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Everything posted by Thecatsmother

  1. I think it takes at least three classes to begin to settle. The first step is that you got there Fiz. Well done????
  2. Just go and do a little Fiz. It will take a while to settle back in. I always think it is best to go to first classes back and just see it as a warm up to getting back to class. That way you take some of the pressure off yourself. We have all been in this position and totally normal.
  3. As I think has been said in the past it is always worth reading through any post and thinking before pressing send. If organisations, workshop venues or standards of classes are mentioned then many will know the teachers to whom you refer or can find out easily. I personally see no harm in discussing workshops/classes etc in terms of sharing experiences but you may wish to consider it the other way around as in I do not recall anybody making derogatory comments about identifiable members of adult ballet classes so should this be different for teachers and organisations? It is extremely easy to discuss an issue that is difficult without using any identifiable features.
  4. I think when young people start to enter growth spurts it makes things harder. The key is awareness in terms of what is going on from a postural and technical perspective. I would not be overly concerned as there are plenty of physio exercises which will help. A dance physio in conjunction with a teacher should be able to advise. You may want to look at his dance shoes to see if there are signs of his feet rolling in terms of overwear where he is rolling. Check things like school shoes as well. He is still young and under good supervision will grow and strengthen.
  5. Starting a new class is always a big step and takes time to settle. Enjoy Fiz. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion and will not fall into the trap of evoking drama. All I would say is the day I stop learning from others is the day I should stop teaching/dancing. I may not always like what I hear but at times of great personal challenge come opportunities for insight and change. Having said that I feel uneasy reading about teachers who are identifiable being openly criticised on this forum when they will not have the chance to respond and things can be taken out of context. I shall say no more.
  6. IMHO most dancers are extremely intelligent, proactive and hardworking. How would you define a "thinking dancer" Michelle? I wonder if there is such a thing as a "wise" dancer as I seem to have met quite a few of them☺️
  7. It can be a more gentle way to practice splits placing several sofa cushions underneath student. Appropriate height needs to be judged so they do not over stretch but it can help with a more gradual process. The last thing you want are hamstring or groin injuries.
  8. There are several LSC classical graduate course students in classical companies such as Enb and Scottish Ballet (Clare Robertson) to name a couple but I am not sure about more recent graduates.
  9. For ballet I would say 16 for full time training in terms of best chances of a job post graduation. I think musical theatre can be a bit more flexible. It may be that some students at studio centre enter the course from other full time training for performing experience or to obtain a degree. There will always be exceptions to this rule but most have been coached intensively on a private basis. Summer intensives will augment any training.
  10. I think there is another very common issue which can be lost in a forward ports de bras which is to remember to fully keep turnout muscles engaged. You can always test this by checking reach the bottom of your ports de bras. If turnout is not engaged from the top of the legs this will cause you to sway back off your legs as well. The reference to practicing on demi pointe is as was suggested an exercise in correct weight placement as opposed to a balance exercise. It is also a great way to check turn out is engaged as more lightly to slip as you have less contact with the floor because of rise. Back bends are also an important time to ensure you hold your core and turn out as this can easily go in the effort to enhance the bend.
  11. Practicing a forward ports de bras on demi pointe (whilst at the barre) will also give you good information providing you ensure that the turn out does not slip as you do this.
  12. I would say crocheted bun nets probably not the best idea and even as a beginner dancing in socks not a great idea in case you slip. Teachers are always very happy to advise on appropriate footwear to meet the needs of the individual. If you wear soft ballet shoes then get someone to show you how to sew the elastics on properly if not already attached.
  13. Some students come into their own when they get into full time training. Congratulations ????
  14. Did I imagine it or is Derek Deane seen briefly in the clip?
  15. It's interesting the areas of discussion which have come out of this on the forum. It does make me wonder how it will be received by those with no ballet insight. I guess the viewer will have a completely different take to the participants involved. I would not choose to return to a tutu either even though I still have a couple of rehearsal skirts as memories of events/competitions. I guess just as good costume design makes a difference to professional performances, this can also be the case with adults in terms of finding things which feel personally comfortable to dance in but also are flattering to the viewer if in a performance context but I know many adults are not looking to perform.
  16. I know that the teaching faculty and pianists is usually very good and the young people are well monitored and kept very busy. I would suggest contacting Angela as she is very approachable.
  17. This may not be a bad thing as they may well have been interested and wanted to assess her range of mobility and turn out given they only did to a few. Statistically they are likely to only be interested in a few in each audition.
  18. I do know someone who could shorten every ballet into one act by just making a subtle change to plot. Sleeping beauty-'just invite Carabosse to the christening'. Simple really:)
  19. http://dancemasterclass.com/faculty/angela-demello/ This may be of interest
  20. Young girl takes pest control into her own hands and then upon realising her success believes she can travel to sweeter places.
  21. All I can say is why? I am not making this as a comment about any individuals featured in the program just why the focus upon weight when adult ballet already open to all body types.
  22. Has any dancer or dance teacher had experience of complex regional pain syndrome and did it go into remission?
  23. Certain physiques take longer to strengthen. This is not due to lack of effort but just that like a good wine they can take longer to mature. Stick at it as it will be worth it in the end but it is important not to compare yourself to other dancers with different physiques in class. Focus on building firm foundations and the rest will fall into place in its own time.
  24. I think it is also important to remember there have been a number of personnel changes at ENB so the relationship between the two may take a while to build again which I think it will.
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