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Everything posted by Peanut68

  1. Oh - thanks Piccolo - you are right,I do not seem to know how to 'quote' or select a comment I wish to reply to correctly!....any tips?. Yes, did wonder about the distance for the Sunday dates, but just not really doable. Time & financially exhausting but good luck to all those able to attend & enjoy the classes!
  2. They are not in our half term sadly!! Seems we are destined to miss out on anything RBS again!
  3. Another way of looking at the audition process is that (mostly) each one is a great class & good experience to work with like minded serious dancers in a wonderful studio with live music & a top teacher. Viewing it kind of as a masterclass makes the economics easier to swallow too! At RBS audition, in the intro speech they said that whilst spaces are always limited they welcome everyone to come back & try again.....ok, the cynics might say of course they do - at £45 a pop, it's a good earner for them. But again, whilst unsuccessful my DD enjoyed the JA & the MA/WL auditions she attended. Also - if the main aim is for Upper Schools, still might be good to in advance experience the audition process & make them more able to cope with the 'atmosphere' & pressure when it is more time critical to them. Good luck!
  4. We have the same life.....DD all ballet (off to Voc school in a few hours!) & son (he is a DS too..though sense that may sadly fizzle out) is getting far too into Rugby for my liking!! I prefer the afternoon cake opportunities to the Sunday am sausage sarnies!!
  5. We are Tuesday too....& half of DD's uniform is still to arrive as are the nametags!....fingers crossed all in tomorrows post.....All my fault being a last minute Lil!
  6. Hi Have various items of Tring Uniform to sell second hand. All good condition. All offers considered....Will fit c.age 9-11. Please send me a message for more info/photos. Blazer size 30" (says girls on label but they seem to actually be unisex) Tracksuit Top Jumpers x 2 Cardigan Long Sleeve Blouse Short Sleeve Blouses x 2 Pinafore (worn by Preps 1-3) Prep Ballet Leotard Turquoise x 2 (they always wear substantial undergarments beneath so feel it is appropriate to have second hand!) Prep Modern/Tap Unitard Thank you
  7. I like this! my daughter was lucky to have the mother of a friend (with a DS at RBS) regularly send her cards with news of old dance school etc. Post form others means so much to them, so come on Aunts & Uncles, Granny & Grandads, friends - put pen to paper & help us parents with the Homesick Prevention strategies!! Good luck to all....I have had invaluable support via Forum to so thank you!
  8. Wondering if you got my last message so have PM's you again! Happy to help if you still need a blazer - if not, if anyone else needs some Tring Uniform, I have some items to sell second hand.... Possibly Blazer size 30" 2 x Jumpers size 30" Cardigan size 30" Prep Pinafore size c.age 10 Long Sleeve Blouse size 28" 2 x Short Sleeve Blouses size 28" Any offers, just PM me!
  9. Hi - I too have a Tring Blazer for sale - I think size 30" but will check tomorrow if you are still looking for one. It says in Label it is girls though for life of me I cannot see any difference as it is quite a boxy shape rather than fitted. Bought second hand but in excellent condition; I think my daughter wore it only twice in the year she was at Tring!
  10. It all sounds like SS attendees have had a great time - & judging by the comments of how international the mix is, am very proud my DD made it even to the wait list....here's hoping she gets to fulfil her RBS dream one year in some way!
  11. Should add - well done to all those at WLSS & hope you have had/are having an amazing time! x
  12. I see the comment about making lots of International friends....I would be interested to know the rough attendee ratio of UK v. rest of world.....maybe the odds of getting a place from UK are slim ( so my DD should be really proud to have made it to the wait list....) & maybe we Brits would be better to apply to summer courses at our counterpart schools around the world! Though there is then of course the issue of travel & many extra costs..... Do many here have DC's with experience of international courses from age 11+ & any advice! Thank you
  13. Thank you! Will see what is possible......
  14. Hi - am interested to know the start/end times of these days & if still spaces on Mon/Tues - thank you.
  15. I always imagined that an MDS was worth more financially than a bursary? Am intrigued that an MDS would be turned down at all......Do I have it wrong?
  16. I pay £5 for weekly Adult Ballet Class - approx.1hr 10mins. Well worth it......esp. as only pay when you go. Should add this is in a small southern town....
