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Found 9 results

  1. My son has got through to the final auditions for Central and Elmhurst. He currently dances at his local dance school to a good level, and has been doing Northern Ballet Associates for just under a year, but he's up against Royal Ballet Associates, and Royal Ballet and Elmhurst Lower School. Does anyone have experience of how many non associate or lower school children get through at final audition? I am just wondering what his chances realistically are.
  2. Hi ! Has anyone had any experience auditioning for the Hammond ( specifically for sixth form ) ? I'd love to hear about it in as much detail as possible lol.
  3. Hi all, I was wondering if any parents of current diploma students (mainly dance - but I'm sure MTs could help too!) or students themselves would mind advising me on a few things - either below or via dm? We had a really useful zoom call this week regarding new starter info, and I'm aware that there are future sessions planned for specific topics, but I'd love to try and understand a bit more sooner rather than later - so if anyone could fill in the gaps, that would be really appreciated I also know the school can be slow to reply to emails, so thought it would be quicker to ask on here! I'm also aware that things change year on year, so it may be that experiences differ. In terms of Hammond accommodation - it was mentioned that there were 3 blocks - lower secondary school, upper secondary school and then diploma/college. Are they all pretty much within the same area, or are they quite spread out over Chester? And what does the diploma block look like - is it single occupancy, ensuite or shared bathroom, kitchen etc? I think it was mentioned that some were being renovated, but not sure which these were. Does the Hammond school transport also take the diploma/college students to the school site? And is it mainly 1st years that stay in Hammond accommodation, or can the 2nd and 3rd years also remain there? Faculty - we know a couple of members of staff from other associates, but don't feel we know enough about them. Would love to hear a bit more really - very general question I know, but keen to find out. Uniform - do diploma students have to have certain items - e.g. certain colour dancewear, or is it dancer's choice? I think they're all our burning questions for now - but would love to hear about how those who have studied their recently have found the course and faculty etc. Thanks!
  4. Hello My DD has accepted her place at Rambert School. It would be great to make contact with parents who also have dancers starting in September. Perhaps set up a WhatsApp group?
  5. Hi everyone, I know it’s a bit of an impossible question but i was curious to know if anyone had an idea to the funding availability for tring sixth form for those not already in the school? It seems on here to be very limited however we have known quite a few dancers who were successful and were wondering how much it can vary?
  6. Hi - does anyone know if dancers can audition for upper schools such as Tring and Elmhurst at 17 - one year after GCSE or have they missed their chance if they don’t go immediately after GCSE?
  7. Hello everyone! I was wondering if anybody could help me with a few worries that I have about dancing and I know they aren’t the biggest problems in the world but I’ve been struggling with overcoming them recently. While at summer school, I developed shin splints which has meant that since I’ve been back at ballet I haven’t been jumping. My physio is currently easing me back into jumping but I’m so scared to try because I don’t want to feel the pain that I felt when I kept on pushing through the pain at summer school! Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this fear? Also, I am auditioning for upper schools this year and while I don’t expect any places one can try! However, I’m only in RAD Intermediate (with 1 ISTD Advanced 1 class a week) and I really lack confidence in auditions (and an invitational class at my studio) because of it. I was supposed to take my exam in a few weeks but even though my shins are nearly fully recovered, it obviously wouldn’t be a good idea! Does anyone have an experience with overcoming self-confidence doubts and expressing their love for ballet in auditions? I’m sorry this is so long but I knew that everyone here has lots of experience and the help I’ve received in the past has been wonderful. Thank you in advance! 😊 BalletBear x
  8. Central School of Ballet first and second year leotards for sale in good condition. Please message me for further details! 😊
  9. Hi there,have had a quick search and getting more confused! Can somebody tell me what opportunities there are for DC at aged 16? Looking for ballet really plus perhaps contemporary. Plus do they have GCSE entry requirements? When is the best time to audition please? Like I say,I have searched and looked on websites but I am getting confused between diplomas and three year courses and whether they are to start at 16 or 18. Thanks.
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