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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. Some bits of that(choreographically speaking) were quite interesting ......beautifully danced .....Thankyou Bruce. However that particular pas de deux is one that I personally think doesn't need changing much from the original .......and the wonderful climax in the music has to be the "fish dives" for me ....nothing less!! I know they are difficult and probably require a regular trusted partner etc but less and less do you see this now unfortunately. One thing I will say for Nureyev is that at the time I believe he was trying to improve dancing roles for men and make the dancing more significant for them ......which was a very good thing ......and I'm sure we are seeing the benefits of this today which perhaps many younger people may take for granted. But Nureyev quite rightly wasn't just there to show off the female(though he in fact did this admirably) so he definitely was at the forefront of bringing men's roles into the limelight more. Sorry off topic but I just love Nureyev in Songs of a Wayfarer......he danced this at the Coli with another male dancer whose name escapes me now .....might have been French?? They made me cry in this which I don't do that often ....not even at the ballet!!! Anyway even if I wasn't that keen on his Nutcracker at the time Nureyev is still my all time favourite dancer!!
  2. Well she definitely seems to say you have to get distinction at every section to get one overall!! But I personally have no idea how it's marked so perhaps other RAD Advanced oners will know.
  3. You may be right will have to read email again I may have misinterpreted it!
  4. Just had an email from Sydney to say my friends DD has just passed her RAD Advanced one with distinction!! Apparently her teacher phoned with the news a couple of days ago but she hasn't got her actual marks yet! Ive been told it's harder to get a distinction at Advanced level because you have to get the required Distinction marks in all sections .......it's not just a total of the marks! Assuming this is a worldwide thing for RAD. So she has done well but wants to get the marks so she can analyse it all!! I'd be so grateful for just a pass at this level ......so all credit to these youngsters who already want to see how they can improve!! Mum says she's already started on the new syllabus for Advanced 2. Hoping for good news for all others who have just taken this exam recently. Most people start to drop out of ballet by Advanced level so anyone who is still taking exams at this level is doing extremely well anyway.
  5. Thanks for the article Vanartus a very interesting read. It must take a great deal of courage to come back after a serious injury easily taken for granted.
  6. Not quite Fouettes but here is Sergei Polunin also using "a la couronne" (or 5th) for these turns
  7. Thanks for all that info Douglas Allen that's really helpful. As I haven't seen the Nureyev Nutcracker for so many years now perhaps I shouldn't comment as memory doesn't always serve one accurately. I just remember thinking that it was over complicated(there are lots of stories available for dark treatment ......leaving the Nutcracker for the Christmas ballet for the family that it has become ) and it was also a bit fussy and almost too much dancing so over choreographed if you like. However that's my memory and if I was to see it again today with many more years under the belt ...who knows I might be a fan!!
  8. I thought it was really well danced by all the leads today too......Francesca Hayward Vadim Muntagirov and James Hay all superb and a special mention too for Donald Thom as the Madhatter and Eric Underwood as the Caterpillar .....both excellent and stand out dances....however I also agree it needs cutting in places! It's not only the expense Lemongirl for a 7year old but it's very nearly THREE hours..... far too long for most 7's and unders!! So although parts are fun and very suitable for kids the length is of putting I think. It's a strange ballet in some ways. It really has some delightful and innovative features to help tell what is a bit of a weird story anyway.....absolutely love the Cheshire Cat and the way that was done.....but it is strangely un satisfying on another level. Some bits like the court scene go on too long and I'm not sure Alice and the knave are that believable as the "love" interest so although their main pas de deux was danced beautifully it didn't hold much meaning for me. ........perhaps it should come more right at the end of the ballet when Alice is dancing with a "real" person. There is a lot to it though and I had certainly forgotten quite a few bits from when I saw it two years ago. It is visually stunning especially in parts so if you go along taking it as a fun theatrical experience with some nice dancing here and there then it's fine......but don't take your three year old unless absolutely unavoidable!
  9. I remember seeing Nureyev's RB Nutcracker in the 70's. ....or was it 80's ?...Did he do two versions? It wasn't my favourite lets put it that way!
  10. And probably back then girls still played with dolls till 13-14!!
  11. That's great news It may be a good idea to go to some training classes with him as it's also a good way to get to know one another.
  12. Oh dear this a heartbreaking story. Can she not explain the circumstances to the police there? I really do hope she can find someone to take care of this dog.
  13. I don't understand this "floor" business. I just assumed the stage floor would be more or less the same whatever the show being performed. Is something put down on top of the normal stage floor then?
  14. OMG Melody that's an awful lot of decs!! But beautiful. It must have taken you years to collect so many! I think I definitely need to up my Christmas spec a bit ......have got a bit lazy in last few years!! It tends to happen a bit when you have no children or grandchildren but deep down I still do love it all. Ive saved the video so I can follow those science links.......they look really interesting will let you know x Happy Christmas everyone and lots of dancing / dance watching for 2015 Make it a year to go and see a Company have never seen before!!
  15. I really don't think this sort of behaviour has anything to do with age to be honest. Ive seen it with young, middle age and old age.....which I deem as people of post 65 ......however being in this bracket myself it's still hard to say "old" person or "pensioner" for me!! Anyway it's all just bad manners and I guess some people have been brought up more correctly than others whatever age they are though you would expect older people to have at least picked up some manners along the way even if didn't start with them!! So it's probably harder to tolerate in an older person I think. You can see this for the next generation just travelling around on trains etc. There are the unruly kids running up and down with parents not bothering to supervise and who then leave all their "rubbish" on the floor and seats etc and then those children who are delightful speaking in normal voices and where the parent has either provided something for them to do or is engaged in conversation. On the train last Wednesday going up to London from Brighton there was a mum with two girls who had eaten something. One of the girls was about to clear the crumbs onto the floor but the mother stopped her and said "and who is going to clear that up then? You know what to do?" The little girl then said "sorry mummy" and proceeded to gather the crumbs into a napkin and then give it to mum. Nothing was left around their seats. So right from the start the future rude /polite members of an audience are being trained......or not as it were.
  16. Have just noticed that Natalia Osipova and Margot Fonteyn share the same birthday day...May 18th!
  17. Really sorry to hear that S and P.....honestly Ive had a problem with every journey for a variety of reasons both travelling up to London and getting to places within it in the last few weeks! The traffic has been so heavy that the 38 bus for example has been stopped at Piccadilly often for several busses running .....very frustrating ....but to happen to someone before an important exam a nerve wracking experience. It can take a while for the emotions to settle down in such situations but hopefully after a couple of exercises at the barre and on hearing the familiar music your DD was okay again. Very best wishes to her anyway........did she feel the exam went at least reasonably well?
  18. Well we were originally going to be away by this date but are not going now till Jan5th(saving £400 EACH incidentally these holiday firms have got a bit of a cheek really!!) Anyway as will now be in UK on the 30th am seriously thinking of getting a last minute ticket for this. Haven't been on the website to check yet but no doubt sold out so will have to queue on the day. Ive always been 95 per cent lucky with this to date!!
  19. If the video he has posted on Facebook is anything to go by Vadim Muntagirov will very soon be making it his role Aileen!! Very sorry indeed to hear about Osipova's injury. She has certainly had some bad luck this year.
  20. Thanks......that's great because I'm seeing the Alice Matinee on Christmas Eve! I knew it was with Francesca Hayward but couldn't remember who her lead was.....very remiss of me considering its Muntagirov!!
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