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Everything posted by jmhopton

  1. Replying to my own topic but just to say I think the time here is 3 hours behind St Petersburg so it should start about 4.30pm which is about the time I used to see their performances at the cinema. Also, the website seems to contain an archive of past broadcasts so even if it can't be seen live there will hopefully be an opportunity to see it later. Having waited for over a year for the Bolshoi Don Q on dvd just to be told by Bel Air it will be released sometime this year (but never any sign of it) this may be the nearest we get to see them performing this role for a while. Who needs the Olympics when you can see Osipova and Vasiliev? Joan
  2. Just been on the Mikhailovsky website (www.mikhailovsky.ru/en) and under forthcoming live broadcasts there is a performance of Don Q on Wed. July 25th starring Ivan Vasiliev and Natalia Osipova. It says it is a premier of the revised version of the ballet. Time is 7.30 pm, presumably St Petersburg time so not sure what time that makes it here. Running time 3 hours including 2 intervals. Can't wait!!! Joan
  3. I agree with everything said by Jenny. I love Steven McRae's performances and it is not just showing off. he has the talent and technique to support his possible flamboyance. it is this combination of personality and technique which makes his performances truly memorable to me. Clement Crisp said he is the second best James he has ever seen (never heard of his first choice) and I agree. it is a great pity his performance wasn't recorded for the cinema as there isn't already a recording of the Royal ballet's Sylphide and if ticket sales were disappointing they may not do it again for a while. This is a shame as I think they are the only UK company who perform it and it is a great classical ballet. As regards the waistcoats in la Fille. I think it is better to have the floral waistcoat first and the classier dark one for the final pas de deux. Already looking forward to seeing him in some of the full-length ballets later on next season. Joan
  4. As regards my mention of Steven in Bayadere and Onegin next season it is just my wish list rather than any concrete information. I was just so impressed with him in the Fille broadcast and again in Sylphide last Saturday. I just feel he has come on so much as a professional this season, both personally and critically I would be very surprised if he doesn't get a performance in either ballet though of course Onegin casting depends on the Cranko estate. if he does get a chance at Onegin do people think it would be Lensky rather than Onegin? Joan
  5. I went on Saturday and saw 2 casts; Tamara and David and Steven and Roberta; both were excellent but it was Steven's performance I found the most memorable. Is there any style he can't master? I was captivated with his Colas at the cinema (wonderful to get all those wonderful facial close-ups you miss when you're in the amphi), and though his James was brilliant. Superb dancing and footwork and great acting. Can't wait for next season and Bayadere and Onegin! Incidentally, I too can't understand why the ballet hasn't sold better. It was virtually full for the matinee and quite full for the evening so perhaps word is getting round. Perhaps Ballo is a bit short. it seemed silly to have 18 minutes dancing followed by a 30 minute interval! I thought they could have put something else with it (voices of Spring?) or perhaps another ballet altogether. Flower Festival of Genzamo (?) would be great. Also, didn't the Royal Ballet do Dances from Napoli a few years ago or am I imagining it? If so, I don't think that has been repeated and would be a great accompaniment to Sylphide.
