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Everything posted by margarite

  1. You can also download the Royal Ballet School's annual report from their website which shows the number of children that applied last year, and the number they gave places to - for both JA and White Lodge.
  2. DD is going for a second shot at a London JA place - the 'no' last year seemed to spur her on! After seeing her cope so well with not getting a place, I've been happy to let her do other auditions, and she's been lucky enough to have had acceptances elsewhere. So, it's a lovely and worthwhile experience, whatever the outcome. Good luck everyone xx
  3. Depends how much of a 'ballet eye' you have - last year I rashly decided to do my DDs and by photo 3 was inwardly cursing trying to get the poses look right! This year her ballet teacher is doing them
  4. My DD got into YDA associates this year aged 9 - in the preceding year she only had between 3-4 hours of dance a week. Associate schemes are usually looking for potential rather than a polished performer I've always been told? I bought her the Rad DVDs for when she got the urge to dance at home
  5. Just told my DD the news and she was fine - phew. She even asked if she could send a little email back saying she understood and how much she enjoyed it! Roll on next year...
  6. we've just got a no - but I am so proud of her for getting this far! Good luck to everyone else - she saw a few faces from her associate class so fingers crossed a few of them have had good news! x
  7. I got an email from LCB this morning as I had registered my daughter for the summer school next year, so I rather cheekily asked if there was any news about the results. Apparently they are finalising lists today and tomorrow. Feeling quite philosophical at the moment as she enjoyed both auditions so much anyway so actually getting in would just be the cherry on top!
  8. Based on last year's results it could be today! Even though I obviously think my daughter is the most gorgeous and talented dancer EVER, we are well prepared for a 'no' as the standard looked incredibly high (spotted several RBS leotards!). Best of luck to everyone waiting ????
  9. We just got a yes for the final - some good news today at least!
  10. We went on Sunday too, my 9 year old loved it. She was in Group B and she thinks 7 were recalled. She was lucky enough to one of them, but said the standard was very high so we're not focusing too much on the next stage! The morning was a great experience, even if it ends there.
  11. You can also use a contactless debit card instead of an Oyster or Travelcard - saves time!
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