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Can I start ballet at 15?


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I've always wanted to do ballet ever since I was young but im really shy and struggle with social anxiety and overall just have low confidence in myself , I rather blend in with the crowd. I'm 15 around 5'3 and I'm 43kg (not the healthiest weight) I work out at home but really don't have any muscle or anything it's just to tone my body I guess. I was wondering would i be able to start ballet , also some words of encouragement from people who also suffer from social anxiety and low confidence on how they managed to start maybe?  Thank you! 

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Hello bbeck and welcome to the Forum!


I've moved your post to the Doing Dance forum where all things to do with doing dance are discussed.


I've never been a dancer but reading this forum it is possible to start ballet at any age and get a huge amount of pleasure from it.  Although you are not yet an adult I have added the adult tags to the thread as there is loads of information about people taking up ballet at an older age for recreational purposes.


No-one ever believes me but I am really shy and suffered when I was young with social anxiety.  I was lucky that one of my bosses put me forward as a member of a working group of people from diverse companies.  It is no word of a lie to say I was terrified but I forced myself to do it and, after a few meetings, I realised that a number of members felt the same.  By then I was the secretary because I could hide behind minute taking but I went out of my way to say hello to people when they arrived.  I found it hard but got used to it and that helped me gain confidence in all sorts of situations.


Now I am a dog walker and I say hello to everyone!  Dog walkers tend to be very sociable, even if it is only commenting on the weather, and that helps too.


Probably not much use to you but this has been my experience over the years.



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16 minutes ago, Jan McNulty said:

Hello bbeck and welcome to the Forum!


I've moved your post to the Doing Dance forum where all things to do with doing dance are discussed.


I've never been a dancer but reading this forum it is possible to start ballet at any age and get a huge amount of pleasure from it.  Although you are not yet an adult I have added the adult tags to the thread as there is loads of information about people taking up ballet at an older age for recreational purposes.


No-one ever believes me but I am really shy and suffered when I was young with social anxiety.  I was lucky that one of my bosses put me forward as a member of a working group of people from diverse companies.  It is no word of a lie to say I was terrified but I forced myself to do it and, after a few meetings, I realised that a number of members felt the same.  By then I was the secretary because I could hide behind minute taking but I went out of my way to say hello to people when they arrived.  I found it hard but got used to it and that helped me gain confidence in all sorts of situations.


Now I am a dog walker and I say hello to everyone!  Dog walkers tend to be very sociable, even if it is only commenting on the weather, and that helps too.


Probably not much use to you but this has been my experience over the years.



Thank you! 

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Hi bbeck and welcome from me too.  As Janet says, anyone can start to learn ballet at any age (and height/weight)!  It’s a wonderful hobby, great for toning and posture, and can be a lovely way to make friends.  There’s not much time for “small talk” during class, so don’t worry too much about the social side of things to start off with - you’ll be too busy concentrating!


One of the friendliest classes my daughter ever took was Adult ballet at Royal Academy of Dance Headquarters; she was taking A’levels so was a little bit older than you, had non-syllabus Adult advanced ballet just before her Advanced 2 class, and despite being very shy, had made friends with dancers of all ages in the non-syllabus class.  All the dancers were so welcoming and kind to her, and in the non-syllabus class, few were working towards exams, but were dancing purely for pleasure and exercise.  As long as you’re realistic and don’t expect to have a career as a ballerina, it doesn’t matter a bit how old you are when you start, or how tall you are, how much you weigh, or what you wear.  Ballet can be for everyone.


I don’t know if you are within travelling distance of RAD HQ or have any Adult/teen beginner classes near you?  



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There's no reason not to start ballet if it's something you want to do.  I started at 40 and love it.  It's so much fun and I feel so good when I do it.  


I mean if you want to be a prima ballerina you're probably out of luck at 15 but there's no reason you can't enjoy ballet for leisure as many others do.  

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  • Ian Macmillan changed the title to Can I start ballet at 15?

You can start taking class at any age  - although 15  may pose a bit of a problem if there  isn't a specific ' teen beginner' class  near you  and teachers are wary of having a ' still at school' age person in their adult classes  ( usual  slight  overreaction to safeguarding  stuff  applies).

there are plenty of people who start taking class in their 20s, 30s, 40 or 50s  who  who dance to a decent level and perform as amateurs

as has been said a  touch of realism my be needed  as to any aspirations to  dance with a Major ballet company , but there are people who start  ( or  restart  having given up as a little one)  in their mid  teens  who do get  into Contemporoary and/or MT/ triple threat  professional training 

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38 minutes ago, taxi4ballet said:

Teenagers aged 14/15 do decide to start ballet, often as a result of taking GCSE dance at school. Most dance schools will have had enquiries from teen beginners before, so why don't you contact a couple of local dance schools and see what they can offer you?


Definitely.  I'm sure if you give us an indication where you are in the country we might be able to make recommendations (bearing in mind that different people like different things in teachers).  


As NJH says not all adult classes take people under 18 (I know my teacher won't) but there should be a fair number that will.  


Find a class and try it and see if you enjoy it and then see what else you might enjoy.  


Also don't worry about your weight, your height or anything else.  If you love the dance then it doesn't matter whether you're the ideal physical type for it.  Dance because you want to and ignore everyone who says you can't.  


Nothing feels as good as dancing and it's also wonderful for your confidence.   Dancing has given me a belief in myself.  When I have a difficult meeting or a difficult moment coming up I put my Egyptian dance coinbelt on and shimmy until I'm smiling.  Ballet can be frustrating but when it works and I get the sequence right, when I feel my leg in the passe getting higher and my plie in second getting deeper then I know I can do anything.  

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