  6. I see from adverts for the new series of the South Bank Show on SkyArts they are having a programme devoted to male dance. This seemed to include an interview with Baryshnikov. No idea when it's scheduled for but the series starts this Sunday at 10pm, and features Nicholas Hynter from the National Theatre. Joan
  7. Just got home from seeing La Fille at the cinema in Preston and had to log on immediately to say what a joy it was. I thought the whole cast was wonderful but special mention to Roberta and Steven. They were sensational!!!!!!!!! I can't remember such an enjoyable and moving performance in all my 25 years of ballet going. I was moved to tears for the final pas de deux which sounds a bit strange for Fille but it was such perfect dancing and such a perfect interpretation. Being able to see facial expressions in close up made such a diference too as you often miss out on such details when you're in the amphi. I only regret cinemas don't show repeats of ballets. I would have gone every night for a week (or longer). Please issue a dvd of it, despite the others available. This was such a special performance I'm already desperate to see it again. Joan
  8. SkyArts broadcasted last years ballet and opera cinema broadcasts (including the Carlos Bayadere). I was surprised at the time as I thought the BBC had some sort of 'agreement' with the ROH and Opus Arte but perhaps the arts are going the way sport has been going for quite a few years - to the highest bidder - and these days that seems to be Sky. Though that is very frustrating for the majority of tv owners who haven't got Sky. Also, as regards the choice of ballets for cinema broadcast, why couldn't they do La Sylphide this year? It is a lovely ballet and a bit different but still very traditional and Ballo della Regina sound traditional enough too. Also agree with the previous poster who highlighted the wonderful programmes performed by Birmingham Ballet (the splendid Two Pigeons Double bill) and their Beauty and the Beast. Also Northern Ballet do some wonderful ballets too. I know I've mentioned this before but how can such a relatively small touring company stage a full length ballet every year (2 last year!) while a big company like the Royal ballet has to wait 17 years!! I know Northern Ballet have got David Nixon, a classical choreographer, but even so.... Joan
  9. I'm very disappointed with the Royal Ballets choice of broadcasts. All have been shown fairly recently either on tv or at the cinema. I don't think I'll be going to any and, living in Lancashire, I rely a lot on the cinema broadcasts. I've said it before but I'll say it again, what is the problem of recording Onegin? Is it Reid Anderson? The fact that 2 performances have been officially recorded; the Marcia Haydee one and Canadian Ballet must have meant either Cranko himself or Reid Anderson gave permission then so why not now? it is such a beautiful ballet (possibly my favourite), it deserves a modern recording. Bolshoi cinema broadcasts are more interesting though I was disappointed with the music for Lost Illusions. I don't see the point of rejecting what was probably a quite tuneful and traditional score by Asafiev and having a rather spiky modern score created for a ballet set in the 18th (?) century. The Vasiliev/Osipova Don Q is definately worth a second broadcast, though I hope this doesn't mean the dvd is going to be delayed even more. When I contacted BelAir Classique they said they were releasing it sometime this year but I don't know what's taking them so long as it is over a year after the original broadcast and I would have thought it is the dvd everyone is waiting for. Joan
  10. I've seen both previous Royal productions and wasn't hugely impressed with either; both the productions themselves and the dancing. I think the trouble was that at roughly that time the Kirov were around in the summer with dancers such as Ruzimatov and Zelensky and comparisons were inevitable; the Royal dancers just didn't generate the same level of excitement. Even Irek, whom I saw in the first production didn't gell in the role as well as I had expected. I think I was vaguely expecting something on the lines of Baryshnikov as seen in the ABT video and it just didn't happen. Today it is even more difficult for the Royal dancers as so many ballet enthusiasts have seen Osipova and Vasiliev who have set such world standards in these roles that it is difficult to imagine any Royal dancer living up to just on a sheer 'firework' level though of course other interpretations of the roles are equally valid. I'm sure Marianella and Steven MacRae (hopefully together) will give wonderful performances that I am already looking forward to.
  11. And a fifth from me. It was terrible in the new year without ballet.co. Long may it continue and grateful thanks to all those who make it possible!!!! Joan
  12. Last months Dancing Times in its article about the Royal Ballets 2012/13 programmes said Kevin O'Hare says his priority is new works and plans a new production of a classic for the 2013/14 season. Now we know what it is! I hoped it would be Don Q as it doesn't seem right that a Company as important as Royal Ballet does not have this great classic in it's rep. I know it will (hopefully!) be third time lucky but I'm sure the Royal Ballet have the talent to make a success of it. I agree I'd love to see Steven MacRae in the role of Basilio though it would be great if they could get Ivan Vasiliev and Osipova for a guest performance. I see they are both guesting with ABT in May as are Alina and Johann. I remember seeing Alina and Angel Corella light up a dreary winter day with their performance in the Nureyev Don Q at the ROH many years ago.
