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Ballet Power

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Everything posted by Ballet Power

  1. There’s quite a big jump between Istd grade 4 & 5. In grade 5 you start more centre practice, pirouettes and bigger allegro. I’m sure the teacher of your trial lesson will be able to guide you though.
  2. My dd got a no (I think the no’s are more reluctant to share.) well done to all the students who made it to the final.
  3. Sorry to hear your daughter is upset. We sent our Tring video via OneDrive so couldn’t see if it had been viewed. How did you send it? has she applied to others school too?
  4. My DD has been offered a day place too with the same comments about a boarding place may become available. She hasn’t been invited to the funding audition so we will have to turn it down. Not sure how they give out the boarding places.
  5. I thought they might start watching them before the deadline, They will have lots to watch. Good luck!
  6. Results are out. We’ve just had an email about the spring intensive. My dd is swl.
  7. Haven’t had that info yet!! It’s a constant 🎢 rollercoaster!
  8. It did this on my phone but worked on my laptop
  9. I’ve just heard back with an invite to audition too.
  10. The Istd have a web site that registered teachers are (not all are registered on it though). Might help to find someone who does the right levels. https://www.dance-teachers.org/home/
  11. I think the no letters are identical. but I’m sure they are all good dancers so keep training and try again. We all get stronger from our knock backs. But you have to keep going!
  12. My dd was a not yet too. Just wondered how personal the feed back was? we were told her standard of dancing was good and she shows potential for further training but needs to improve ports de bras. Was yours similar? we will try again next summer
  13. We had to confirm we wanted the space. The paper work (online form) has to be returned by July 20th accepting the terms and conditions. Hope that helps.
  14. I know of a student who dropped out after 1 lesson but I don’t know whether that means they take someone off the waiting list.
  15. My daughter got a yes for Birmingham 32 weeks course. Can’t really believe it! (I’m also her ballet teacher!) she got a no in year 4 & year 5 and I was so disappointed for her but things do change! She’s taken classes in many places this year to help build strength and confidence. I recommend looking round at what is near you.
  16. I think we applied for Birmingham! (Seems. Along time ago now! I’m confident it will be a no but my daughter enjoys the audition class and it’s good experience. Glad they are looking at them already. good luck everyone!!
  17. It’s about 40 minutes. The teacher gives very clear instructions, just hold the camera nice and still! (No nervous shaking!) 😁
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