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Everything posted by Thecatsmother

  1. There could most definitely be overlaps in terms of psychology. I think there is also much that other athletes can learn from ballet dancers and it is just good to have a conference where people can come together and learn new things.
  2. The organ will be displayed on the website so if you use that like clock analogy as 12 and go for 3 or 9 so to speak. If you get front row of grand tier I have never had any problems with viewing stage plus you get the stage patterns from this height quite well. I have had comps in most areas and tend to prefer this level.
  3. I would say grand tier on sides. Not near organ or entrance opposite organ. The reason I say that is that a lot of the dramatic action takes place near centre of arena. Upstairs also let's you see stage patterns.
  4. I went back to non weight bearing pilates last week. It's amazing how such small movements done correctly can have such an effect. Often what looks simple can work at a deeper level with less being in fact more.
  5. Sorry link did not work. It's on Vimeo under the search title 'dancing on rough ground'
  6. http://vimeo.com/m/84434368 Thought this was an interesting illustration of a ballerina's self discipline.
  7. Just participating in this experience is hugely worthwhile. It taught me loads and the solo coaching plus performing experience made me a better dancer.
  8. The Royal opera house shop also sells a floor barre DVD which uses pupils from the John Cranko School. I believe there are 3 different levels to this but you can order online. I would say start out with the most basic as the middle level is quite tough or I am particularly unfit which is also the case????
  9. To me it's just a pas de chat which ends with front foot to tendu en fondu facing slightly to croise. Instead of going 'up up land' as you would in a conventional pas de chat you would go 'up up pointe tendu' to end. It's almost a pas de pointe if that makes sense but I have a habit of making up names of steps to explain them rather than because they exist. Turnout on landing would be important with this one but you could practice a normal pas de chat landed on two feet and then do the pointe tendu after before removing the second foot landing of the pas de chat and replacing with a pointe.
  10. Given the discussion re allegro steps this might be interesting viewing as she has a lovely light quality to jumps and covers a number of steps http://youtu.be/PKXAeQqf-lk
  11. For anyone interested there are some fascinating interviews with a number of great American dancers under 'The Ballet Initiative' if you have an IPhone/IPad. I have really enjoyed the insights these have given into the world of Balanchine and American ballet. Great for times of injury or long journeys.
  12. Being a bit floor bound in the ballet world right now I have been working more on back strength/mobility. This exercise comes from a dance injury rehab programme. If you lie on your stomach flex one foot, rotate the leg to turn out and pointe the foot maintaining as much turnout as you can. Gradually lift this leg behind you off the floor and you can take the hip of the raised leg slightly off the floor then slowly lower. Repeat about 4 times on each leg. This should help with strength/mobility in lower back from a non weight bearing position.
  13. The shoes also look different colours..
  14. I personally never made friends with grand jete en tournant. I think it's harder for long legged dancers but I still envy those who seem to perform them with ease????
  15. Interesting comments Anjuli. Another thing to add which can help with stability in arabesques is to gradually strengthen the intrinsic muscles in the supporting foot. You will notice these when you start to wobble in an arabesque and your foot starts to rock. You can improve the strength in these by practicing just standing on one foot in with the other foot raises in a small parallel retire. Try it on each foot(but not at the same time). Once this gets easier you can try the same exercise with your eyes closed. I tend to get students starting on pointe to try this exercise in pointe shoes as well as is a good strengthening exercise. It's important with any developpe to start it off well in terms of placing and turnout. A good exercise to begin to activate the key muscle groups is to lie on you side, engage your turnout from the top of the leg and then try a retire closing with pointed feet so it ends in fifth at the back and repeat to finish fifth front. Make sure you are working the turnout on both legs and engaging your core. Only a few reps are needed and once this becomes easier can be repeated with the leg extension to the side.
  16. What are the things which adult dancers struggle to learn or are the steps that make your heart sink because you feel you have never quite mastered the essence of the step? Perhaps this might be encourage others adults to share and participate.
  17. Hello Free work ballet classes can be at any level and tend to just mean non syllabus classes. If you speak to the teacher they should be able to advise. It may be an adult beginner class which would be fairly basic.
  18. http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Naomi-Campbell-Is-Ballerina-for-a-Day-Video Thought this might be of interest. Just shows how many people struggle to take the first steps back to ballet. All I can say is it's different the second time around once you get through initial nerves. Bolshoi may not be the best first class though????
  19. IMHO any plies with that weight load are unsafe. It may be worth getting a second opinion from another physio re your activities outside of class. There are several particularly experienced dance physios in London if this is a route you wish to pursue. My only concern is your safety and those of others who might read this. Tendinitis and bursitis are both caused by inflammation and as such will require rest. If it is bursitis around your heal then it is also worth looking at your shoes as some can rub and make this worse. Repeated movement of the Achilles area will undoubtedly irritate something which is already inflamed so it is important for anyone in this situation to reduce inflammation through rest, ice and gradually work towards gentle strengthening to prevent chronicity of injury. In relation to exercise clips, Scottish ballet brought out a good gentle strengthening and mobilising program in the new year which seems safe and useful to all. I think it's on You Tube. I do also like Darcey Bussell's Pilates DVD as a general safe form of conditioning. It's nice as is to soothing music as well-providing this does not put you to sleep????
  20. Do you have a physio you could see. A lot of GP's not great with orthopaedic issues unless fractures. Apologies to those GP's that are..
  21. I don't think terminology is a problem I just find it interesting the number of different ways steps are described. I remember doing an audition entirely in German of which I speak none. The only problem seemed to be when they called out the numbers of certain dancers most of whom also did not speak German. I have so much respect for dancers and students who travel to countries where they do not speak the native language. Yes, ballet should not be a problem but adapting to other aspects of life and the culture must be challenging especially at student level.
  22. It depends if I am choreographing or teaching set work. Either that version or from a temps leve chasse/pose chasse glissade. I think it's different terminology USA compared to UK. I always find it fascinating to hear different terminologies especially the American ones because as you know I am a great fan of Balanchine.
  23. It might be interesting to ask a professional dancer if they could do what you said you were doing without getting cramp and what the perceived benefit might be? I know it's hard when off dancing but I hope professional opinion will help you get back on your feet if you behave:) I am still struggling to do 10 reps with a mini Theraband with my big toe correctly but my foot is very weak and learning to pointe as if it never had before.
  24. When teaching younger students I encourage them to put more energy into the the two steps prior to the jete-almost like a mini jete. It seems to help build momentum and pitch the weight forward to help with take off actual jete.
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