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Central Results

Dancer's Driver

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She has chosen Central based on her preferences. She is a beautiful ballet dancer but from the same 'stable' I.e. dance school is Tom who was the only UK dancer in the finals of the Prix. She is able to make the choice based on her ability and preferences as well as taking the funding into account. She is doin by well this week at our local festival that I help run and has been a pleasure to watch in all sections.

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I understand that they get quite a lot turning down offers so think it's best to send them out gradually, I don't know why they can't just send out all results together, just with a lot of waiting list letters. Do they think that people don't like being on a waiting list? I'd rather that than just not hear. Times have changed, and these days it's easier for everyone to find out that letters have gone out - it's not like the "old days" where you might just have a the odd phone number of other auditionees to check up on.


(And with the funding changes I think they'll actually get fewer turning down places now - it's a good school and perhaps the only affordable choice for many. When my son was auditioning it was his third choice out of his offers, but if it were this year, it would be a different matter - couldn't have afforded the others!)

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DD also on the waiting list.....so the wait goes on for us too.....


does anyone know if they offer all applicants a waiting list place or are there just a few? (DD a bit upset at having to wait even longer for an answer)


On the bright side, at least its not a 'No' ;)



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Not everyone goes on the waiting list and dancers do get in later in the summer, but I think it may well be harder this year as places at Central may be more in demand because of the funding situation.


Well done for getting this far but I do feel for you having to wait longer.

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Not sure how many on waiting list but friend of my DS got in off waiting last last year. Slightly strange thing was (if I have story correct) that offer letter was dated day before waiting list letter even though it was sent out later. It suggested to us that they are genuinely prepared to offer places from waiting list although agree that this year it might be less likely.

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my dd has had her letter today no offer as of yet on waiting list!!! What does that mean, not sure where to go from hear.  Has been offered a place at northern but waiting on Dada funding


Does anyone know anyone who is in that same boat ?

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DD also on the waiting list.....so the wait goes on for us too.....


does anyone know if they offer all applicants a waiting list place or are there just a few? (DD a bit upset at having to wait even longer for an answer)


On the bright side, at least its not a 'No' ;)




Well done to your dd Dragonlady fingers crossed she gets a place. As we know after all the funding auditions there will be lots of movement.

It must be encouraging to know that Central acknowledge the talent your dd shows for a classical career. 


Well done to all who gained a place and fingers crossed for those still waiting!

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Hi I joined this morning to ask if anyone was still waiting to hear, as my son had not had a letter or email however when he checked his email this pm he has been offered a place for September., One very happy son and one very apprehensive mother .

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Hi I joined this morning to ask if anyone was still waiting to hear, as my son had not had a letter or email however when he checked his email this pm he has been offered a place for September., One very happy son and one very apprehensive mother .


Congratulations to your DS.

I have a DS who is in the second year at Central. Do PM (personal message) me if you want more information/reassurance.

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Thank you for the warm welcome. I have lurked on and off for the last three years since my son started on his CAT.

It is the accommodation that worries me most as he is not 16 til June and as others have said not very streetwise.

I will be pming you Lottie. Thank you for that offer. It is so exciting but he's my youngest and I'm not sure I'm ready to let him go but he's sure he's ready to fly !

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I am afraid there are quite a few that are waiting for e-mails or letters. :(


As a family, we have given it until the end of the month for places to be sorted out and if DD has heard nothing by then, we will consider it as a 'No'. I do know of dancers who have been offered places at several schools including Central but given the current DADA situation, we are hearing all too often that they are accepting Central places as they cannot afford the full fees at the other schools, despite -sometimes- Central not being high on their list of desirable places to go.   This is not meant to start an argument about how good/bad Central is, just that dancers who may have previously turned Central down in favour of ENB or Elmhurst are re-thinking because of finances.


I KNOW Central is a brilliant school and DD would preffer to go here than some other places :D In the meantime we bite our fingernails (DD) and drink red wine (me!) and hope to get lucky!!!



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Please don't despair! Central are well know for not being organised jn the office department, I know from previous experience and mums!

I would call them and say is there any news as its upsetting the dc who are hearing other people have heard:(

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Yes, I called them on Monday.


They said they could not give out any information on the waiting lists (not even to say how many there were on it). I think that until you are in the middle of something like this and can empathise, the school admins (accross all schools, ballet or normal) do not realise what stress this all causes.


Maybe someone else had better luck than me. (edit) in finding out numbers/chances etc.




edited for clarity

Edited by Dragonlady
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Yes, I called them on Monday.


They said they could not give out any information on the waiting lists (not even to say how many there were on it). I think that until you are in the middle of something like this and can empathise, the school admins (accross all schools, ballet or normal) do not realise what stress this all causes.


Maybe someone else had better luck than me. (edit) in finding out numbers/chances etc.




edited for clarity

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My dd is on waiting list too & literally tearing her hair out everyday with not knowing whether she is going in Sept or not. Can't even concentrate on anything else & is heartbroken to think she may not be able to continue with her ballet training. (I'm a single parent working on a low income & almost bankrupt trying to maintain the cost of her training over the past few years). I emailed the school on Mon to see if we could be given any indication of length of waiting list so we can be more realistic, but have not had a reply.

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