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Ballet at Tring

Hannah 78

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I just wanted to ask about ballet at Tring. I have seen so many people who have been offered MDS funding at Tring turn it down. Is there a reason? Looking at it for next year but am concerned by what seems to be everyone turning it down. Know of a few people there who love it but would like to find out more. Child would have to board .

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No school is for everyone, maybe they received other offers that they preferred.
I personally have not heard of lots of people turning down places but I don't know anyone who has applied for this year (not sure if you were referring only to applications for this year.)

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7 minutes ago, Jan McNulty said:

Hello @Hannah 78 and welcome to the Forum!


I've added a couple of tags at the top of the thread which may bring up previous threads that still contain useful information.

I have searched the forum and couldn’t find anything in particular but thanks 

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Everyone has their own opinion. It depends how important academic qualifications are too. As a bigger school Tring has more subjects available. RBS may be the big name but I wonder how many parents are aware that the course is only for Yr 7 - 9 and very few British pupils progress to Yr 10 and beyond.

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16 minutes ago, Pas de Quatre said:

Everyone has their own opinion. It depends how important academic qualifications are too. As a bigger school Tring has more subjects available. RBS may be the big name but I wonder how many parents are aware that the course is only for Yr 7 - 9 and very few British pupils progress to Yr 10 and beyond.

I like the look of Tring and like that academic qualifications are valued too. I don’t like idea of boarding but I can see why it works once they get to a certain age. I just worry since so many turn it down when MDS funding is so hard to get at Tring . 

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No school guarantees a career. Try not to worry about what others do. You need to go where you think is the right choice for you and your Dd. Classical ballet jobs are hard to come by so Tring is a good option as it can provide training in lots of other genres. Their academics are good too.

Some dancers decline MDS because they decide they are too young to go away.

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Two of the most stunning young dancers I’ve seen (both currently in their final year at RBS upper school) were both at Tring prior to going to RBS. Just to point out also that the reverse also happens - I’ve seen at least one dancer turn down a place at RBS to be in Tring and a few who turned down places at Elmhurst to train at Tring (in recent years). 

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I wouldn’t take anything from the fact that some people turn down Tring - people are just trying to find the school that suits them best and often the same kids who have been offered MDS at Tring will have offers from other schools too. It stands to reason they can only choose one. Others will have turned down places to choose Tring if they thought it suited them best.


I don’t have personal experience of the school so can’t comment on it but lots of people seem very happy with it and there is a huge amount of movement between the different vocational schools with lots of students moving either to or from Tring at various stages. 

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A couple of years ago there were 5 students at RBS upper school from Tring ( one had just graduated) That's probably more than from White Lodge!

From personal experience, the Ballet training is exceptional and from experience also, exceeds other well known establishments. This is personal experience and opinion as we've experienced both.

My dd always remembers the positive energy and vibe which really brought out the best in her. This is not the case with all schools.

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2 hours ago, invisiblecircus said:

No school is for everyone, maybe they received other offers that they preferred.
I personally have not heard of lots of people turning down places but I don't know anyone who has applied for this year (not sure if you were referring only to applications for this year.)

I also can't comment on the past couple of years but I would find it unusual. Tring seems to have gone from strength to even stronger recently.

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It’s genuinely personal choice  My DD had Tring as first choice, but by finals just didn’t get the vibe she wanted from it during auditions.  Whereas she walked into her current school and loved it. 

She was also 14yrs old so knew what she wanted, and had already been to a normal secondary.  

MDS is also only a percentage, maybe that percentage wasn’t enough.  It’s hard to find out finance details before you are offered it.

I wouldn’t worry, just go for what feels best

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My daughter was at Tring. She chose to leave since she no longer wished to dance professionally, but two years later she still says she sometimes wishes she was back there :) It is a great school: the dance training, academics and pastoral care (the three key factors for us) were all excellent. Based on what I had read elsewhere about the other ‘big’ schools in relation to these three things it was the only vocational option we were prepared to consider for her. Getting a career in dance is nigh impossible (see other threads) so good academics and strong mental health are crucial. I believe we were justified in our choice. People are often seduced by the ‘name’, as may be the case with the MDA awards, but a bit of digging can easily reveal much more about what’s important to you. 

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My DS left another vocational school ( by choice ) and moved to Tring at year 9 .

Upon graduation he went straight into a company .

The classical and contemporary training at Tring is phenomenally good.

This combination led to his gaining the contract . Contemporary is so important .

The pastoral care was amazing . 
He gained Maths and Physics A levels with good grades , and another qualification , the name of which escapes me , but DS tells me that it was paramount in gaining that first contract .

I don’t have a bad word to say .

Look at the Cecchetti competition results in recent years . Tring swept the board .

Happy for anyone to pm me . I’m a dance teacher and have / have had students at most of the schools discussed .

I also highly recommend Moorlands .

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  • 1 month later...

H! My DS is attending y11 at Tring at the moment. He has joined in year 10 from another big school where he became so despondent that I wasn’t sure he would dance again! 
They had picked him up, put a spark in his eye again and the teaching has been absolutely fantastic! I cannot fault them and the new principal is bringing such a fresh approach and ideas and The future of the school is one to watch!

Saying that, my son is not staying for upper school but only because his real passion is classical ballet and thanks to their teaching he is off to Europe on a new adventure!

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Posted (edited)

It’s important to listen to your own gut instinct & to assess best fit for each individual…

also, beware listening to all the noise around auditions & offers…. There is often a lot of ‘oh, we had MDS offers from all the schools so had to turn down X/Y/Z as A was the only place we wanted’ or ‘we had MDS offer but only went for the experience as never planned to go away’ etc etc etc. Some of these stories may be true….but sometimes there may just be a teeny little bit of parental bragging/fantasy…


Edited by Peanut68
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