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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Thank you Melody.( I'm probably naive... but surprised)
  2. Melody, did you hear the part where the ballet teacher (after apparently showing a video of a school or company performance from years ago) and commenting on the state of affairs regarding the artistic school, said something along the lines of, 'Before, it was never like this...' Before what ? Do you know ?
  3. That's just horrendous LinMM.... My condolences. I saw the Unreported World documentary...we don't realise how lucky we are. x
  4. My niece is at Rambert, it probably would have been her first choice anyway, but the student loan was the clincher....
  5. Twoballerinas, from what I remember, we got our 'yes' in April and then sent the acceptance paperwork...Then, we only received more information in June. But, as I said, call them or send an email if you have any doubts.x
  6. Last year we received our 'Information Pack' at the beginning of June. Maybe give them a call if you're concerned. x
  7. I may be wrong, but I think the boycotted event was a promo or ad for Range Rover, or something....
  8. Oh Petunia, that's going to be my 'happy thought' to go to bed on ! Thanks !
  9. Porthesia, it is on the CNB website, although it will probably also appear in Dance Europe Magazine I imagine.
  10. Just a quick shout out to anyone who may be interested. CNB will be holding auditions in Lisbon on 5th May. Last year they did a London audition and recruited about 3 or 4 graduates from UK schools, but I'm not sure if they will be auditioning in the UK this year. Here's the link for the application form (until April 10th) x http://www.cnb.pt/gca/?id=1150
  11. I think that vocational schools (UK) have come a long, long way over the last decade or so in terms of the importance of nutrition advice, injury prevention and cross training...I think that it is so important for ballet students to do cross training (pilates, gyrrotonics, weight training etc) to enhance the ballet technique and to strengthen the 'under used' muscles, tendons etc which may not be essential in a ballet class, but when weak, lead to over compensation on other muscles etc and thus injury. Dance science and medicine may be still in relative 'infancy' but it is invaluable. Finance, however is obviously a big issue...
  12. I haven't had first hand experience of the Upper School audition process for quite a few years (I was referring more to company auditions), but I would hazard a guess that the wealth of information that the internet brings, schools going overseas to audition and ease of travel makes the world a much smaller place. The information about schools and auditions that these 'youngsters' have at their fingertips is incredible. In the '80's and early '90's if you wanted to find a job in say, Germany for example, you'd get a railcard, book a tour, stay in hostels and knock on doors to see if they'd let you do class ! Now you can go to one of a number of websites and find out whats on and when within a matter of minutes ! x
  13. Oooo Pups mum, that's great to know about those sites (I'm about to embark on a costume hunt for a teeny little ballet boy !) Thanks. x
  14. Hi Billyelliot, I've recently been looking for costumes (not boys though) and came across 2 sites which were new to me. Dance Gear Direct (also do made to order) and another called movedancewear. I don't know if they will be of any help to you. Incidentally, I have used US sites All About Dance and Discount Dance Supply in the past (they shipped to Europe) and was very pleased. x
  15. I think it's the training matched with the sheer hard work and determination. DS has some Japanese students at his school and you never, ever see them give up. Great discussion ! Thanks Ribbons !
  16. I agree with you too Anjuli regarding both the nurturing of talent, longevity of career and artistic quality (and will google the book you mention) However, we have to face the cold, hard reality that after many years of training and in most cases great financial expense, many students are simply not being offered contracts. (Of course, there have never been enough places available for the graduates...) Pups mum. I understand, but it doesn't have to be taken to the extremes. For example I used to observe and take class with a fantastic Cuban teacher. He would get his 12 year old (vocational students) to turn...(and boy do the Cubans know how to teach turns !) Obviously they had already mastered the basics of a pirouette, but at the end of class he'd encourage them to do doubles, triples, the next year fouettes....Now these girls were by no means executing perfect turns first of all, but they had no fear....and a couple of years down the line, wow, they were incredible.
  17. I agree with everything you said drdance, but thinking competitively, if this little lady is pulling off doubles en pointe at 10, what on earth is she going to be capable and quite comfortable doing at the age of 14/16/18...which could possibly clinch her that all important contract over someone who had been introduced to fouettes en pointe (for example) at the age of 15/16.....I'm the very first person to shout out that dance is an art and not a sport etc etc and I'm no fan of over exaggerated extensions and a million pirouettes 'just for the sake of it', but it's such a horribly competitive market and if the companies want higher, faster, stronger, then that's what you have to be able to do....x
  18. I've seen this clip before, usually I find many of the youtube 'baby ballerina' clips slightly gymnasticy and vulgar at the very best and downright scary at the worst. This little one seems to have sound technique and a lovely quality. Yes, we all freak out when we hear of girls going en pointe before the age of 11 etc, but maybe exceptions should be made in certain cases.....Interesting point Ribbons, the safety of a young dancers body is paramount, which hopefully leads to longevity in their career.....(but if they're not getting the contracts there's no career full stop......?)
  19. Haha ! I won't be able to sleep for dreaming up the endless possibilities (and outcomes...!) Night. x
  20. Thanks for clarifying Balleteacher ! I was aware of ballet conditioning in a swimming pool, but had never heard of anyone wearing their pointe shoes to train underwater ! You learn something new everyday........x
  21. Thanks for the links Terpsichore, I'll watch them tomorrow. Although I haven't ever seen her 'in action', Monica certainly came across as the 'stereotypical ballerina' (and I mean this in the best way possible...tough but sensitive and hard working) and is beautiful to boot...I imagine that the TV stations need the good audience ratings as much as theatres need 'bums on seats' and from what I saw yesterday Monica seems an excellent choice to keep people watching and talking about ballet. I wonder if the show she did in Ireland was similar to the Ballet Hoo (?) programme BRB did a few years ago. x
  22. I have never heard of that Balleteacher - is it common practice ? (the pointe work underwater bit) x
  23. Terpsichore, I can't claim to be an authority, but I think she danced with the Perm State Ballet.
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