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Wrong Headline in Telegraph Photo

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Yet again, a newspaper puts a photo of a ballet at the head of an article and labels it incorrectly.  This time, The Telegraph has written an article about the missing harpist in Swan Lake on June 8th.  At the top of the article there is a photo, and it is accompanied by the words:  "Koen Kessels after another performance of Swan Lake."  Except that it's Giselle.  This sloppiness is happening more and more, it would seem.  Doesn't anybody ever check these things?  You'd think that at least The Telegraph would be a bit more punctilious, but I guess not.  Hey, let's just grab the nearest photo of a ballet, no-one will know the difference.


Sorry, I'm feeling particularly grumpy today because I now have the prospect of four ballet-free months ahead of me!!   :(

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There was a photo in the Evening Standard the other day about a businessman which mentioned that he was a major donor to the Royal Ballet School (photo) - except that, in the quite large photo of a couple dancing a pas de deux, the girl looked exactly like Laurretta Summerscales, who didn't train at the RBS.

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Thank you, Lizbie.  I guess that explains my perceptions over the past year that their headlines are frequently being written by a grouchy teenager (and probably one who reads the Daily Mail, too) :( 

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Wrong photo aside, this was an interesting article! I didn't know it was Koen Kessels playing the piano. It wasn't perfect (how could it be?) but it was a valiant effort and certainly saved the day. And I didn't see anyone walk out (except the dozy ones who thought there was an interval after Act I, and they quickly returned when the penny dropped). But I'm glad this was indeed a 'rare and extraordinary circumstance' and I hope (and am sure that) the ROH will try to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

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