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Everything posted by Sim

  1. They are probably hoping that he will make it to 25 years!
  2. I've just watched the whole programme (except for the introduction; I don't speak a word of German). It's so lovely to see some tradition, and so many young people keeping it up. Nice little piece from Ratmansky. I must try to read about this event; I watch bits of it every year but I would love to know more about it, who all the young people are who participate, etc. Is it the equivalent of the debutantes ball that we used to have here in the UK, or can anybody be picked? It brought a lump to my throat to see a couple with Down's Syndrome participating so beautifully. Thank you for posting the link, @Angela
  3. Alessandra Ferri posted on Instagram that she was there too.
  4. Oh yes again. She’s a wonderful dance actress.
  5. I do too. Itziar doesn’t have the prominence she deserves. She is excellent in everything she does. Her Tatiana in Onegin a few years ago was heartbreaking.
  6. I am particularly pleased for Claire who only got one go last time.
  7. Wow, that's an original excuse. I wonder who came up with that one?!
  8. I have to disagree with the comments about Reece's acting last night. I do agree that he can sometimes seem a bit wooden, but last night he let go and for me, was heartbreaking. The look of hurt and pain on his face in Act 2, when he never took his eyes off Manon; in Act 3 when he had to stand helpless and watch the gaoler abusing his love, then lying on the ground with her, so worried and in such despair. The changes on his face in the final pdd, veering from happy and hopeful and encouraging ('come on, you can do this, then we can go away from here') to abject desolation when he realises there is no hope, then his whole body going limp with sadness at the end. Throughout the ballet, the passion with which he partners and relates to Osi/Manon, the way he looks at her....to me it felt entirely natural. They both took us on a journey which, thanks to their interpretations in the Act 2 pdd, we all knew could only end in tragedy. I felt the premonition of doom in that pdd, and it made me so sad. For me, this ballet only really works when both leads feed off each other, and dive deep. These two have a very empathetic partnership. Reece allows Natalia to shine in her own way and as only she can. There is no competition for being the centre of attention. Conversely, Natalia brings things out of Reece that only she can. This comes from years of dancing so closely together. I could sit here and write an essay about Natalia's Manon, all the little touches that make it so special. Maybe I will, but time is against me at the moment. I loved the rest of the cast as well: Alex Campbell a conniving Lescaut but still caring deeply for his sister and feeling the guilt about what he has done to her. Mayara Magri an alluring Mistress. Lukas BB a truly nasty Gaoler. I think there is room for more characterisation, but for a second go, it was pretty good. The girls coming off the ship clutch their heads mostly from shame and humiliation, but also to show us how sick they are after their horrible journey. Regarding that scene...I seem to remember in previous runs that the townspeople were much more involved with the girls, e.g. running to help them stand up, putting a comforting arm around them, but it seems to me that that isn't happening anymore? A very special night and I do hope they make it available on the screening as I would love to see it again.
  9. I saw Susan Hampshire but wasn’t sure if it was her. She is often there. Missed Ralph!
  10. I spotted John Major and Eddie Redmayne in the audience tonight. I’m sure they enjoyed it as much as we did!
  11. What a deeply emotional and heartbreakingly passionate performance from Osipova/Clarke tonight. It took my breath away.
  12. Sadly Yasmine isn’t dancing in the triple at all. I don’t know about the rest of the missing casts, I’m afraid.
  13. Ah well. I bought tickets for two shows and it is the same cast for all three ballets. Will see if I can do a swap closer to the time.
  14. I am not making 'bold assumptions' about anyone retiring. I'm just being realistic; no-one can go on forever. So those dancers in their early 40s probably only have a few years left to dance at the level required by the RB. If Yasmine has had lots of press coverage it has passed me by. Francesca Hayward, yes. Anna-Rose? Virtually nothing. Mayara? Yes, especially with Matthew Ball...and of course she now has representation so is getting more exposure. Sarah Lamb? Virtually nothing over the years. She doesn't promote herself either. Neither did Laura Morera. They didn't self-promote, nor did they get any coverage generated by the internal ROH machine. So these two consummate artists remain virtually unknown outside of ballet fans. ANYWAY....we are now diverting away from Manon a bit too far. Mea culpa. If anyone would like to continue the discussion please start a new thread. Thank you.
  15. Oh no. That is incredibly annoying and disappointing for anyone who has booked that matinee specifically to see him dance one last time. People from outside of Brum might have already booked train tickets as well as show tickets. Very poor show from BRB.
  16. This is the whole issue. The dancers are often having to do it themselves (or via their PR agent) because it is not being done from within the ROH. Once the current 'big names' (Nunez, Osipova, Cuthbertson) do retire within the next few years, they will need to replace those names. They should be starting now, but I don't see it happening yet. Hopefully this will change.
  17. From what I’ve read Nureyev had quite a crush on him too!
  18. I had such a crush on Jorge Donn. In the mid-70s I lived in Switzerland and saw Bejart's company a couple of times, and they were on TV a lot in those days. I then moved to London and kind of lost touch with the company, so I can't really form an educated opinion either. I will just say that I hope they can now move forward and turn the page with new direction at the top.
  19. I ate in the Crush Room once, as someone's guest. The food is all cold as they don't have proper kitchen, but it was very good (and no doubt very expensive but I didn't see the menu!). I think we ate in peace and people only start tramping through when the bells go. However, this was about 10 years ago so I can't comment on what it's like now.
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