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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. Not somewhere I've been before but a front row seat in the Grand Circle for £60 can't be too bad
  2. Sounds more like it was his...and hopefully last.
  3. Just spotted that the new system allows you to see the view from seats even if those seats are already fully booked. That's progress.
  4. Some Bennos do what he did and others do a leaping tour of the stage.
  5. I’ve not done any research but am I guessing correctly that the debuts are Calvert, Edmonds, Sissens, Bhavnani (if we exclude this afternoon’s matinee), Buvoli and Allnatt?
  6. I hope it's not because people in row B will get wet!!
  7. I did have to look twice...there were the two buttons to press if you wanted to pay by card or Paypal but the credit notes section was subtle... a 'for paying by credit note press here' type thing.
  8. Just used the new system for the first time under general release day conditions and all went well, I wouldn't want to use it on a phone...offering 2000+ seats on one page is a little ambitious for that but on my desktop it was fine....I'm sure the idea of listing all your credit notes without having to type in the codes is a new and welcome addition, as is highlighting the seat(s) you have already booked if you find yourself browsing a performance you are already going to
  9. Are we all talking about the same vision? Dawnstar was talking about the vision in act 3...I tried to see who it was but it clearly wasn't Lauren or Sarah. I've never really been able to see the vision in act 4 fully from where I stand but if it's not the Odette we've been watching for the rest of the performance I will stop risking banging my chin on the SCS railing trying to see her face.
  10. Certainly not with the cameras that they put in place for cinema screenings....just the static camera above the Stalls Circle
  11. Have a look at the Royal Ballet 22 ballet box set and save yourself a fortune
  12. Have you seen that confirmed or is that what you've put on your betting slip? All I can say is Sarah better appear as the vision as well or else. ( The else is yet to be decided ).
  13. Ball would do that 1-2 bridge surely....he then disappears and Benno comes on to be greeted by Hirano or Bracewell. If Sarah is only doing the prologue she'd better be lit better than Anna Rose was last night otherwise her mention in all of this so far will amount to a very dark cameo.
  14. I saw that post and to be honest the only thought I had was that it confirmed what I had thought to be a fact, that her performances in 2020 were cancelled due to Covid and she'd been ill/injured for 2018. I didn't think to wonder if that meant that she wasn't the person that drew the Prologue straw. Particularly as Sarah Lamb was eventually withdrawn from last night's performance and replaced by O'Sullivan (maybe that was for another reason).
  15. I'm guessing it's safe to assume that the third prince will be Hirano or Bracewell, and either Lauren or Sarah will only feature in the prologue for about 20 seconds at most, then
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