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  1. Really good to read this positive story Glowlight ! Dd doing audition rounds and made it onto 'books' for couple of cruise companies having been cut many times 😏. So lovely that your dd got the call after so many months ! Will keep hopeful !😊
  2. I think the most important thing is that your daughter is happy and 2 years studying A levels when she would rather be studying PA could be hard for her. My daughter was offered a place on the Diploma at Hammond at 16 but she decided she would rather stay at her school for A Levels - that was her choice. She went on to do a BA in Dance and MT in London and is now out the other side . She is auditioning alongside other Degree graduates and also Diploma graduates including from the Hammond. Success in auditions seems more about talent, skill set and β€˜look’ than type of qualification. As taxi4ballet says , there are no guarantees and so I think it’s possible to worry too much about the outcome of the chosen pathway e.g the likelihood of getting paid performing work and it’s more important to enjoy the journey ! I also remind myself that many of my daughters peers who did non PA degrees are also currently happily working in jobs unrelated to the subject they studied. At 19 with a Diploma your daughter may go straight into a her dream performing job but if not she will be young enough to choose a different path .
  3. Hi Lemongirl - that's great news πŸ˜€ Congratulations to your DD ....and good luck with the track decision - agree , it seems a bit early !
  4. Hi - As I understand the top up fee for 3rd term used to be the case at Urdang however things have changed fortunately . My Daughter is currently in first year BA and there is now an 'optional' third term which consists of rehearsals for the summer show ( 1st and 2nd year degree and diploma) for which there is no charge. My daughter, and I believe most of her friends are planning on opting in to the summer show not surprisingly ! I believe they also offer some masterclasses during this time which again are optional and for which there is a charge. My daughter and her friends attend open classes at other studios in London which are reaosnably priced so I expect she will fill any free time with these and opt in to some at Urdang too . I'll have a look at your PM Now Olivia πŸ˜€
  5. Hi Olivia I believe that Emil Dale are now offering an MT degree and also Chichester University - both with student finance . Although Chichester is a Uni based course I have heard it offers a similar number of contact hours to the schools above. My Daughter auditioned at Urdang, Bird, Performers and LIPA last year so am happy to try and answer any questions re the audition process at any of those - daughter is home this week so I can ask her !πŸ˜€
  6. Hi Lemongirl My daughter auditioned last year and from memory wasn't required to sing at her Northern Ballet school ( Manchester) audition . I also believe London Studio Centre do not require sinigng (?) Am sure someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Am not sure if these colleges are still accepting applicants for this year though ? My DD was (is) primarily a dancer and with similar focus to yours - she had very little singing experience when she auditioned last year and wasn't v. comfortable with the whole thing ...but she seems to be enjoying the singing teaching she is now receiving (1st year BA Urdang) and appreciates that when she graduates being able to sing will make her far more versatile and hopefully employable πŸ˜„. Best of luck to your daughter !!
  7. Hi OliviaT - I've messaged you πŸ˜€
  8. Hi Olivia T Reading your post it seems your our daughters are quite similar πŸ˜€. This time last year my DD was in year 13 of an academic 6th form and dancing at her local school . Her strengths were (are) also Ballet - although, like yours, not to vocational level , and modern Jazz and she had v little experience in singing . She auditioned at Northern Ballet school, Bird, Performers, Laine, Urdang and LIPA and is now on the degree course at Urdang. Am certainly no expert on all of this but If I can help / answer any questions about those colleges please feel free to ask on here or message me !
  9. It isn't ballet focussed but would thoroughly recommend Rosina Andrews' Winter Intensive . It takes place near Milton Keynes on 14th and 15th December x
  10. Hi All4 dancers πŸ˜€ I would recommend Drew Tommons . Am not sure where he's based but in the south somewhere and her does travel . He's fab ! https://www.virtuosodancephotography.com Feel free to Pm me for more info x
  11. Sorry Dippycat ... reading back I didn’t answer your question .. at the moment Urdang is where she’s hoping to go .. but not made a definite decision yet ! πŸ™„
  12. Hi Dippycat - my daughter took Biology , Dance , PE and Psychology at AS level and is continuing with all except biology to A2 . She has offers from Urdang and LIPA and is still waiting to hear from Performers . Best of luck with your decisions !πŸ˜€
  13. Hi Dance Mom .. it is a tricky decision . For what it’s worth , my daughter at 16 had a place at Hammond on their diploma but decided she wanted to stay at her local school and do A levels . She has continued at her local dance school , had a few singing lessons to prepare her audition solo and taken some masterclasses in a dance genre she had no experience in ( commercial ) and has degree offers this year. Assuming she passed her A levels she will have these to fall back on in the future should the whole dance thing not work out ! I would say go with your daughter’s gut feel ! πŸ˜€ Best of luck x
  14. Have sent you a PM ebony xx
  15. I completely agree Karen . Admittedly I haven't looked into accommodation at Performers .... but I believe its mostly private houses' flats locally . It certainly seems that that is the case for Urdang with the addition of some Student Accommodation non specific to Urdang in the area. Although Urdang is in London transport links mean my daughter could be home in approx 2 hours should she wish to ..which is v reassuring !
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