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Can anyone recommend a good summer school?


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My dd is keen to do a summer school next summer. By then she will be just turned 12 and probably have just taken RAD Grade 4.


She's done the LCB one before at St Paul's school which she enjoyed. Do LCB also do a 'performance' summer school and where is that held? Although we live in London, the traffic getting back from Hammersmith was horrendous so I am keen to avoid that if possible! She's quite happy to do a residential one which would suit me as far less travelling every day!


I've also heard of one in Harpenden.

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The Harpenden RAD Summer school is super! My dd did this one several times. She loved all the classes, but in particular the ballet and repertoire classes. I can wholeheartedly recommend it.


Dd has also done the LCB Performance course. It was wonderful - hard work as it included jazz and pointe classes every day as well as rehearsal. The major downside for me was the journey from Hertfordshire to Barnes. It made for such long days!


I believe Tring also runs a summer school now, as part of the Tring Park Associates, but I'm not sure whether boarding is an option?

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  • 9 months later...

I'd forgotten about this post!


She did 4 days at Trings summer school in mid-July and a couple of days at Harpenden. Both very good, think she enjoyed Tring a bit more and it was more of a full day.


She might do a residential one next year.

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Sneezy thank you so much for the info on the OPES one, what a shame we found out too late, we were home from holiday on the 10th so she could have gone! That would have been a perfect week too as I was busy with dd2 then!


Oh well there's always next year.


How old is your dd and did she know anyone going?

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  • 2 months later...

My dd's ballet teacher has just recommended this for next year 2014 - to a select few girls - all have previously been involved in NYB for several years but she has suggested this as an alternative - it looks  very good and are hoping 2014 dates will be posted on their website soon - dd will be 14 next year.

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Bristol Russian Ballet School ran a two week Summer School this year for Advanced students and 1 week for younger students - can really recommend it. It was my dd's first Summer School with them (Advanced) and she learned so much from the fantastic teachers plus the International and Vocational students who attended. Entry by photos. 

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