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Everything posted by MJW

  1. Just received this - I am writing to you as one of our most valued supporters. As you may already be aware, this week we have made the difficult decision to close the Royal Opera House in response to government advice about managing the spread of COVID-19. This decision will have a far-reaching impact on so many, including our brilliant artists, staff and community, but we are also aware of how it will affect you, as one of our closest and most loyal supporters. It is such a tough time for everyone and we miss you. We want to assure you that we will remain in close contact regarding any tickets or events you might have coming up. We also look forward to sharing ways in which we will continue to connect with you, our wonderful community, even if our beautiful stages and Front of House spaces for now are out of bounds. Where we can, we continue: coaching for our Jette Parker Young Artists is now taking place online; our dancers, players and chorus are rehearsing where they can, using new technologies to be together in spirit even when they cannot be physically, ready to share exceptional and thrilling performances as soon as we reopen. We are also working to find ways to bring our learning and participation projects to children and families when schools and other centres are closed. While we work to manage this period of closure, and prepare to reopen as healthily and vibrantly as possible, we ask that you trust and bear with us. You have been so generous in many and varied ways and your ongoing support is so essential, now more than ever as we weather these uncertain times. For that we are truly grateful. We look forward to sharing new ways to connect. In the meantime, from our family to yours, we hope that you are safe and well. With my thanks and best wishes Alex Beard CBE Chief Executive of the Royal Opera House P.S. Many of you have been in touch directly with me or with colleagues to ask how you can help the Royal Opera House and our staff and artists at this time. Thank you so much. As we have made the heart-breaking decision to close the building, I know my Development colleagues are finding various ways to be in touch with you, and so, if you wish to donate, please do chat to your contact or visit our website.
  2. By Alex Beard (Chief Executive) Monday 16 March 2020, 6.12pm The safety and security of the Royal Opera House staff, audiences and artists is of paramount importance and we take this responsibility very seriously. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken the decision with a heavy heart to close the building to the public and cancel all performances in Covent Garden with immediate effect. The staff and artists of the ROH are vital to the lifeblood of our art forms, without them we would simply not exist. This suspension of performances will impact not only our loyal audience but also our committed and talented workforce. We will work within the government guidelines to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and artists during this difficult time. Our employees, permanent and casual, are reliant on the income which we derive through ticket purchases. Without performances it is inevitable that we will become more reliant on philanthropic support and charitable donations. We will be in contact with all ticket buyers in due course. Where possible, we ask that you consider donating the value of your tickets to the Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation rather than requesting a credit note or refund. You can keep up to date via the ROH social media channels for announcements on a programme of free broadcasts we will bring you during this period of closure. We thank you for your continued support of the ROH, it is invaluable during these uncertain times.
  3. As I’m not booked until mid May to see Swanlake I’ve managed to get a seat for this coming Sunday as I fear that by May everything will have shut down (if not then it’s a bonus!)
  4. I've just checked - that's very strange isn't it? I should have looked properly and booked for 12 noon performance rather than the evening of the 6th but too late now!
  5. A bit late in the day, but some pics of William Bracewell and Lauren Cutherbertson (looking forward to their cinema screening!) https://photos.alastairmuir.com/Ballet/Royal-Ballet/Swan-LakeCuthbertson/
  6. I have often seen Chris Saunders, Kevin O'Hare and other RB staff on the last two rows of the Grand Tier right - obviously the best seats for viewing!
  7. Corrales posted this message this afternoon on his IG feed: Unfortunately due to new health guidelines set by The Royal Ballet School I am unable to perform in The Cellist tonight alongside the White Lodge students also performing in the piece. I would like to reiterate that I am still 100% well and healthy and have been back at work this week rehearsing for our upcoming productions of Swan Lake, Prodigal Son and Live Fire Exercise Presumably if there weren't any students from White Lodge performing, he would be fine to perform?
  8. 😄 Oh lord ! Perhaps he thinks he's Bertie Wooster?
  9. Is he? I've never seen him before - I'm afraid I couldn't help a smirk and shake of the head when I saw him the cafe!
  10. I wouldn't normally book to see the same cast in a run, but as I was so impressed with Thiago Soares, Itziar Mendizabel and David Donnelly (plus the added advantage of an early start of 7pm!) I decided to book again, and am so glad I did. There is always the danger of a second time around that it might not be as good as one remembers but thankfully it was. I was much closer to the stage this time so was able to see the cast's facial expressions which I think is particularly important in something like Onegin. All the cast were excellent and I'm particularly pleased to see David Donnelly doing so well in such a major role. Hopefully onwards and upwards for him! Barring the glam Russian couple sitting next to me who kept whispering to each other during the first Act, it was a splendid evening. Just a shame it isn't filmed ! By the way did anyone see the chap in the top hat and white tie?
  11. I think it certainly does. I’m in the stalls for tonight’s Onegin compared to the GT earlier in the run.
  12. Interesting to read everyone's comments thus far. I have rather mixed feelings on the evening; I thoroughly enjoyed Dances (though possibly could have been perhaps a bit shorter?) Full of praise for the dancers and the pianist Robert Clark. Not quite sure what to say about The Cellist - excellent in parts and very moving. However the constant changing of the main set started to grate and I found it a bit of a distraction. The same applies with the supporting case - very cleverly used in parts but again sometimes they distracted from what was happening with the main trio. There were also a couple of occasions when I really didn't have a clue what was supposed to be happening. I would probably give Dances 8 of 10, and The Cellist 6.5. As an aside the survey I received from ROH today was the first time it had detailed questions, rather than just asking whether I enjoyed the visit and whether I would recommend a visit.
  13. Some more pictures from The Cellist https://photos.alastairmuir.com/Ballet/Royal-Ballet/The-Cellist/
  14. Photos from Dances at a Gathering https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72157713148956048 The Cellist https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72157713147502286
  15. Given that booking for the Gala opened for everyone this morning, I thought I would have a problem booking a seat. However I managed to get into the site with only a delay of a minute or so and was able to book for the front row of the amphitheatre.
  16. I noticed that when booking this morning - perhaps they gave up their Christmas bonuses?
  17. Is anyone planning to go? I will try and grab a cheap seat if I can - don’t think I can run to several thousand pounds for the top seats !
  18. It is a shame about the lack of a matinee. I have booked for the 18th and have had to take an afternoon’s holiday from work in order to get up to London !
  19. I’ve booked again for 22nd February so I will see if he has softened his landings !
  20. As you say, so nice to see him given such a prominent role and he was excellent. Hopefully onwards and upwards for him !
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