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Everything posted by Suffolkgal

  1. The smile is just lovely. I’ve got one on camera from the stage door too!
  2. It really was - hello MaddieRose we will know each other next time! And maybe will feel brave enough to approach others like Matty Ball! Mind you we did share a moment with Zenaida Yanowsky and she was obviously delighted with them! I do think this is an absolutely sumptuous production and it’s all so silly I think it needs that gloss. The RB does rise to that sort of treatment. Incredible to think they are all doing Woolf Works this week too! Daft moments when you must suspend any critical thought include: you’re 16 love, choose one of these crazy dudes. And we are in the woods hunting but let’s have a stately minuet. And gosh I’ve just woken up and he looks jolly nice so I’m going to marry him, ok?
  3. That was just exquisite - joyful. Also on train home but from kings cross. Two lovely ladies I chatted to at the stage door. Very happy my calendar is signed! Very gracious at the stage door - william kept saying thank you so much for coming to everyone which I thought charming. Am very very happy
  4. I was in row M in the amphi- I think the children left after second interval which left me free fully to appreciate the sublime partnership that is ... mind you Fumi was so breathtaking in her first scenes that by then I felt no pain! Lots of very bronchial coughing though- would you not reckon people might at least cover their mouths?
  5. I wish I could be more tolerant but the small boy keeping up a running commentary during this SB matinee is not adding to my enjoyment
  6. really sorry about this but - cheesecake. Just take it from me. As much as you can eat! And Ellis Island - one of the most amazing places I have ever visited.
  7. Oh that’s hilarious so easily done and probably shows not enough time or checking! Except, yesterday I heard about a marketing team member who put up an image of Beethoven against a piece by Bach. Raised with team - colleague response: will anyone notice? So it may possibly be ..... fill in the blanks!
  8. I remember Bracewell saying in a podcast he did the Dream at BRB and was coached by Dowell. I do don’t I? A bit addled tonight after the awfulness of the BAFTAs
  9. First saw him in the film of R and J by Czinner with Fonteyn and Nureyev, as Benvolio! In my memory anyway... and the great David Blair as Mercutio
  10. I won’t lie, the actions of China’s rulers concerns me in the same way as Russia’s leadership. Not sure I’d take against a dancer though unless they were very politically active. I remind myself every day that we enjoy freedoms many others do not. Anyway I’m broke and saving for the RB autumn season which I hope includes loveliness
  11. Slightly off topic but can anyone confirm my memory that the fairies entrance music was used many years ago as the theme tune for a dramatisation of Ballet Shoes? That piece of music resonates with me and that may be why!
  12. I was only joshing about being an extra I’m happy just watching performance while working as I do for the NHS and doing amdram! I have always fancied being one of those courtiers who frock up and stand at the side, or remonstrate with the harlots in R and J. A couple I always noted in early ballet going days must have retired. On this thread I just mused that on a tour like this they could save some dosh by recruiting some travelling audience members as extras!
  13. I’d also expect to be offered the chance to be an extra!!!
  14. Ludicrous to have tiny ones at an evening, long ballet. Fabulous to introduce them to it through events aimed at that age group which are available. However. Is it possible this was a relative or partner of one of the dancers?
  15. The trope (hate that word but that’s what it would be called!) that people who attend regularly at arts events of whatever type are not really valued, or worth encouraging, exists and is so misguided. Britten Pears Arts ... aargh. It stems from a very foolish notion that people who regularly attend live performances are white, middle and upper class, whatever that means these days, and very well-off. The arrogance of that attitude is extraordinary. And patronising. There are undoubtedly well off people and corporate guests attending. There are far more people going without to attend, lovers of the arts and passionate supporters. The arts have always been supported by the wealthy. By we groundlings too. Look at your demographic, of course seek and encourage new audiences - but don’t forget those who may be the very ones doing the encouraging!
  16. £51 for row M in the amphi, plus travel etc - only one cinders for me and then that’s it till the Autumn. I hope the programme then encourages me to spend more and risk the trains more!
  17. a friend of mine lectures university students in news journalism - they had to be careful not to "upset" these potential reporters by sharing examples of news content from - for example - 9/11, plane and train crashes, war and so on. Could not make it up!
  18. Was booked to see Baryshnikov guesting with RB in R and J. He was ill or injured... can’t remember it’s a long time ago. They put on derek Deane. Many talents but not a great Romeo when they had Eagling, Wall, Dowell ... but of course we applauded properly it’s very bad form to jeer not cheer.
  19. Love these podcasts, they are interesting and amusing and just buoyant. I loved the WB one, he is a very engaging mix of insight, wit, ambition and humility. Lord I've had some fun at the Trocks in my time!
  20. Always a highlight for me... lovely programme from one of my favourite cities and I have been to the ballet twice there - a giselle and an onegin. Lovely company....
  21. Not really a step but that lift in the bedroom pdd in manon where des grieux sweeps her up and spins round with her in his arms... so romantic! Just before it all goes badly wrong.
  22. Thankyou so very much for all you do. I love this forum!!! Happy Christmas and a balletic new year xxx
  23. I love re-reading “Lynn”. Although when it came out a fellow amphi regular said it was : I was the best dramatic dancer in the world but no one knew. except, as she said, we did! Whatever... it’s fascinating and great insight into her life and art. She’s so honest and gosh has she lived!
  24. The photos would once have been theirs by their own photographers and in their own photo libraries but most of those were broken up so people use digital libraries. if anyone remembers Poliakoff’s Shooting the Past ... a great lady always so gracious. Ballet has such a tradition of passing on the art .. I am sure there are many in our companies who benefited from her work and coaching
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