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Everything posted by Whiteduvet

  1. Odds are generally around 1:5/1:6 at year 7 finals although those stats are misleading in my opinion: if you’ve got what they’re looking for, your odds are 1:1 and if you don’t, they’re zero, and there’s very little you can do about it (you were either born with the body they’re looking for, or you weren’t). However more places were given out for finals this year if our JA cohort is anything to go by...
  2. I’m sorry for your DD. I hope she’s doing ok with the news. There’s a thread all about how this is a marathon not a sprint: results for year 7 are in no way the final word!! X
  3. Yes I think so. Maybe they think that’s fairer since videos aren’t as good as in person auditions? Great for everyone who gets through and gets the experience.
  4. Yes to finals for DD year 7! She is thrilled. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Absolutely. I’m not anti Royal at all (I had a wonderful time there....;) ). I’m simply saying that believing a place there at year 7 guarantees the dream isn’t correct and people shouldn’t go into the process assuming that. The JA/WL/US was just an example of how people may assume everything is sorted based on what happens at 11, and that’s not true at all: reading through the threads on this forum will tell you that! In the same way, believing that a place at WL is the be all and end all isn’t correct either: for some it is the best school, for others it isn’t, and parents and children should seriously consider which school best suits them, rather than the girl next to them at the barre!! Royal is a wonderful wonderful place in many ways, but so are the other schools, and all of them can lead to success.
  6. 1) You don’t need to get into all schools (or even more than one). You just need to get into the right school; which may not be the ‘biggest’ name or the one everyone assumes is the best (although obviously it may well be). Every child is different and every school is different: you need the best fit. Look at the bios for the Royal for example: not many did Ja’s/WL/US. Many different routes. The important thing is what suits your child at this point in his/her life. 2) This is a marathon not a sprint. Most children who start even vocationally at 11 won’t make it professionally for many many reasons. And those who start off as the ‘favourites’ may fade over time. They may not but it’s not set in stone in year 7! Whatever they do has to be sustainable which is why (1) is so important.
  7. Thank you. Good luck to everyone attending the funding finals!!
  8. Be sure to do your research on all aspects of a school. How many of their own students actually graduate/make it through (as opposed to foreign students brought in into the upper years)? What is the pastoral care like? How are concerns dealt with? Are children given the freedom to develop and grow into their own people? Sometimes the biggest ‘names’ may not actually be the best place for your child and may not offer the best shot at success (I mean by this not just dancing but also overall health, happiness and well-being). this forum has many wonderful threads about all the different schools and their reality vs their images. I’ve found them v helpful.
  9. Thank you to everyone on this. It’s so useful to me as a parent of a wannabe year 7. You only have to read the threads about year 7 auditions to see the rose tinted spectacles-if children are ‘lucky’ enough to be offered a place (at an audition or a school) is a common statement for example. Right from the start the power imbalance is there: we should be grateful they’re even considering our child. Too many parents believe the fairytale and not enough do their research.
  10. It’s not just schools which need to be open though, it’s transport and hotels too. And I fear that 8/3 is optimistic however much I’d like it to be true...!! The Royal follows its own rules I think: doubt it’ll be influenced by other schools! But I agree a yes or no would be good even if it’s only ‘yes with details to follow’!
  11. At the minute though the finals cant go ahead as planned (I think-have somewhat lost track of what’s allowed and what isn’t 🤣), so surely they’re waiting until the rules change and they can confirm plans...
  12. Yes but no results through yet and even if she gets to finals we won’t have a final answer by end of February. Only way it’ll work is if she doesn’t get finals: then those processes are over.
  13. Not at all negative. This is a hard process for everyone, even more so when things aren’t clear or straightforward. Your DD is hugely special and should hold her head high, no matter what. X
  14. Really sorry she’s upset. I don’t know much but could they have downloaded it somehow and then viewed it? Is that possible? Definitely ask though.
  15. Thanks. We don’t qualify for funding so it’s a blanket offer of a place. We may need to accept subject to a bed being free: it sounds like it’s reasonable to expect that will happen.
  16. Thank you! She’s on a zoom lesson right now so I’m enjoying the secret for another 15mins!! Good luck to your DC xx
  17. Hi DD has been offered a place at Tring for September (letter has just arrived!). It says though that they can’t guarantee a boarding place yet. Is this normal? Is it safe to accept a day place (we live the other end of the country)?!
  18. So if you can afford fees do you just get straight in? Or do you still have to get through the funding audition and then turn it down???
  19. I really am in awe of how well the children have handled all this upset and disruption. It’s so hard for everyone: children and judging panels alike!!
  20. How can they award places until they know who they have applying? And children entering later have had longer to practice... seems odd.
  21. Silly question but if the closing dates have passed why is there an open day? Or have the closing dates not passed yet??
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