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Everything posted by Dawnstar

  1. I didn't have an issue with that because the synopsis said that Victor told Elizabeth he would marry her after he finished his studies. As a standard medical degree is 6 years, & he was presumably taking extra modules on reanimating the dead, then 7 years seems reasonable! I'm very interested to read this as I saw what I think was Hirano's final Rudolf performances & was unimpressed by his acting & was left unmoved by the final suicide. (I then saw the cinecast 4 days later & sobbed through the last scene.) It's fascinating how people can have such different reactions to the same performance. I've since seen Hirano in Asphodel Meadows & Don Q & have no issues with his dancing but I still don't think I'll be booking to see him in any big acting roles in a hurry.
  2. I've just gone back through several pages to try to work this out but failed, as the majority of the comments don't mention Justine. As Pajdak danced with the Bonelli/Morera cast earlier in the run then either Magri danced with the Dyer/Lamb cast then joined the Bonelli/Morera cast as well or there's a fourth Justine that no-one seems to have mentioned. I'm glad I've seen this once & assuaged my curiosity but I don't think I'd want to see it again in a hurry. A lot of time seemed to be wasted in fairly pointless dancing - I could not come up with any reason for the several minutes of dancing the anatomy students did other than "because its a ballet" - then the more important moments often felt rushed. According to the synopsis Act 2 is set 7 years after the end of Act 1 but it felt as if it was only a matter of days/weeks afterwards, with Victor so tormented & the Creature learning to bow & finding the journal. What's he been up to for the intervening 7 years that he never checked his pockets?! I thought the cast all did a good job. I was pleased to finally see both Bonelli & Hay live, 2 and a half months after neither were in the Nutcracker they were originally scheduled for. There were a couple of times where I thought the same thing that people said about Swan Lake "why is the friend doing all the dancing while the leading man mopes around at the side?". I thought Morera was very good in a rather under-characterised role. Elizabeth only seems to exist to provide Victor with a love interest. I thought Kish was excellent as the Creature, managing to make him both sympathetic & horrific. A bit more of an explanation as to why he suddenly decided to kill all Victor's remaining relatives/friends would have been helpful. I find Magri very likeable in the roles I've seen her in so far (looking forward to Don Q next week) but didn't find Justine's hanging too traumatic, partly because I felt it was one of the moments that was rather rushed. Compared to the Nutcracker & Don Q I felt I missed more from the side stalls circle tonight. I was prepared to miss the Creature skulking around & I don't mind that as much but I found it annoying when Victor & Elizabeth vanished from view at times during their pdds in Acts 2 & 3 and so did the Creature/Elizabeth & the Creature/Victor in the last part of Act 3.
  3. I do wonder how many students keep coming to the ROH once they stop being students & find they suddenly have to pay over £100 for the same seats they've been getting for £10. Though given arts organisations all seem to be obsessed with new audiences perhaps the ROH is happy to have a constant student turnover. I've just arrived & got tonight's cast list & am surprised to find Mayara Magri's Justine, as I didn't know she was doing the role & don't recall seeing her name mentioned in any reviews. I may however now be more upset by the character's fate than I thought I would be!
  4. Given how many stalls & more expensive stalls circle seats went between 1pm & 5pm, I think it's safe to assume that the student standby was in operation again.
  5. Thanks. I was hoping there might be a collected list somewhere so I didn't have to Google every dancer individually, but I guess not. At least I now know which ones it's not worth Googling.
  6. I was fortunate today that this is selling so slowly. At 1pm I got what I thought was a Friday rush ticket for tomorrow evening only to discover, when I got home & checked my emails some 4 hours later, that I'd accidentally booked for the matinee instead. I checked the website & found most of the evening rush tickets were still available so I phoned the box office & was able to swap (the assistant kindly didn't charge me). That'll teach me to try to simultaneously book an ROH rush ticket, book a National Theatre rush ticket & do the work I was supposed to be doing!
  7. I don't suppose anyone has a list of RB dancers who are on Instagram? I gather more of them tend to post on there than on Twitter. Most of the ones that I've looked up on Twitter seem not to have posted on there for ages so it doesn't seem worth following them.
  8. Drat. I'm seeing 4 performances & he's not scheduled for Tybalt in any of them. I was really hoping I'd get to see him at least once but no.