  17. Well, as ever your humour made me laugh Petalviolet & made me think that £1 a month is well worth it for your comments alone!! So - made my donation for suggested amount via paypal (& got immediate thanks notice & email confirm).
  18. Allgirls - not sure if you are looking just for your DD or planning a 'family' stay but I can recommend looking at getting an airbnb place....DD was in ENB Nutcracker last season & living a long way from London meant a stay so we all upped sticks to London....cheaper than a hotel & bang in centre of Covent Garden which was fab for all! Cooking way cheaper than eating out & no peak time travel costs (in fact once there - no travel costs at all as you really can walk to most places/things from CG) Weigh up all the options & cross ref costs based on location.....sometimes paying more to stay central saves money (& time) in the long run.... A friend does lots of successful homeswaps too...I think it is via homestay.com...... Works great for them.....I just do not think I could ever get my house in good enough order that anyone would want to swap with me, but if you are more of a domestic goddess than me, could be worth looking into....Am thinking I have perhaps 4 years to get ship shape to try for a swap with New York for DD to go to Jeffrey SS like Swan Princess!!! Well - she can aim high (& give her Mum a reason to go to NYC!!!) Good luck! You could also check any London Uni campuses as they often rent out rooms in halls of residence in summer....
  19. drdance - good rational explanations of things we ballet mums really can get in a muddle & worry over, thank you! It does all come down to the fact that everyone is unique & we cannot (nor should we want to!) make our DC's into perfect technical machines. & let's not forget that a performance is only that if there is an audience to appreciate it....& each member of that too is unique with their own interpretations & emotions.
  20. Am wondering how to work a glass on wine into this new exercise regime???Maybe aim for placing glass on floor 3 inches in front of toes....& bend....& rise....& enjoy
  21. Krishell....that sounds too good an opportunity for your DD to pass up......surely there must be some Angel out there who could help fund this?? There seem to be lots of Scholarships that enable Americans to come over here to our Universities to study....are there not any reciprocal programmes? Perhaps a call/email/letter to the US Embassy here might help? Is she at a Vocational school here with funding? Could that funding be transferred to pay for this like when as part of a degree course one year si spent ay a sister university in a foreign city? or could you suggest a transfer with your school...ie. you go to Joffrey, & a Joffrey student goes to your school (or have I got this completely wrong as is with the company? apologies of so!) You both still pay as per your current arrangement (plus of course travel/accom I guess.....again - look for local charities....lots will fund travel programmes (if not the actual frees themselves). I so hope you can try to make this happen - the very best of luck in all things to your DD - she must be a real talent & I am sure will succeed wherever fate takes her!
  22. Well, how many of us are now trying this???......It conquers up quite a picture....!! bums in, bums out? I can definitely get lower if bum out & lean fwd but not an elegant look or the JA audition position I suspect!!
  23. Great news for your DD allgirls! At 15 - is that WL SS or at Floral Lane? has anyone received a 'golden ticket' from wait list for WL SS?
  24. Haven't been on forum for a while so only just seen this.....Petalviolet - you had me in fits! So, we move from doughnuts to more savoury delights.....your 'spatchcock chicken' quote got me thinking it's almost warm enough for a BBQ!! Mmmmm Seriously - some of the stretching at auditions does seem tortuous but I guess it is the way dance is going - ever more gymnastic. It seems that where once a leg line of 180 degrees in say a penchee (spelling right??) was the bees knees, now it's moving beyond even that with legs going beyond what seems humane ......At the risk of being controversial.....not sure I like it..... At times more freak show than artistry. Maybe I am just showing my age......& penchant (rather than penchee!)for doughnuts etc!
  25. We are on it!! I found a cheap & cheerful Italian family owned café with a £1.50 cappuccino when DD was at WL audition - must be the cheapest one in Covent Gdn! On Maiden Lane (I think....) Also, just down from The Coliseum is the most amazing 'street food' Italian for takeaway/eat in Pizza & Pasta.....the best ever! £5 gets a wonderful slice of pizza or a box of Pasta - huge portion & little tip....heard obvious in the know locals asking for half & half...they got a box filled to burst one side pasta (choice of shapes & sauces) one side mixed salad. I coped suit....& it was more than enough for me & my Nutcrackering DD to share. Small Black entrance, same side as Coliseum just down from Cote Cote....might be called Pepe's (but don't hold me to that one - go by your nose; oregano & basil call you in!!)
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