  13. I logged in yesterday about 10am. and managed to get in the buying tickets area at 11.30am. Finally managed to buy at 3.30pm; a mere 4 hours wait! But, once I did get through I found the system fast and with no glitches. However, I was taken aback by the layout of the auditorium when trying to purchase. I haven't purchased for about a year and then the auditorium was complete but sold seats 'greyed out'. I found this new system where the bought seats were removed, totally weird as the auditorium looked completely different and I couldn't relate the available seats to their actual location. It was like trying to identify a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing! I had to search for a seating plan (panicking because I thought I was going to be timed out before I could purchase) and then go between available seats and the seating plan to find the exact location to what I wanted to purchase. I hope this aspect is changed in the new upgrade. However, on the plus side I did manage to get 2 good seats for the first night of Pagodas and a really good seat for Sylphide on the evening of 26th May and a (hopefully) not too bad seat for the matinee on the same day.
  14. I'm really pleased to see Onegin again as it's one of my favourite ballets. It was a very pleasant surprise as it's not that long since it was performed. I'm always surprised more companies don't do it as it is a great ballet with 4 really good leading roles. Looking forward to seeing some dancers not seen before in it. I just wish a Uk company would do Merry Widow which is one of my favourite ballets but which I've never seen live. Every time I watch the dvd I can picture Tamara in the leading role.
  15. I too do not live anywhere near London and my technical expertise is limited to replying and posting! Howerver, I would be more than willing to pay a subscription to keep ballet.co operational. Those dark, terrible days when I couldn't get my daily fix of ballet info still haunt me and I would do anything to avoid that happening again. You don't realise how much you rely on something until it is taken away. Can't thank Bruce and everyone else enough for creating such a knowedgeable and friendly site. I'm not a member of facebook and have no intention of joining even for ballet info. so this forum is invaluable. Long may it continue. Joan
  16. Does anyone know who will replace Polunin in the La Filles he was due to dance with Choe in period 3? Thanks Joan
  17. What a disappointment but thanks for replying Kevin. At least now we know. Is this the first summer since 1999 when neither have come? If it's to do with the Olympics there are plenty of weeks in the summer with no sport! That means it could be another 3 year wait before we see the Bolshoi again and the Kirov were definately resurgent last year. I have withdrawl symtoms already! the only slight consolation is seeing the Bolshoi at the cinema though no Vasiliev and Osipova even then. Bel Air Media keeps saying whenever I email them that their Don Q will be released on dvd this year. What's kept them so long?! Joan
  18. Hi Kevin I don't suppose you've heard anything about possible visits of the Bolshoi, Kirov, Mikhailovsky to London this year? Even if it's that they're definately NOT coming it will help in making summer plans a bit easier. Thanks Joan
  19. Monday 2nd Jan SkyArts 2 is showing John Neumier's Little Mermaid at 8pm until 10.10pm I think this is a first showing on tv and the ballet has not long been released on dvd so this is quite a coup for SkyArts. It is repeated on Tuesday at 2pm and again at 7pm. Joan
  20. I certainly agree with Angela. Didn't realise how dependent I was on my daily 'fix' of ballet.co. until it was no longer there! I've been having serious withdrawal symptoms until today. Many thanks to Bruce for coming up with this great solution. All the best for a great Christmas, Bruce and a very happy New Year. You have ensured a great many ballet enthusiasts will also have a happy New Year! Joan
  21. Christmas has truly come early this year!!!! I am just so pleased ballet.co is back again in whatever format. Can't thank Bruce enough for making this possible. All the best to you for Christmas and have a wonderful New Year, you're a real star and have really made my Christmas!!!!. If I can help in any way in setting up a new forum in the new year I'd be only too happy to help though I've no technical expertise. I'd hate to go back to feeling bereft again like it's been in the last couple of weeks! Joan
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