  9. Finally! I've just seen it & found myself actually applauding! I was hoping it'd be Kish so I'll definitely get a rush ticket for Saturday now (I would usually say if I can manage to get one but that's unlikely to be an issue with this!).
  10. I'm feeling a bit like that too. Do I really want to pay £43 for a row C side stalls circle rush ticket next Saturday, & sit there missing what I gather will include important parts of the action, while knowing that probably half the people in the stalls will have paid only £5 for a full view?
  11. That's a great way of putting it @penelopesimpson. I've been feeling the same reading posts on this thread but haven't been able to find the right words to say so.
  12. Yes, I know that page. What I couldn't work out was how to get directly there from the new Tickets & Events page. The only way I could find was a convoluted route via a couple of other pages.
  13. I can't find it at the moment, though I'm on my phone so might be missing something.
  14. Quite. I found myself wondering, as the ratings box popped up today, if anyone is giving it more than a 1 or 2 at the moment. I decided to have a practice go at the Friday rush at 1pm today to see what that was like on the new website, as I'll potentially want to be doing it next week. I couldn't find any obvious link to the Friday rush page so ended up just going in via one of the Frankenstein performances, which did work. However as none of the rush tickets for Wednesday's performance have sold yet, 3 hours later, I probably won't actually have to worry about being quick next Friday for the last performance!
  15. I've been checking multiple times a day for the last couple of weeks & am finding the continued TBC frustrating, as I'm waiting to find out who is doing the final performance before I make a decision on whether to see it. Is it normal for cast changes to be left in the air like this until so near the performance? I can't believe the RB don't know who will be dancing a lead role in performances 5 & 8 days away, so why not announce it?
  16. Perhaps it's a deliberate ploy to stop regulars from booking for lots of performances!! I gave them 1/5 feedback from both my phone earlier & my laptop just now, together with messages complaining about the amount of scrolling & saying how much better the previous site was. I'm glad I've already decided what I want to book for on 3rd April as I have grave doubts that I'd be able to find any of it if I didn't already know it must be there... somewhere... after an eternity of scrolling.
  17. I really enjoyed this evening's Romeo & Juliet Insight livestream, especially the sword fighting rehearsal. I find Christopher Saunders the most engaging of the coaches I've seen on the Insights. I liked what we saw of Reece Clarke's Romeo, which is good given I'm booked to see him with both his Juliets, & Nehmiah Kish's Tybalt, who I'm guessing I'm also likely to see given he's rehearsing with Clarke.
  18. I am too, anywhere not just at the ROH. (I find it particularly irritating at improvised shows that will finish at a set time so a late start = less show.) I wish they were starting this at 7pm if it's going to be at least 3 hours. With a 10.30pm or later finish I won't be getting home till nearly 1am, which is going to be a bit killing on a work night.
  19. I can only go to the last performance so I'll be keeping a close eye on what's happening ticket-wise between now & then & see how it's looking just before the Friday rush the previous day. (And I hope that by that time they've announced who will be playing the Creature too as I don't like booking for anything without knowing casting.)
  20. That must have been fantastic. Unfortunately the 50p a week or so pocket money I was getting in the early 90s as an under 10 year old wouldn't have got me very far! I do that at WE theatres sometimes, with a reasonable success rate, but I don't think I'd have the nerve to try at the ROH.
  21. It's infuriating to read this when I'm going to have to pay £43 for restricted view row C side stalls circle in the rush after next, from where I gather I'll miss significant action. If the tickets aren't even selling at the massively reduced student rates then why oh why can't they do a general public discount?
  22. Ah, right. I hope my last but one post was balanced enough, in that I said I would like to see both Campbell & Corrales in the role.
  23. I thought this was a "fan site" in as far as it's a site for fans of ballet to discuss it. Is there another, negative, meaning of "fan site" that I'm unaware of?
  24. I confess that that point did occur to me when booking for Hayward/Corrales! Though I do want to see Corrales in a major role too as I, like many others, was impressed by his Hungarian Officer. Perhaps there is more speculation about Corrales than others (though there's been a fair amount about Watson too) because he sadly got injured so soon that most of us haven't had the opportunity to see him in any major role with the RB yet.
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