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Everything posted by balletbean

  1. I shall have another go. So frustrating. Thank you
  2. Unfortunately not taxi4ballet. I popped the sdcard into the laptop. This automatically uploaded images onto desktop icon of "photos". The "photos" won't allow me to attach on an email. So I've tried to transfer the file that I created in Photos to Pictures. Pictures can then be attached to an email. But this is where I have failed. Empty household so no teenage geeks present. #toooldforallthis Beginning to lose the will....................................
  3. That's very helpful. I'm struggling at the moment as the memory card from the camera has automatically uploaded the images in to PHOTOS but not accessible in PICTURES so I can't email them anywhere! It's not even an expensive all singing or dancing (excuse the pun) laptop. Can't seem to transfer images from Photos to Picture file! Modern technology fails me completely Grrrrrrr
  4. PS What does 10MB mean in photo terms? How big should the image be to conform with this requirement? Thanks
  5. Bluebird22, I appear to have escaped all of those mentioned. However, I did have the teenager editing photos because "aircon unit was seen in photos" "fire exit sign" you name it she was more wound up with that element of the photos! Teenagers are definitely mentally draining unfortunately they don't stop there! As a mother of another DD (21 year old) the goal posts just move but the stress is still there. But we love them all dearly. What did we all do BC (before children)?!
  6. Ha Ha But quite happily post selfies!!! Bless 'em all
  7. Oh My Goodness, you are talking my kind of language. From Health and Safety, Criminal Records Check, Wardrobe crisis, Studio space/time, teenager happy with the images taken, Techie issues with the laptop and then 10MB! What does that mean in English? The actual audition sounds like a breeze.
  8. Thank you, so kind. I've been down the road with MT colleges with my eldest but now entering the daunting world of classical vocational schools!
  9. Thank you, just wasn't too sure. Thinking I was going to be assessed for A level photography!!! Already had the entire wardrobe of leotards to try on and decide. In principal it sounds so simple. But not so.................... teenagers Bless 'em
  10. Thank you 2dancersmum. Reassuring as that was the route I was pursing. Just wasn't too sure.
  11. A simple question, as a newbie to all this. Application PHOTOS:- Are they looking for professional photographic studio quality or clear photos taken by a parent in a dance studio setting? I have the info on the positions and clothing but nothing else. I don't want to get it all wrong and lessen any chances because of a simple error Any advice gratefully received. Thank you
  12. A simple question, as a newbie to all this. Application PHOTOS:- Are they looking for professional photographic studio quality or clear photos taken by a parent in a dance studio setting? I have the info on the positions and clothing but nothing else. I don't want to get it all wrong and lessen any chances because of a simple error Any advice gratefully received. Thank you
  13. A simple question, as a newbie to all this. Application PHOTOS:- Are they looking for professional photographic studio quality or clear photos taken by a parent in a dance studio setting? I have the info on the positions and clothing but nothing else. I don't want to get it all wrong and lessen any chances because of a simple error Any advice gratefully received. Thank you
  14. A simple question, as a newbie to all this. Application PHOTOS:- Are they looking for professional photographic studio quality or clear photos taken by a parent in a dance studio setting? I have the info on the positions and clothing but nothing else. I don't want to get it all wrong and lessen any chances because of a simple error Any advice gratefully received. Thank you
  15. Tough decision but wholeheartedly agree with the correct decision being made. Wish more parents would do so as well. I would like to know of what purpose the teacher had in suggesting pointe at just grade 3. Not just strength both in feet and core but also technique still in the very early stages of development. She is taking a huge risk of her pupils health and future well being. For what.............!
  16. I also like the "6th form". But then still can't get my head around the year 9, 10, 11 in schools but then bounces to "6th form". Never referred to as yrs 12 & 13! Fickle life we lead. Or just our age creeping up on us. He He
  17. Agree totally on the subject of Art. Fortunately most theatre trips are very local, however one will require a 3 day trip to London and a Lion King workshop then performance so it will eat into studio time but on this occasion a small price to pay. Except for me as it will be costing heaps! Bless 'er
  18. Hi, History and Geography weren't immediate top choices coupled with RS, my DD has certainly ticked all the humanity boxes. It was how the option choices were laid out within each column. She made a decision not to continue with ICT only to discover than even though it's an option they still all sit at least one ICT paper rather than 2! Art, no homework?. I'm curious as at my DD's school it is well known how much own time has to be allocated to Art. I know of many dance focused students who are very gifted Artistes but have had to drop the subject due to the demands into their studio time. Unlike a humanity subject that can be completed on the floor in a dressing room (not ideal) Art isn't quite so flexible. The other challenge is the Geography field trip, clashed with possible SS dates for next summer. Not a happy household.
  19. All schools appear to vary after reading the many threads on this post. My DD is in yr10. They had option choices at the end of yr 8 starting their GCSE's in yr 9. First taken in the summer. Media Studies. Options incl one compulsory MFL, French, Spanish or German. Further options decided on were Geography, History and Drama. These run along side the usual core subjects of English Lit and Lang, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT, RS, Maths, Don't think I've missed any out. Just remember nearly all Vocational schools still require 5 GCSE A* to C Grade but the Grading system is changing. Anyone in the current Yr10 will be the guinea pigs. Some will be awarded 9 (rare) then 8, 7, 6 etc No like to like comparison in what is awarded at present. Not sure if Vocational schools are up to speed with the new grading system. Reluctant for my DD to drop a subject to relieve any avoidable stress but with 13 hours min in the studio per week without any usual extras for exams, festivals and shows I'm not sure that this level be able to be maintained. Good Luck to all the other parents out there trying to find the right balance to allow their child to succeed. It appears to be a constant battle with the schools.
  20. Thank you, Yes, I learnt all about the portable DBS yesterday. Unfortunately only available to those that have had their check completed within 19 days. Otherwise I have to wait for another application to be processed then apply for the portable to be added. Shame nothing was mentioned when I first applied. After all these pieces of paper are out of the date the day after they are issued. I am totally supportive of safety checks are concerned but this was for my own daughter. I've been a parent at the school for 17 consecutive years and a past pupil. Common sense out the window.
  21. Oh, gosh you are so right. Fortunately being involved in a very small performing arts community (incl Am Dram) no one can afford to be a 'diva' of self importance as they learn very fast how the business works. Something that should be taught for all walks of life.
  22. Thank you, I have that book but from a teenagers perspective it was wordy with very small print and no images to capture the essence of the ballet. We've all seen Swan Lake iconic images but some of the less familiar ballets when researched could be enhanced with photos (even for me).
  23. I kindly informed the school that I actually have had the full DBS check and can present my certificate should they require it. I did feel like saying that the check is out of date as soon as the certificate is issued, but refrained from telling them that. Nope, because 'they did not conduct the search themselves'!!! As we all know, no schools or establishments do. All businesses have to apply to the same records office, their excuse was beyond a polite reply. I put the kettle on instead. Grrrrrr
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