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Everything posted by Happymum

  1. Some years ago my DD auditioned for scholarship. I explained that she won't be able to pay for SS if not sucesful and we just didn't pay the deposit at all.
  2. If second child is on MDS they don't pay the fee the first child pays, they pay less. Not exactly 50% less sadly but thanks to this discount for second child we are trying for DS to get an MDS place even though it's already hard with DD's current payments.
  3. I've just received a message from kick start at Tring inviting my DS for the rest of the year - hopefully you have received yours as well Boys_can_dance.
  4. Oh that is strange. Each time I've contact him in the past I did get a reply sooner or later. I think I'll give it a couple more weeks until I contact him but I'll be grateful if you could let me know when you get a reply. Hopefully the lessons will continue as planned - my DS loves it.
  5. Hi Boys can dance. My DS has been attending kick start programme for a couple of years. We always paid for a whole year but there was also an option to pay for a single session only. I didn't think my DD needed to attend tester session this year so I contacted David Rhys and asked how we should pay. It resulted in a message send to all old students that we are all to apply for tester session so they can work out the groups etc. Maybe the current tester session available online is for any new interested students? We might still receive an email in a few weeks time. Mr Rhys tends to send one no long before next session. But even better is to contact him (his email is on kick start webpage) and ask. I did that in August so don't won't to be a "difficult" parent emailing again but maybe you could email him and then share the news on the forum? (How cheeky of me ;-) ).
  6. Just an update. DD went to school medical centre and was asked to keep a diary of nose bleeds for a week. Of course that was a week when she had just 2 nose bleeds (typical). But she has been seen by a GP today and he looked inside DD's nose and prescribed an antibiotic nasal cream. Hope it works. And hope this info will help others.
  7. Same for all the 4 schools - no professional photos needed
  8. Don't worry about profesional photos. I took my DS's photos my self and in a hall not a Dance studio. Then I let his teacher decide which were the best to send. I did the same 2 years ago with my DD's photos and she was successful in getting a place at more then one Voc. School
  9. I've received an email that my DS's audition will be on 29th November. I'm very pleased with my self - I've already book a hotel. I hope I stay organised and calm until the audition process is over ????
  10. That's good to know Taxi as my DS made up about 50% of the dance together with his teacher. A surprising mix of ballet, street dance/break dance and a touch of contemporary ;-) shame it's too long
  11. Ballet class, modern class, flexibility assessment, 1 minute solo, academic tests (lower school)
  12. I looked up the dates at other school my DS applied for plus checked my work schedule then I ask for the 6th Dec at Tring and was offered it with no problems. I think they will always be as helpful as they can if you need to change dates (as long as they are not full on that day)
  13. I've sent the application on Thursday and heard back from Tring today that my DS is invited to audition on Tue 6th of December. I think he will need to change his solo as its 1min 25 secs long and they say that it can't be longer then one minute
  14. Couple of them were veeery homesick, another few (after realising how difficult,demanding,repetitive ballet training is in vocational school) decided that they don't want to be a dancer any more. Anyway that's what I know and I'm not sure if it's true. Everybody's story is different and there are lots of roads to Rome. Just wanted to point out l that it's possible to get in for year 8 and 9.
  15. Even if not assessed out children leave school anyway. In current year 8: 3 children left during year 7, 2 didn't come back for year 8 after summer. 2 children got in to year 8 last year. So very few places fir year 8 and 9 but it is possible to get in.
  16. In my opinion - definitely don't wear the JA uniform. I agree it's bad manners (please forgive me all of you with children who auditioned wearing the RBS uniform, it's just my opinion and everybody else can disagree and it maybe was a right thing for their children, their favourite leotard, confidence boost etc). I think that apart from the "look at me I'm already with RBS" it isn't just right to wear it in Tring or Hammond. Also there will be children who never got to RBS JAs and would feel that they are not standing a chance at audition when compared with JA children. This of course isn't true at all but children are very sensitive and auditions can be stressful for some so why add to it. I should add that my DD was a JA and didn't wear her JA uniform to any of auditions and got an offer from all 3 schools she tried for. But there were children wearing RBS or Elmhurst leotards so your DD won't be the only one if you decide to wear it. I'll go for flattering leotard which your DD likes the most and feels comfortable wearing it. (Good luck with the ballet teacher. Shame she isn't supportive). Maybe JA teacher will be able to suggest a leotard. My DD's JA teacher helped all of the year 6 girls - and was strongly against wearing the JA leotard.
  17. Thank you for sharing it Lisa. It is completely different to what happens to my DD, the nose bleeds just start for no reason - I've seen it happening many times. But it's good to know about what you have experienced.
  18. She has no allergies. The school rooms are always very clean and have been refurbished over the summer (anyway there is lots of dust in my house I'm sure... ????) I remember I had frequent nose bleeds when I was very young (but not as bad as my DD) and had some kind of treatment to seal the blood vessels with silver nitrate (?)- but this was in a different country
  19. Thank you all for your replies. DS went to his first gymnastic lesson today and loved it! His ballet teacher is happy for him to swap one hour of ballet for gymnastic. She says it will help his flexibility and core strength. So hope one hour of ballet and one hour of gymnastic plus JAs will be enough to get him ready for year 7 auditions. Good thing is that his gym coach reminded him to point his toes, more than once. This will definitely help.
  20. I'm sorry, maybe it's not dance related and needs to be moved to a different place on the forum but maybe there is a link between vocation schools, hours of training, hours being indoors etc and frequent nose bleeds
  21. Anybody with similar problem?. My DD can have up to 3 a day! Usually at least one every other day - that's when she is at school. When at home or away on holiday they still happen but not so often. I know it is comon and not serious (if there is no blood dis-order) but can be problematic sometimes. I hoped that before the heating season starts (when the air in the rooms/studios is dry) the nose bleeds won't be that often but I was wrong. I asked DD to go and see a GP or nurse tomorrow (today was the day with 3 nose bleeds!)
  22. It looks like auditions dates are on their website (even though it still says they will be published later). It's time to take the dreaded photos I think as first day of auditions (for theatre arts) is already full!!
  23. It was an email for the lower school 2 years ago.
  24. That's a problem - this is the only gymnastic class available and the only two ballet classes available. At the moment I've sign him up for a trial gymnastic class for next Monday, so he will miss one ballet lesson. I think I did it hoping that he is not going to like it or will be disappointed that it is a beginners class where he won't lern any spectacular flips etc this year. But at least he will have a go. I think he should carry on with both ballet classes but he disagrees and really want to try gymnastics. The funny thing is that he doesn't won't to be a gymnast, he only want this gymnastic class to learn tricks to improve his contemporary and street dance. (All thanks to "the next step" and YouTube...)
  25. Thank you Lollylamb and Snowflake. I think I need to be more clear about my question. With coming up auditions for year 7 - is it OK to do just one grade 4 ballet class a week and one hour recreational gymnastic (plus ballet associates) or should I stop my DS from doing gymnastic and send him to two grade 4 ballet classes instead of just one.
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