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Everything posted by taxi4ballet

  1. Children often follow in their parents' footsteps - teaching, the medical profession, armed forces, law, banking, butchers, motor racing - and just think how many acting dynasties there are! Having researched my family history and traced several long-lost relatives, I discovered three electronics engineers in three different branches of the family, who had never met and didn't know about one-another. Definitely something in the genes too!
  2. Probably inheriting the right kind of physique from your parents helps too, and being brought up in the sort environment where hard work is taken for granted.
  3. Funny how you find this sort of thing out - never heard of it before. Is it something that the teachers get to know of through the RAD, and some like their pupils to enter and others don't bother or aren't interested?
  4. taxi4ballet


    DD's friend found a wild wood pigeon with a mystery illness the other day, she very kindly brought it round to my house. Muggins here had to take it to the vet. Didn't turn out well for the pigeon... I hope it wasn't Bird Flu
  5. Makes you wonder what they were doing in the class then, doesn't it!
  6. Come on, Fiz, do you remember writing this?!!!
  7. Agree with this, and about the standard of vocational training, but something else I'm interested in is the academic side of the schools too.
  8. taxi4ballet


    You walk into the doctor's surgery, and they say "How are you?" .... Doh!
  9. If you are thinking about sending your child anywhere you want to be able to see everything...
  10. Give it time, Fiz, it might take a few weeks for you to get your feet 'under the desk' so to speak. Perhaps your motivation and enthusiasm might rub off onto the teens!
  11. The Royal do an audition insight day, which is open to all, as far as I know, and Tring have open days in october. Regular academic schools have open days/evenings, so it seems odd that Elmhurst don't do anything. I wonder why not?
  12. Check out their website, it tells you all about the day on there.
  13. Yes, I thought that would be the case, but don't they do anything else?
  14. I think I must be getting senile, Northern Regional Committee of what?
  15. DD wants to audition for vocational school soon and we have been looking at open days/insight days etc and found details re RBS and Tring, but can't find anything for Elmhurst. I'm wondering if anyone knew whether Elmhurst hold open days for prospective pupils and parents as I've scoured their website to no avail and e-mailed them, but not had a reply.
  16. Bit confused - where was this actually held, and who was it organised by? I've not heard of it before.
  17. This sounds like there will be committee meetings galore for years to come, with no prospect of anyone agreeing to anything other than having another meeting!
  18. I remember my dd telling me that she got very frustrated during one particular lesson. They were working on a set syllabus dance for an exam, and the teacher kept stopping them a few bars from the end, over and over again. She was hopping mad, and said that she would much rather have done the whole dance, had corrections and then been able to run through it several times. As it was, they never practised the ending at all that day!
  19. This is what's made us think twice about auditioning for Hammond - dd doesn't sing and can't play a note!
  20. Hi Lettiesmum, PM me with her measurements, I've got a couple of tutus which might do for her, and I will check their measurements against what you need.
  21. You can say that again. As usual, this morning dd's schoolfriend turned up at our house, to collect dd on the way to school. Unusually, she was carrying a pigeon.
  22. Would have loved to come and watch, how did it go?
  23. My dd can also do the frog position like your dd, and slept like it as a baby! She has completely flat turnout, but is only now really gaining the physical strength and muscular control she needs to properly use it. She's 13.
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