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Everything posted by taxi4ballet

  1. We were told by a pharmacist that it's ok to use ibuprofen gel as well as medicine as long as it used on a small area of skin. From experience of dd's injury a few months ago, absolute complete rest for a couple of days, and then wear shoes with a heel of about an inch, as it takes pressure off the tendon. How about her school shoes? Has she any idea how she did it, or has the injury crept up on her? I'm just thinking it might be worth getting an x-ray to rule out a stress fracture, which is what we were advised to do. They were really kind at the hospital when I explained she was a ballet dancer doing vocational training, and they had several people including the consultant look at her x-ray, which was ok, thankfully.
  2. Is anyone else having trouble with their roses this year? Mine are flowering really well but they seem to be really suffering with rust and blackspot.
  3. Did you see the interview with Olga Korbut? She was quite scathing about the current ladies gymnastics and said that it was about time they brought back charm, gracefulness and beauty! it was interesting to see the difference between the Russians and Americans in particular - you could tell which team had also been taking ballet classes from an early age
  4. Hi Sodor, if your dd is really keen, perhaps her teacher might let her do the grade above as well 'just for fun'. Edited to add: How many dance classes does she do each week?
  5. My friend's dd has done a few at Pineapple - the trick is to go quickly into the class and march to the front!
  6. Fingers crossed for everyone waiting
  7. My dd has started doing it with her leg raised in arabesque since a girl she met on a course (a Royal MA) told her that's what they do there. Strangely enough, her teacher has started saying "what a lovely leg line"!
  8. The trouble with statistics is that there is no such thing as average... I bet the fatties eat their letters on the way home from school!
  9. Shirley315, they quite often do Wolverhampton I think, would that be too far?
  10. Congratulations to the British Three Day Event Team on their silver medal!
  11. It's funny, the tv coverage - I've noticed that there seems to be an awful lot of chit-chat with visiting celebrities, and "why we didn't win a medal in that event" gossip, rather than actually seeing the events taking place live. I don't mind what events they show - I quite like watching things I would never normally see - and it would be nice if they showed a wide cross-section of everything, rather than the things they think we want to watch. Also, anyone else tired of hearing the phrase Teeemm Geee Beee?!
  12. It might be worth taking her to an osteopath, my dd goes about every 6 months and she says it helps a lot.
  13. This is great - really interesting!
  14. Re how much active children and teenagers need to eat, I worked at a riding school when I was 17, and on a wet boring afternoon we worked out our calorie intake - it was over 4,500 a day!
  15. I don't know anything about nutrition and this is probably going against all the 'healthy eating' advice out there, but I can't help wondering if your dd is getting enough fat in her diet? I think it might be worth finding out, because I'm sure I read somewhere that fat is important in the diet of adolescent girls.
  16. Absolutely Anjuli, dd had been shown how to do a fouette in a free class, and had it explained to her - she just couldn't do it! Seeing it broken down step-by-step really helped her to understand it better.
  17. How much weight has she actually lost (I hope it's ok to ask)?
  18. Hi, I've reopened this thread as the course is on at the moment!
  19. I wonder if it is intended for young adults or whether it is suitable for children too.
  20. My dd is 13, It's the first time she has done any Cecchetti as she's an RAD girl, so it will be interesting to hear what she makes of it, and the choreography competition, she's never had to do that either... I haven't had any texts yet so I don't know who she's dormed with - although her dorm on the top floor, as I found out to my cost when hauling her stuff up the stairs!
  21. We've occasionally found things on youtube that can be handy, we saw one once about how to do fouettes that explained everything, broke it down into individual elements and showed it in slow-motion.
  22. Pas de Quatre, thanks for this link, I didn't know this sort of thing was available. It sounds very useful.
  23. Dd at Tring at the moment at the Cecchetti Summer School - I can't keep her away!
  24. Wherever you order from, make sure you order well in advance - recently dd's modern teacher had to source some different outfits at the last minute as the original ones were on back-order and didn't come in time.
  25. Thanks for water bottle advice - we haven't got any paperwork as it is our disabled friend who organised it. I'll tell hubby to take empty bottles - although he said if he gets thirsty he will wait for it to rain and then tilt his head back and open his mouth for a drink!
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