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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. I don't mind most of the more joyous shouts in the town square, seems in tune with what's going on. The bits I really don't like is the 'appreciative' exclamations around the gypsy campfire - sounds like dirty old men lusting after a lap dancer
  2. somewhat ironically, I had given up going to my local Vue (15mins walk away) because they always cocked it up (and the price rise from Β£12 to Β£24 not helping). But tonight - no problem at all! (except the gloom, which I doubt was their fault)
  3. My Vue (off Purley Way near the Ikea in West Croydon) doesn't seem to do encore shows at all - and isn't even doing the Nutcracker live stream in December this time around. Mind you, as there were only 6 of us in the Screen 1 autitorium this evening (out of 85 recliner seats), you have to wonder how many more they will cover in the future 😞 As for the show this evening - enjoyed it well enough, though whether it's the lighting, the camera work, or a combination of the two, it wasn't half gloomy - even in the sunny town square (where sunny = beige, and indoors = dark brown)
  4. I think I've pulled a bit of a fast one πŸ™‚ Sky Cinema offer two tickets per month for a free cinema visit, to be used Sunday-Thursday. Now I assumed this was for a standard film, but just for cheek I tried one of this month's codes for the DonQ cinema relay tomorrow - and it worked!!! So I'm there for nowt, along with about 7-8 other people at the moment. Bit of a result!
  5. Not a pet owner, but just dislike fireworks, especially in local gardens. We had our usually double whammy last night - the smaller 'displays' before 8pm, then what seemed louder ones when people got back from the big public displays (the big Saturday night ones in parks etc) at about 10.30-11pm And something to look forward to again this evening no doubt (the official bonfire night)
  6. Yes, wouldn't it be great to just get the tickets you want (and nice ones at that!) and have the only worry is that you don't clash with other dates, raher than clashing with the bank manager (or CC company!)
  7. I think that may have been the lighting, which was much better at Sadlers Wells, than the limited facilties for the lighting bods at the Linbury just found my old photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dancetabs/33574106166/in/album-72157679805542411/
  8. On reflection, I'm rather wishing I'd bought a ticket to more than one performance later this month...
  9. Sounds like the giveaway didn't work out The Sound of Music springs to mind: G: You gave all your dresses to the poor when you entered the abbey? M: Yes! G: What about that one? (the one she was wearing) M: Oh, the poor didn't want this one...
  10. ah - you beat me to it above, must have been typing at the same time (and I'm slower!)
  11. Perhaps Akane's injury worse than we feared... OR Perhaps they are lined up for the June fixtures
  12. I think it's a 'Wayneism' that he does instead of counts πŸ™‚
  13. Opens tonight (31st October). I see they have put up the cast sheets for all performances already πŸ™‚
  14. I think it's for a camera 'rehearsal' for the cinema relay, and to have a backup for wonkey moments on the live relay, should they decide to release a dvd.
  15. no, just another pic of Julia and the afore mentioned Emma-Jane πŸ™‚
  16. Talk of the devil... I bet Julia is 'loving' all these 'baby' pics!! lol
  17. Yes, the number of words left, the number they had saved for each other, gave an indication of their (flagging?) dedication to each other. Saw the 'other' cast this afternoon. Liked and enjoyed both cast members, and Hannah Rudd particularly fluid whilst dancing. The choreography properly her cuppa I guess. Vocals were clear enough, for my ears Jacob Wye clearer than Alex's aussie twang. Not sure The Boss would have appreciated the singing though from either this afternoon!
  18. They seem to happen all the time at ROH these days (as many a curtain call photo ruined with heads and raised clapping hands attest)
  19. As I say, 7pm would be great for me, but appreciate it wouldn't suit everyone. Perhaps alternate shows at 7? Ironically, Saturday evening performances are often at 7pm, but I'm not keen on Saturday shows as there is so much else I'm a-doing on a Saturday!
  20. I was reading an article last week, where the NT are going to be running early start shows from February, at 6.30pm. Midweek shows only (Tuesdays an/or Thursdays) I believe. This is in response to more working from home etc where people are no longer going to the theatre after a quick bite/drink from the office/workplace, and like to get home earlier. The last part would appeal to me for sure. Now most shows at Sadlers Wells are about 2 hours (or so it seems to me), so even if they inevitably start late, usually ending before 10pm, so no problems for me making connections for getting a train home. For me, it's not so much the start time, as the end time. Ideally, a 2 to 2.5 hour show starting at 7.30 is ok; 3 hour ones would be SO much better if they started at 7pm! Thoughts?
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