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Everything posted by Katymac

  1. Well she is 100 miles away & it's really tricky They say she can't audition for them with a monologue they have helped her with Oh know I wonder if that is the same for songs - I must check - songs are easier as I understand them
  2. It's a disaster - After all year of working on her monologue for auditions her college has said she has to have a new one for 3 weeks time She really isn't a great actor & leans towards the funny & can't do accents - she is 17, mixed race & a typical 'dancer' So any suggestions?
  3. Awwww, sorry for the nos & congratulations for the yeses It's such a roller-coaster of emotions Sheila - DD sent to a FB message for your competition!
  4. Thanks DD loved it - they played a track from Memphis which she has seen, got the CD & she had a ball! Her friends say they have never seen her dance like that!
  5. I'm sorry they didn't say anything & there was no opportunity to ask
  6. Thanks Last year we were the same & it is so scary; I have to say thought the pre-voc was the right decision for DD lots of things will be easier for her this year so she can concentrate on studying more Which was something I never thought of last year
  7. I'm sorry Sarah, I don't know We are at Bird today & if earanything I'll post There was a lot of movement later on last year wwrt funding/places ect - so good luck
  8. Dh is the opposite Couldn't see why I was insisting DD did GCSEs, couldn't see why she might need more than Maths & English; doesn't understand why a Level 6 qualification or a degree or a three year course are necessary - realistically she should just start auditioning..... Sometimes you just can't win
  9. Tenacity - trying, failing, trying again (& again, & again)
  10. It's even worse that they think it's acceptable to say it Some did it by misdirection - her hair will never be a 'proper Ballet bun' or obviously she doesn't have the right 'body type' for ballet or even 'well she could hardly be a cygnet in Swan Lake could she?'
  11. Well DD had an MDS, now has been offerd a DaDA & is also Mixed Race; I hope she got these plus the additional scholarships & subsidised associate places because of her ability not her colour! It is thought to take 3 generations for children to assimilate into a country's culture (Ballet, Opera, Horse Riding, Cricket) - as DD's dad was born in Jamaicia it has skipped a couple - possibly because of me - we went without so DD could go swimming, gym, Brownies etc, possibly because as her dad was medically retired & retrained as a ballroom teacher & taught her - who knows But it's a good job she wants to do Musical Theatre as I have lost count of the number of people (teachers/examiners included) who thought it pointless to do Ballet, as Black girls (she isn't black she is mixed!!) can't do Ballet at a high level (which I know to be untrue) Edited to add physiological differences are real - DD has White ankles but a black bum/hips!!
  12. & I emailed CDET & they don't know what income is used to calculate it! Which shocked me
  13. Thanks Jane - I thought so, but I only went back 2 pages & couldn't find the thread (it's on page 4 http://www.balletcoforum.com/index.php?/topic/8853-dada-application/)& when I searched I got so many responses I got confused My brain isn't big enough for everything I do.....I used to have a memory but I replaced it with a forgettory which is much more efficient than my memory ever was
  14. Thanks again everyone - you do 'get it' I've sent her off to Disney in Covent Garden to buy a Disney mug - a suitable reward for gaining a 3yr diploma with funding imo By co-incidence her old Ballet teacher is taking her children to see Lion King this afternoon & meeting DD afterwards; DD & the children are going backstage!! We couldn't afford a ticket but she still gets a treat
  15. Just remind me: They can accept a DaDA & keep doing auditions & accept other ones? & then in May the DaDA people say "Make up your mind" Is that right?? & no registration fees or holding fees if you can only go with the DaDA My mind is whirrling
  16. What I don't get is how they think DD wopld be better doing a Btec in Catering or Child development rather than this Alevels are out of the question at our local college; I know very clever (A*) girls doing 4/5 hours a night self study....so no out of school dance then!
  17. DD has just sent me "Thankyou Mummy for all your support over the past two years in particular, I defiantly would not be where I am without you buying my leotards and advertising me to various strangers, and shoving me out the door to go to class as well as driving me to class, and the countless times you've driven back and forth to Essex just to sort my life out. You and dad have done so much for me and I don't know what I would do without you both, I love you so much!!" I really cried & when my mum told my dad - they both did too; he's been so ill we didn't know if he would see it
  18. There - I got my 'likes' back again Thank you all so much
  19. Oh Good Luck Abfab - I hope it goes well for her
  20. Thank you all so, so much for your good wishes; I still don't have any more 'likes' but as soon as I get some.... You have reacted more positively than anyone in real life (apart from immediate family) no one seem to understand how 'big' it is and they stuff like, why can't she get a loan or wouldn't she be better doing A levels or a BTec rather than the dancing stuff. So thank you all for sharing in our (slightly scared to beleive) Joy
  21. Thank you all so, so much I've run out of likes - I'll have to start again tomorrow (if they let me have more) I said this elsewhere but I'm still a bit emotional - if you think 4 yrs ago as of now this whole thing hadn't even been imagined - DD did no Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary or Tap! & hadn't even thought of a career in MT She did a fair bit of ballroom & latin & had dumped (or been dumped) by Ballet a while back
  22. It's a bit overwhealmed tbh - it's so big for her and what we have been aiming for - but for such a short time comparatively
  23. DD has just had an email offering a DaDA from Millennium I cried
  24. DD is on a Pre-vocational MT course of her 34 hours a week about 4.5 hours a week aren't dance (so acting & singing); now I know that at college it will be a bit more evenly spread but that's what it is right now
  25. You can get funding for it an MDS like at the ballet schools & it covers uniform & travel in some cases
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