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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. I just look for the harlot/priest interaction and their preparation for it
  2. You were on your own towards the end of the interval when I was umming and erring. Next time!!🙂
  3. You had a lucky escape during the second interval last night, I almost popped over to ask the woman in SCS D38-39ish if she was Missbunnyman...I wasn't completely sure so didn't but I'm guessing now that it was you😆
  4. Quite possibly as his hair also appears to be a different colour and a different style.
  5. BREAKING NEWS: The ponytail has gone! At this point I have no idea if it resigned or it and Mr Whitehead had just grown apart. More info if I get it.
  6. Looks like there are server issues as I can't view my e-tickets at the moment
  7. From my Stalls Circle side view I could clearly see Mr Blobby being physically restrained in the wings by Tybalt, the Friar and the Nurse when Romeo stabbed Mr Edmonds in the final act.
  8. ....that can last an hour without looking at a phone
  9. I presume it did for his though😄 I see he wears his hair untied when he's the friar
  10. It’s amazing how Natalia does pretty much everything differently to everyone else….even sitting on the end of the bed!
  11. Bit annoyed with myself for not zooming out for the red run run!
  12. A lovely moment before curtain up when the woman sat behind Mr Bravo got up and asked him if he was going to take his 🎩 off . I presume he said yes he will be but she took no chances and swapped seat with her friend while the woman behind them took a pic of it all. No shouts of BRAVO yet even though the dancing was fabulous. Juliet was so overwhelmed by Romeo’s kiss she went up to the balcony using the unlit side stairs 😮😆
  13. Amazing Anna Rose and marvellous Marcelino this evening 😭👏
  14. That brings back memories....as does a guest house between there and the Hoe despite living on the outskirts of the city at the time
  15. Interesting casting for tomorrow....has Juliet had a bit of an argument with one of her friends!? Juliet’s Friends Mica Bradbury Amelia Townsend Ashley Dean Leticia Dias Mariko Sasaki Ballroom Guests, Townspeople Artists of The Royal Ballet Juliet’s Friend Charlotte Tonkinson
  16. Very pleased to see Leticia Dias looks set to be Siegfried's Sister, Neopolitan dancer and Spanish Princess in the upcoming Swan Lake
  17. Although I liked the imagery of ballet, photos, Degas paintings etc I'd never seen much actual dancing other than the odd clip you'd see on mainstream telly but in 2016 I spotted a trailer for Tamara Rojo's Good Swan, Bad Swan (filmed in 2014) on BBC4 and decided to record it. Unlike most of my recordings I watched it pretty soon after the time of the broadcast and when they showed a clip of Swan Lake in the round at the Albert Hall I paused it and googled it and saw that it was being performed there again so decided to book a ticket and then watched the rest of the documentary. I enjoyed the performance and booked a ticket for another one a few days later but wasn't well enough to go. About six months later I noticed a small Russian touring company was visiting the decent local theatre that I regularly see plays at so booked to see Swan Lake....it was quite sweet and then got a ticket for their Nutcracker a few days later. I think I still have hearing damage from the landing the Prince made after one of his jumps. I decided it was time to see a great Swan Lake on blu ray so got the Osipova/Golding RB one and REALLY enjoyed it. At this point I should've just bought the 22 ballet boxset but bought all the ones with Tamara in and then over the next year bought and watched loads more. I heard a new production of Swan Lake was coming so bought ticket a for that with a couple of Manon performances as a warm up. I saw one La Bayadere and three Mayerlings but after finding out about Stalls Circle Standing places in time to see Unknown Soldier/Infra/SIC seeing multiple performances became a regular thing.
  18. It's all a bit Anton du Bec😄 Did Tamara Rojo appear on stage at the end of either of the performances you saw? I'm slightly disappointed that I ended up going to one of the few performances she was nowhere to be seen.
  19. The Disney films are called Sleeping Beauty...the ballet, at least the Royal Ballet's, is called The Sleeping Beauty
  20. Depending on the recorder it doesn’t matter if you turn the tv or the recorder off during the recording
  21. The first two pics are the ones that display the phenomenon the most clearly...I'm wondering if it's the ghosts of banned photographers
  22. Maybe they thought my camera might be the size of the one that was frequently used on stage during the performance
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