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A few questions about Tring Park


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Is there anyone on her with a DD in the current year 8 at Tring on the dance course. My DD is so excited to be starting year 9 in sept and we just have a few questions we would like to ask someone with experience of the school like how often they're allowed home etc, Is it true they have no contact with parents in the first month (or is this just a rumour). We have many questions so maybe I could pm someone in the know :-)

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Well I have a DS there - and I'm happy to talk to you - I have only positive things to say . If you pm me with your number. - I can call you with pleasure . I have a contact in yr 7 - I could try to put you in touch. . I'm so happy for you - she will absolutely love it . I'm sure that no contact bit must be wrong. !!!

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When my daughter was at Tring, she came home every other weekend, that suited us and her. I think they recommend not stipulate that a child doesn't go home for three weeks just to help the child to settle. But lots of phone calls etc is never a problem. They could have their phones from 6ish until they went to bed, then the phones are collected in. Good luck, everything will be fine.

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Yes, it's right that it is a recommendation rather than anything else. There was one girl in my DD's year who went home every weekend right from the very first. Unfortunately she didn't ever really bond with the school and the other children and she did leave at the end of her first year. I'm sure this probably would have happened anyway, but I do think the school may be talking from experience!


Edited to add that I might have come across rather harsh there! I'm sure your children will settle in absolutely fine like the vast majority. I know it's hard, but the more relaxed you can be about it the better! We've always had loads of phone contact with our DD (less so now she's in year 10) but I do think there is a huge amount to be said for giving them the time and opportunity to bond.

Edited by Regattah
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Tring now has WIFI so the children can SKYPE every evening (if they remember they have family!! lol).  It is true that they can have their phones from 6pm to bedtime.  The first Exeat is usually the 2nd weekend so the children can have time to settle in, then on roughly every 3rd weekend. My daughter has been at Tring for 5 years now, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask x

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Tring now has WIFI so the children can SKYPE every evening (if they remember they have family!! lol).  It is true that they can have their phones from 6pm to bedtime.  The first Exeat is usually the 2nd weekend so the children can have time to settle in, then on roughly every 3rd weekend. My daughter has been at Tring for 5 years now, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask x

On exeat weekends do they leave on the Friday after lessons or the Saturday morning?

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Congratulations ...i only have great things to say about Tring since my dd started lower sixth last sept. The sixth formers help the lower school in the eve with homework for an hour and theres lots if interaction. Your dd will be well looked after with all the bonuses of great academics. Rest well knowing she is getting the best of all worlds plus coming home for exeat every two to three weeks. Makes time together even more special.

pm me if you want to chat more.

Celebrate well! X

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  • 3 weeks later...

We didn't audition this year because DD was put off by worrying it being too performing arts rather than just dance plus the boarding area looked bit tired... but thinking of it for next year (yr 10 entry) so any feedback on how much dance v. singing/drama, etc would be lovely (plus reassurances on the boarding side!).

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My DS absolutely loves it there . I think the facilities for boarding are pretty good - maybe boys accommodation is a little more modern , but the girls is very homely . I don't actually think they notice their surroundings , after a tiring day which finishes at 8 30 in year 10 , they just want to sleep ! DS doesn't do any singing or drama . He does ballet , solos , pas de deux , contemporary , jazz , modern. . ( he could if he wanted also do tap ) . RAD is optional on a Saturday . The standard is very high . Also the academic side is brilliant , and they can do a wide range of A Levels .- DS hoping to take Maths , Physics and photography .

DS previously at Hammond , which offers more of an all round performance training ,(and also a great school )hence our move to Tring , as DS is classical through and through . However nowadays even the classical dancers need to be able to turn their hands ( or feet ) to other styles , and I think Tring get the balance just right . This is the dance course I am talking about , as there is also a Musical Theatre course at Tring . I think they call it TA . Hope this helps a bit .

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Thank you tutugirl, really great to hear first hand what it's like and nice that they really can just do dance. Think the boarding became more of an issue having been to elmhurst where they have very modern twin or single rooms with en-suites!!


My DD was put off at the open day by all the talk about singing/drama at auditions... plus she really didn't want to do tap!! (maybe that's optional from what you are saying- it wasn't very clear when we looked around)


But beginning to regret decision not to apply as now have to wait another year!! Oh well, she is applying for the classical ballet academy instead so fingers crossed for that.

Good luck to all those heading for Tring in September... will follow posts with interest!


Thanks again for the info.

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I can only say great things about Tring. Its more of an experience than dd and i ever expected. She has had the pleasure to dance with tutugirls son and he is amazing.

Even though a classical career is her dream she is also being able to experience wonderful jazz and contemporary classes and that can only serve well in getting a job at the end.

My dd is also learning piano from someone on the music course, drama skills from mt and drama students and life skills by being front of house at events.

If you are keen and want to learn...its a great place. Accommodation is fine, food is good and always available and pastoral has exceeded my expectations.

Most of all tho i think our dc 'feel' where they want to be. Tring wasnt top on list till we went there for open day. Then it became the place.

Your dc will also know where its right for them.

For us Tring works and dd has become a true Tringaling....!

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Have just dropped DD off for the Easter course, she also does the CBA and have to say I am so impressed with the teaching and the enthusiasm they put into their associate programs. From what I've experienced of Tring so far I think it's amazing and can't wait for her to start in September :-) My DD is without a doubt a classical dancer but as she loves all dance styles I think Tring is going to be the best place for her and she loved the accommodation :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all

Not been on here for ages my dd starts tring park in sept year 7 she so excited but at the same time bit sad coz her dance school does not like tring they are very royal ballet and seem to believe that if you paying you get the place anyway can anyone tell me if you think the training on the dance course equally as good? I feel we made the right choice choosing tring. Also do the boys and girls have a transition day like they do in other schools? Xxxx

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Well I know talented students who could pay fees not get offered dance course so ignore that comment for starters.


My ds chose Tring sixth form over multiple offers and we got similar disdain, possibly more as he trained at WL for 5 years.


Id be lying if I said it was perfect but for my ds the dance training was excellent and he ended up being one of the first from his peers at WL getting a contract. We certainly felt the training as equal if not better at times.(Especially classical and pas de deux)


Pupils of mine who went at year 7 were very happy and I have friends who also liked the first three years in particular.


You have to go with whats best for you. No one place is right for everyone, its very much down to what the individual makes of it. For example I loved my time at Hammond whereas others who went at the same time, were in the same class etc, hated it. That didnt mean it was a bad school!


Good luck. Sorry I dont know the answer to the question about transition days.

Edited by hfbrew
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Thanks for those comments it is nice to hear from someone who knows both. My dd loved tring from the moment she saw it and she did summer school last year which confirmed her choice. We wanted her to be happy with the dance course but also feel happy with the academic side as that just as important xx

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