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  1. I would be interested in hearing people's opinions on London Children's Ballet - specifically their policy on allowing some children to participate more than once. As I understand it, the current policy is that the same children can be selected to take part (obviously if they fit the casting criteria and have the talent), in up to 3 of their annual productions. I personally feel that this should be mentioned on their website, as it is not transparent - it is misleading as one assumes that they are recruiting an entirely new company every year. As LCB was created to give as many children as possible the wonderful opportunity of participating in an annual theatre performance, I personally feel that to allow some children to participate more than once, means that there is less opportunity for other children to be successful in gaining a place in their productions. It is a shame that the charity have not considered changing their policy to only allow children to participate in one annual performance, thereby recruiting a brand new company afresh each year, and giving the maximum number of children the chance to take part. I would be interested in others thoughts on this.
  2. Thank you so much to you all for the very helpful suggestions - I will check them out.
  3. Please can anyone give recommendations in Norfolk (ideally North Norfolk), for ballet classes Grade 4+ and Inter Foundation. Many thanks!
  4. Many thanks Peanut68 - I will check out those leads - all very helpful! Thanks so much again.
  5. I am looking for a half term drama/acting workshop for my daughter, specifically in relation to ballet performance on stage. Can anyone recommend a suitable venue/course in central London? Many thanks!
  6. Thanks so much for your thoughts Pups Mum, Glissade and Glowlight. Glowlight so sorry to hear about your daughter's audition experience - that was brutal! I hope she was successful elsewhere in Covent Garden!
  7. London Children's Ballet have selected some of the same children for their productions several years running. Do LCB do this for a particular reason? As children can only apply for a few years due to age restrictions, it seems a shame not to have a 'level playing field' and introduce new blood by having an entirely fresh company each year, to give other children the best chance possible of being selected for such a fantastic opportunity. I would be so interested to know what the general thoughts and views are on this.
  8. Having been wait listed twice before for JA's, it was a no this time round for Mids - very disappointing but there are always other opportunities....
  9. Ballet Boost has recently established the Academy of Balletic Arts at the Pineapple Studios - any thoughts/opinions on it?
  10. Does anyone know when the London RBS MA results are coming out?
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