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Sheet music


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dd had an audition at a dance school where she sang but along to a instrumental cd.this was optional.she has another audition coming up and the solo vocal is compulsory BUT with sheet music.i can order the sheet music but they need to know what key it's in.I've asked her dance/musical theatre teacher and she oesnt know.do you hink the key will be the same as the recording of the musical? she's never sang with a pianist so shes a bit nervous.i used  to play piano but havent touched one for 19 years.might try and borrow a keyboard and let her practice,even if it's only to the melody.i have rang the school and its not an option to sing without music or with a cd.the audition letter says no preparation required!?!

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Sheet music is not always in the same key as the number from the recording of the musical. Could you find the first sheet of the music online (or see if you can borrow the score of the musical from the library - or from a local musical theatre group?), then borrow a keyboard and work out by listening to the recording then playing the music whether it's in the same key? Is her musical theatre teacher able to assist? Or is there a music teacher at her school who could help?

The issue you may find is that the sheet music is written in a key that is accessible for all levels of pianist, ie it's often transcribed to the easiest key for the pianist - which isn't always a good key or the easiest key for the singer. Depending on the song, it may still be comfortable for your DD in a different key, but she would need to practice so that she is confident. (If the key is similar, she may not even notice that it's different from the recording.)

If the accompanist at the audition is experienced, they will be able to transcribe the sheet music to the correct key as they play it; but that means that you will need to find out what key your DD is used to singing in and then rely on the accompanist being experienced and musical enough to do that...

It may also be worthwhile asking if any of the accompanists for your local musical theatre or operatic groups would be prepared to help, whether by transcribing the sheet music if necessary or by playing for your DD so that she is used to singing with a pianist. A tip for her is to tell the pianist how fast she would like them to play, if necessary by singing the first couple of bars quietly to them and to let the, know if she would like them to slow down, etc, at any point in song - and to remember that the pianist should, if experienced, follow her rather than expecting her to adjust to their preferred way of playing the song. That's a big ask for a lot of 10-11 year olds, which is why a short run through with an accompanist, if at all possible, would be really helpful! Perhaps her musical theatre teacher knows of someone, or her school music teacher.

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I very much agree that it's difficult to transpose at sight, picturesinthefirelight, which is why I was dubious about relying on the accompanist being up to it - if they are used to playing for auditions then it's possible, but certainly not a given. (does your husband teach at a vocational school? How lovely if smallbythesea's DD might be lucky enough to have him accompanying her ;-) )


I agree that the song is an unusual choice for a 10-11 year old - and it seems to be in D flat major, from the small copy of the first sheet I found online. Not many accompanists' first choice I should imagine! Are there any other songs your DD could choose, smallbythesea? It may be easier to get hold of sheet music for another song she knows?

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Yes he does teach at a vocational school.ge used to teach for several post 16 Musicsl theatre colleges. He plays for upper school auditions but not lower school so far.


D flat major wow. Nice key!


Dh is a fab sight reader. The only thing that nearly defeated him was when he was helping someone prepare for an audition for Charlie and the choc factory. That music was wonderful but a pig to play!!!

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My non dd sings and uses the audition books that come with a cd - you can usually borrow these from the library. Obviously as the CD recording is in the same key as the music in the book, she can practice with the cd and be confident that it will be the same on audition day with the accompaniment. I haven't come across that particular song in the books that we have so might take a bit of searching or a change of song! Good luck! 

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Smallbythesea.... My dd asked her music teacher at her primary school for help... We purchased the sheet music online which was as instant as a PDF file then her teacher played it with her so she got used to it. I think she even sang it to the whole school to practise ;)

I can give you the web address for the sheet music if you like?


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Hi Guys


Thanks for the responses.


It wouldn't have been dd first choice either. She went in for her private lesson with 4 songs & came out with that one as her dance&musical theatre teacher said it suited her voice. I must admit she does sound lovely singing it.


I have ordered the sheet music & borrowed a keyboard,so we have just under 2 weeks to practice. eek!


School cant help as they have a lot of shows&competitions on.


I'm unable to download from internet as printer is currently broke! So music shop are going to do it for me.


At the end of the day,its a dance audition,I will practice with her & the letter does say the vocal solo has no bearing on the result of the audition & no prep required, but obviously the more prepared she is,the more comfortable she will feel. It is the last part of the audition day thankfully.


Apparently,when she last auditioned, they loved her choice of song. Apparently the musical theatre teacher there had choreographed the musical.I suppose its different if nothing else.


I have a feeling my dd is auditioning for the same school as your dd last year charlie4dancin.xx Hope she gets better soon.x



Edited by smallbythesea
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Hi Smallbythesea, I have a feeling that your dd is auditioning for the same school as mine did.  I just went out to the music shop a couple of days before the audition and bought a song book with cd as suggested above.  DD is not really a singer, she is has a sweet but not strong voice, so chose a song she could also act out - I think it was from the Sound of Music. Anyway, she got in.  Good luck to your dd. When is the audition?

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Break a leg for your DD, smallbythesea! She will have practised with you and as picturesinthefirelight says that the accompanists are good, neither she nor you need worry; they will take their lead from your DD and make her as relaxed as possible.


It can be really good to choose a less usual song; your DD will stand out and be remembered - and for all the right reasons I'm sure, as she had such good feedback and the offer of a place from her Tring audition ;-)

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I think you could be lucky depending on the pianist on the day- we used a song from sheet music/cd book that dd had done for song and dance in festivals but dance teacher had lowered cd by a semi tone. I wrote 'please play one semitone lower' on sheet music and dd said it was as she usually sang it, so I think pianist did as asked! Dd is very happy at the school and singing lessons are amazing. Good luck- dd may speak to your dd in the canteen at lunchtime as she said she was looking out for auditionees as she remembers how it felt last year!

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Why not opt to sing without music at all. Just using your voice with no background music will enable you to use your own key, range, speed and dynamics.

You can play with your choice of song and really show off! Make it your own, instead of trying to sound like the cover version of the song.

Just a thought!

J x

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Justamum- I've already asked if she can sing without music & it's a definite no.


Karen- bless your dd, it would be lovely if she does that, that's very thoughtful of her.


Thanks everyone for the good wishes, she is really looking forward to the day. She is one of the lucky ones who gets a nervous excitement before auditions/performances which is then transferred positively into her dancing.




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Smallbythesea good luck to your dd,

my dd is at the school she absolutely loves the singing and the music lessons there, signing was never her strongest point and she was always a little aprehensive about it, but now she's loves it when I brought her and friend back for half term they were sat in the back of the car singing away to a number song it was amazing !!!

Hope she enjoys her day xx????

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