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Everything posted by Sparkly

  1. Hi all, My 14 year old daughter has asked me to help her think about jobs in the future. She is adamant that she wants to go to dance college and dance in theatres but beyond that is unsure. She does ballet, tap, modern jazz, contemporary, commercial, singing and drama at her dance school and is grade 4/5 ISTD in the main genres. She also goes to ballet and jazz associates and performs with local amateur theatre groups. She has an absolute passion for it and is heading towards preferring musical theatre I think. She used to love ballet the most but I think she realises she’s not the standard required and doesn’t have the perfect bendy feet required. She can sing but isn’t the best or most powerful singer so my question is: are there many jobs for dancers in the West End that don’t require singing? Also, what other musical theatre performance jobs are there that aren’t in the West End? And what dance performance jobs are there other than this? I could think of ballet companies, contemporary companies - either regional or touring, cruise ships, Disney parks, touring shows like Strictly Live or with a pop band etc. Have I missed anything? We’re just trying to get an idea about what she’s actually aiming for with all this dance training and where to focus our time and money in regards to her training over the next few years. Any advice/knowledge is greatly appreciated! SparklyMum
  2. Thank you everyone, lots to think about now!
  3. My DD has auditioned for associates and not got in unfortunately. Does your child do the open classes?
  4. Hello, I’m considering a change of dance school for my 2 DDs due to some recurring issues where they are now. Does anyone have any recommendations for dance schools in the Leeds and Bradford areas? Thanks 😃
  5. 30 hours a week?! Wow! That’s a lot. My DD is 12 and does 11-14 hours a week and that’s definitely the limit I feel or else she wouldn’t have time to do homework, see non-dance friends or just relax.
  6. Hi Pixiewoo, I’m not sure to be honest. Every application form I’ve seen has at least asked for the dance teachers details if not their signature. Is your DD at the Northern Easter course in Leeds this week?
  7. Hi Suvis, It is so very hard. My DD had a recall for Northern but didn’t get a place, nor did she get Royal which she also auditioned for. She was very disappointed as she loves ballet but knows that she perhaps doesn’t have the perfect physical attributes that are required. She is most definitely more resilient than I am and I am so proud of her especially as three friends were accepted into the programs she auditioned for and she truly has been very happy for all of them. Your DD will be fine and I know it’s heartbreaking for you as Mum to see her so sad but it will make her stronger and more determined and also teach her the very important life lesson that life is not always fair. Also she’s very young and has many years of auditions ahead of her so it’s great for her to build up that much needed resiliency now! I really do feel for you both though! Hope you have a lovely Easter with your lovely DD xx
  8. Hi Pixiewoo, my DD is also with Renaissance Arts and loves it. I just wish their assessment day was a bit sooner so we knew if she definitely had a second year! She hasn’t missed any sessions and seems to be progressing well so hopefully all will be well! Glad your DD is ok.
  9. Tutusatdawn, hope your DD is ok, my DD also received a no and is very upset although she’s trying to put a brave face on. She got reserve list last year so seems to be going in the wrong direction. Makes me wonder if it’s worth all the heartache!
  10. Is it for flat shoes or pointe shoes? With flat shoes if you fold the back down then you sew the ribbons on just next to where the back of the shoe stops. Not sure I’ve described that very well! I usually use a lighter to singe the ends of the ribbons so they don’t fray. Leave the ribbons quite long and cut them once they’re sewn on so you can see how long you want them. You’ll need to leave enough ribbon at the end to tuck them in once you’ve knotted them on the inside of the ankle. Hope this helps!
  11. Yes there was a class full of boys just about to go in as my DDs class came out x
  12. Hi Coniger, They said WL finals results next week and MAs around Easter x
  13. Just a quick update. My DD auditioned in Birmingham today and had a lovely time. Whatever the outcome she’s enjoyed the audition experience immensely. Thank you all for your well wishes when DD was ill and for suggesting that I call and ask if she could audition at another centre as I would never have thought to ask! Sparkly x
  14. Thank you. She’s like a different child today now the antibiotics have kicked in. We’ve also had confirmation that she can audition in Birmingham in a couple of weeks, hooray!
  15. Thanks all. We’ve just been to the doctors and she has pretty nasty tonsillitis so definitely no audition today. I’ve left a message and sent an email asking if she can do the Birmingham audition instead so fingers crossed they get back to us with a yes!
  16. I never thought of that! I’ll see how she is in the morning and give them a call if needed. Hoglett, I know I did think that 🙂
  17. My DD has her rbs mid associates audition in Manchester tomorrow and is horribly unwell, poor thing. Temperature of 38 but shivering, saying she’s cold. She was so upset before bedtime with the thought of not going. Part of me wants to ply her with calpol and still take her, the other part of me wants to just let her sleep it off. She’s been looking forward to this for so long :-(
  18. Hi, I’m in the process of applying to RBS for my DD for MAs and summer school. It seems to be 2 separate applications that I’ve had to create 2 different accounts for, however the photos required are the same. Does anyone know if there’s a way of combining the applications or do I literally upload the same photos twice, on different application forms? Thanks in advance! Sparkly x
  19. Hi Pixiewoo, She absolutely loved it! She said it was hard work but fun and she thinks it's really going to bring her on :-)
  20. Thank you LinMM! Looking at RAD teaching videos is a great suggestion. I know what you mean about the foot being upturned in arabesque, I think it may be called winging the foot? I also think it looks better when the foot is in line with the leg although it can look nice in attitude.
  21. Thank you for your replies. From what I've seen it's easier to spot bad technique than good. I remember one festival where all the girls from a particular school were doing back flips but with bent elbows and heads skimming the floor, I could hardly watch! Hopefully the more I watch, the more I'll learn, particularly when it comes to identifying things done well 😃
  22. Ah thank you Picturesinthefirelight, that makes sense!
  23. Hi all, Sorry for the odd question but I've been wondering, what exactly is meant by technique? At festivals I've heard the adjudicator make such comments as, 'secure technique shown', or 'needs to strengthen the technique'. I've always thought it means things like good posture, stretched feet etc, is that right? I've also heard the word 'placement' a lot and I'm not sure what that means either! I love watching dance, not just my own daughters but other children too and of course professionals, but I have no idea if the dancing is technically good or not. If I enjoy a dance it's because I've found it entertaining or moving in some way but I'd love to know the technicalities of it too! Sparkly x
  24. Hi PixieWoo, My 11 year old DD is starting the RA scholars next month too. She can't wait as she loved the audition and was very pleased to get accepted after *only* getting on the reserve list for Northern Ballet associates (her words not mine)! Have you had any info yet? I had the contract through a while ago just after her acceptance email but have heard nothing since? Sparkly x
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