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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. Is this something different from the already existing streaming subscription service? (Genuine question - I don't subscribe so don't know.) It slightly irritates me when it says that prices are significantly lower than seeing the performances live. Of course they are! (And it's in no way equivalent to seeing the performances live.) And if this is a way of justifying ever higher prices for actually seeing performances live then it's doubly annoying.
  2. That's interesting, @li tai po. The RBS describes the process of staging The Four Seasons here: https://www.royalballetschool.org.uk/2023/05/19/behind-macmillans-the-four-seasons-with-choreologist-giacomo-bevilacqua/ I assume that this re-staging (which sounds more like a radical dismemberment to me) has been approved by Lady MacMillan, but I too would have been very disappointed if I'd gone to these performances expecting to see The Four Seasons that I remember (and would love to see again).
  3. Strewth! I look at these prices with some incredulity; I hadn't registered quite how much prices had gone up in such a short time (just looking at 'my' seats). Explains why I've been to to a third fewer performances in 2022-2023 than in 2018-2019 (and even then have spent more money, which can't continue).
  4. If this is an ACE requirement, it's entirely irrational; what's the point of educating people to appreciate an art form if they then can't go and see it?
  5. The one thing I don't think the ROH should be doing in response to budget difficulties is to continue to raise ticket prices so that it becomes (has become) what most people have always thought it was anyway - i.e. a very expensive and elitist organisation to which only well-off people can go. I have spent decades persuading people that this is not in fact the case; in the last few years, it's become impossible to disagree with them. And I don't understand how this approach is compatible with receiving what is still a huge amount of funding from ACE with its emphasis on accessibility etc etc.
  6. I'm so glad that the dancers are being so lauded! They deserve every minute of it (and look as if they're enjoying it greatly, judging by Instagram! Though I'm sure it's very demanding too).
  7. Thank you again! I was about to have a meltdown... So it's just DQ that's the issue. Baffling.
  8. Thank you Bluebird - in fact I go for side seats (see up).
  9. Thank you. I normally go for the ends of rows F or G, eg F38 or F76 or equivalent. I'm wondering if they've moved these seats into the higher band. Very bad news if so...
  10. I can't believe this. It seems the tickets I normally buy in the Amphi, which I had assumed were in the £52 price band, are in fact £67! Way more than last year for any 3-acter. Do they think the magic words 'Carlos Acosta' mean they can charge unlimited amounts? Or is Nutcracker similarly priced? I can't see those prices.
  11. It's 5 July, isn't it (at least for higher level Friends)? Or is there another update?!
  12. Hardly! There's often criticism of RB productions (as well as enthusiasm for them) on this forum.
  13. Paige Bestington won the People's Choice Award a few weeks ago - and now she's leaving!
  14. I don't think anyone would have had any doubt about this, capybara! 😊
  15. The Wallace Collection have replied and they say that although links may not usually be shared, this one can be shared because the lecture was free. So here is the text of the email dated yesterday: Please find a link below to a recording of our recent event, Out of This World: Dancing into Fairylands, which will be available to view for two weeks. (NOTE: this means 2 weeks from the broadcast date of 19th June.) Recording Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/ZOKFWh8xNTgT28TdzxdqhZbKyNp1Ro0_v9yX83IAE1UAHl3YWK3Z4WwLxvchbMIC.8kJzVTyo_fsduO_- Access Passcode: Q*B#f9Qt We hope that you enjoy watching this recording and look forward to welcoming you to more Wallace Collection events in the future. After you have watched, please consider filling out our feedback form. Your feedback will help us to build a more engaging and relevant programme. Find out more about future events via our website here. If you haven’t done so already, please consider joining our mailing list to receive our regular e-newsletters with updates on events, ways to explore the collection online, exhibitions and more. You can subscribe here.
  16. I've received a link and password from the Wallace Collection - I've emailed them to ask if it would be OK to share them here.
  17. No, but a) it sounds dangerous, and b) presumably these people will not in fact fill the opera house any times over because the ticket prices would be too high. So they will just have to be content with being executed.
  18. I'm so sorry to hear about their health problems. Li Cunxin has had an amazing life and career and I have very fond memories of Mary McKendry as a dancer with London Festival Ballet. I wish them both the very best.
  19. No, it'll be available in 48 hours' time, for two weeks.
  20. I don't remember seeing Anna at the beginning; that would help to an extent, but for me it still seems like a huge amount of time spent on reliving the details of what we now know to be false memories (which are actually presented as the lives of the real people involved). In a sense, we now know that the ballet is really about Anna, not about Anastasia, but most of the stage time is given to Anastasia's life.
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