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Bruce Wall

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Everything posted by Bruce Wall

  1. Take a peek at this link ... may not be the quickest ... but certainly the cheapest ... http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/deals/cheap-dover-calais-tickets#euro9
  2. Funny, I had mentioned Nicholas la Riche in another association on this Forum with reference to the magnificent Madame Rojo ... but I'm certain such is simply all too oblique ... Still, of course, today's announcement is a most happy turn of events. More power than ever to her extraordinary arm. This is, without doubt, an excellent start in a most troubled environment, e.g., no need to set a ballet to the New Democrat hit: 'I'm sorry; I'm sorry'. I am certain there is much imaginative excitement to come.
  3. When it comes to Solars ... surely the guest to have will be Ivan Vasiliev ... who danced the role with Alina in NYC ...
  4. Not as far as I am aware, Alison. I have always been a member ... and yet not yet used one of the 'regular' free tickets ... I have a store of them on my account ... and this year will add more it seems. I don't begrudge it through, because you do get the active discount, can book easily on-line and help support a cinema - in my case the Ritzy in Brixton - which itself does much social good.
  5. Just want to confirm that I got the Gala ticket in the post today ... All round a fantastic service ... Credit where credit is due ...
  6. I still find that documentary about the two young dancers from Rio (one who ended up with ABT II) very touching ... Such a wonderful portrayal of the two sets of parents ... so, so very moving ... without being sentimental ...
  7. I agree Anjuli - The documentary on Ms Farrell does great honour to her book. In that regard it is a great rarity in my experience. (Not that I am suggesting that you should see the one without reading the - principal - other.)
  8. Just wanted to confirm that the ROH just called me back (excellent service) and I have a amphi seat for £18 for 30th October ... I am absolutely delighted. Bless them ... and ALL here for letting me know about it .... Can't wait to see Osipova (whose three SLs I already have tickets for) and ALL ... Bless you AGAIN.
  9. I just wanted to say I have received a MOST kind response to my email and a selection of reasonably priced seats. The response was most kind; generosity personified.
  10. Thanks much bangorballetboy. This is obviously FAR beyond my modest capabilities. For that kind of money, I'm surprised they don't give more detail as to the content of the programme. I would assume, given the resources that are obviously going into this, that they may well film ... or relay this programme .... (He says 'fingers crossed') ...
  11. Sent an email to Ms. Price vis a vis 30th October performance ... but she is out of the office until 28th August ... She left the name of Yolanda Sze in her message. Her number is 0207212 9356 and email yolanda.sze@roh.org.uk ... although it does say this is for 'urgent' enquiries ONLY ... and I'm not sure that mine falls in that category .... In fact I'm sure it does not. I am hesitant to write myself .... especially as the ROH has not yet made awareness of this performance public knowledge as far as I am aware. If anyone else follows this route, I would be grateful to know of the response (if any) received. Bless you all.
  12. An entertaining and well-written article. This young man (Polunin) obviously made the right decision for himself. I'm glad it has for the moment worked out for him... even if it had to sadly leave so many (RB) others in the lurch. I am glad too that Polunin is now able to feel comfortable and appreciated in a culture that is obviously far more native to him than the UK ever could and to which he so obviously belongs. The mentoring situation with Zelensky will I'm sure be a long-standing and a positive one; Zelensky, himself, I think, always felt distant at NYCB. You could see that clearly reflected in his performances .... However, NEVER has there EVER been a smile so broad as his at the end of Western Symphony. Both he and Polunin are very Slavic Cowboys ... or at least desperately wanting to be. May they both be happy.
  13. Hi Alison - Thanks so much - I found the iTunes University with the recordings - I did not know about them before. I have been listening all afternoon while working .... Laura Morera could have a second career as a stand-up - she's truly hilarious ...Thanks again ...
  14. Do they Alison? ... How wonderful. Could you give us a link to this stream ... It would mean so much .... to, say, the 'In Conversation with' programmes? Please forgive my own personal ignorance in this regard. This is wonderful news; TRULY WONDERFUL. It so reverses much of what many of have said about these prorgammes in the past. Thanks so much for your support and keen knowledge.
  15. Thanks so for this, John. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the educational programmes by the RB and RO in, say, the Clore could be streamed in a similar fashion so that they could reach many more peopie and share the education with many more that could not afford it. One remembers that the British companies receive many times more funding than do their American counterparts.
  16. Yes, she did. Although it was impossible to fathom much from the segment. Had to smile when the BBC reported that the RB had '200 ballerinas' ..... All that and a 15% cut in subsidy .... An Olympian slight of hand if there ever was one. It was truly a 'happy and glorious' games ... Only it was the sport that offered the real theatre; the real choreography ... and that is exactly as it should be ... and where the heart deserved to be lodged in remembrance of this event.
  17. I just saw this listing on the Tours en l'air website as one of their trips: Tuesday 16 April – Sunday 21 April 2013 London 3 performances National Ballet of Canada: Romeo and Juliet (Ratmansky) Royal Ballet: Mayerling (MacMillan) La Bayadère I assume that the National Ballet of Canada would be appearing at the Coliseum .... Does anyone know about this? The Ratmansky production of R&J got excellent reviews ... Would love to see it .... Wonder if they will bring anything else? OK, SO I JUST ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION .... THIS MUST HAVE BEEN POSTED HERE ... BUT I JUST DIDN'T READ ABOUT THESE PERFORMANCES AT SADLERS WELLS .. http://national.ballet.ca/uploadedFiles/MediaReleases/Romeo%20and%20Juliet%20Tours%20to%20London,%20England.pdf SORRY TO TROUBLE YOU .... THIS MUST BE A REPEAT LISTING ... GRATEFUL IF IT COULD BE DESTROYED.
  18. Mjosh, I don't think I have EVER read such a glorious tribute. Bless you.
  19. Bless you for this, Angela ... Bless you. Marcia Haydée was with him. Surely the essence of the Shakespearean 'community' - which roots the universal humility of ALL of the Bard's work - made real. . In the truest sense ... divine!
  20. Here is a video posted last year in which Cragun talks about rehearsing Cranko: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ueiGG84o0 What a shame he wasn't able to work with the RB dancers. One can but feel they could have profited from such work vis a vis, say, Oneign. He is so, so very clear about being dramatically 'specific' .... and his own performances ... 'lived it' ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZm8Sv_IQuo
  21. For those (younger people of whom I'm aware there are an ever burgeoning many) who may not have had the great joy of seeing Mr. Cragun ... here he is with Ms. Haydee ... in the awakening pas de deux in Cranko's R&J, such as was so gloriously created for them ... Some things DO stand the test of time ... blessedly ... and without hesitation I know they will live on in their unquestioned inspiration ...
  22. My first, and - as far as I'm concerned - BEST 'all round' Romeo ... and that estimation being drawn from a now vast array of differing interpretations .... The memory of Cragun's personal glory - especially in tandem with Haydee - will reign eternal. What joy this man proffered with such seeming ease. Perhaps that was key to his brilliance: Certainly In ALL it proffered an enormous gift. Nothing more ever needed to be said: It spoke for itself. Thank heavens an essence of his characterful elegance and musicality remains on film ... Bless you NOW and FOREVER, Richard Cragun. Bless you for a life WELL LIVED. I but for one was proud to be able to share in but a very small part of its ebullience.
  23. I assume that we'll be getting the O&V show for the DQ .... wonder if the SL will feature O & Marcello Gomes now that both he and O are shared principals between that Company and ABT.
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