there with scoliosis, bad enough for surgery, she was a beautiful girl who went onto professional training at 18. The point I'm making is the Royal make their own minds up, people and sometimes teachers try to second guess them. To get into the senior associates is harder because of less spaces, I wonder how many people may have told that young girl not to bother due to her curvature? Another point to add, my daughter was never a JA only an SA.
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