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Everything posted by FionaM

  1. Mine’s been hardly used ... no school run, no travel, no outings, no shopping except food and that’s mostly walkable!
  2. I am really looking forward to this .... lots of other brilliant Brazilian dancers are participating including young soloists already performing principal roles at the Mariinsky - Victor Caixeta, and Bolshoi - David Motta Soares. I’ve watched Victor in clips online ... very very promising. I also saw David perform Don Q with Ekaterina Krysanova in London when the Bolshoi visited last year. He was tremendous 👏
  3. thought you might have been, but I wanted to highlight his brilliance nevertheless!
  4. Vadim Muntagirov is possibly the best pure ballet dancer of the classics in the world. Gorgeous adagio, beautiful arm movements, extended lines, elegant jumps, multiple fluid and controlled pirouettes, extraordinarily pure technique 👏. Here is a rehearsal in 2016 with Anthony Dowell of the upcoming solo.
  5. And finally something uplifting for the dancers to be part of and for the audience to enjoy ❤️ Huge thank you to Christopher Wheeldon ... I imagine this was an enormous work to create and pull together. Bravo 👏
  6. I am watching today’s Monday live concert .... this time with 50 people in the audience, spread around the first 2 tiers. None in the stalls. All wearing masks. I am amazed and thrilled at how much applause can be heard from just those 50 lucky people. I’m crying with delight. Lovely ballet performances this evening: - Aegina solo from ‘Spartacus‘ by Prisca Zeisel - ‘Alice’ pdd by Maria Chiara Bono and Emilio Pavane - Solor solo from La Bayadere by Dmitry Vyskubenko, who is rapidly developing into the Munich ‘Vadim’ Do watch It once it is available on-demand, usually from Thursday for 2 weeks on Staatsoper.tv
  7. To me this is the most honest and heartfelt of these lockdown videos, displaying the anguish of feeling lost ‘at home’ Bravo 👏
  8. agree. ENB’s screening of their archival recordings has been an inspired insight into undoctored live performances of a ballet company. 👏
  9. Well we know how ballet is regarded at ROH now (if we didn’t before). Less than 6 minutes of an hour and a half long concert. I’ll be watching ENB’s offerings instead.
  10. And it was marvellous. More relatable classical ballet please
  11. It seems to me that ROH have ‘copied’ the format of the Munich Monday live concerts. ... mostly opera with a short bit of ballet tacked on (though only from concert #8!) Munich also kicked off with a new creation for ballet in the first concert which was of no consequence, although beautifully danced. Their next concert included the full Don Q pdd with Lauretta Summerscales and Yonah Acosta, plus Virna Toppi also danced the Kitri solo from the first act. Admirable effort! This one is available until 18th June https://operlive.de/montagskonzert9/
  12. Personally I think the RB made a poor choice this evening. The white swan pdd would have been infinitely more poignant, especially given that these two dancers were denied their debuts together in Swan Lake due to COVID. Anthony Pappano got it right by finishing the concert with the emotional duet from The Pearl Fishers.
  13. There is a nice feature in that you can buy a ticket as a gift for someone else. The ‘ticket’ to access the stream gets sent to their email.
  14. Ok . Two discoveries .... 1. You have to join this stream. It is not the same login as ROH (I used the same email address and password so it will feel the same to me) 2. You cannot use the iPad auto-entry of any details (email, Postcode, credit card, etc). Mine only worked when I typed each entry individually. We should have known anything technological wrt ROH would be backward. In another life I want to live in Germany!
  15. Doesn’t make sense to me to limit tickets for an online performance ?
  16. Is anyone else having a problem buying a ticket? My iPad is frozen at the point of purchase and I don’t know whether I have now bought a ticket or not!!!
  17. I loved this triple bill from Dutch National Ballet. All three pieces are uplifting and joyous. Highly recommend. Super performances from all the leads and you’ll catch many currents soloists/principals in support in Paquita. Available until Sat 6 June - Anna Tsygankova and Matthew Golding in PAQUITA - Anna Ol and Artur Shesterikov in PENUMBRA by Remi Wörtmeier - Junior company in NO TIME BEFORE TIME (the lead young man Dingkai Bai was impressive)
  18. thank you for the correction. I remember now that the ROH original information was incorrect (as discussed elsewhere). still shorter than your average movie 😉
  19. I think that’s doable. Giselle act 1 to 2 is easy costume change, just hair to be redone.
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