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Everything posted by tutugirl

  1. My little lot had their results today. All for year 7 . 1 x MDS 2 x waiting list Best of luck those still waiting
  2. Thank you but it needs to be plain ( no zip ) I appreciate you replying though .
  3. Good morning Notaclue . I think results for the Feb audition may reach you today ? We have ours
  4. I may be wrong and I’m sure someone will correct me , but I seem to remember , a few years ago ,that there were only about 4 or 5 MDS at Tring . I also think the majority of these went to the boys . I am referring to a period when my DS was in the school . I have a pupil there currently who was awarded an MDS for year 7 , but a few days later than the first offers . So I presume she was on a waiting list . I hope I haven’t contravened any rules by posting this .
  5. I will ask my pupil . She is in grad year .
  6. Would like to purchase a dark or bright coloured degas leotard for an 8 year old , so it’ll be a 10y thank you
  7. I just wanted to wish all today’s candidates well . Hope you all have an enjoyable time , regardless of the outcome . I’m probably a little late . There’s always tomorrow !
  8. Hi Sally - Anne My pupil auditioned on Friday , same as your DD. She loved it , and the school . What year is your DD going for ?
  9. Places for all 3 of my pupils , 2 with scholarships . Very pleased . Looking forward to watching .
  10. Good morning ! I would be very grateful for any information regarding WL finals , please . Are the children provided with lunch ? Can anyone suggest a nearby hotel ? ( without having to sell a kidney ! ) Any info / insight would be gratefully received . My last finalist was a few years ago ! Thank you
  11. Thank you . if that is the case - please may I have the viola ? I am going out to work now , but I will contact you on my return , approx 8pm I definitely would like the viola thank you
  12. It might be worth phoning the school . I think Flower has had hers from last Monday , as have we . At least school will put you right even if not yet sent , they will tell you when . Hurry before reception closes !
  13. I think they are out - by email . Perhaps worth another check
  14. Which group were they referring to , that they invited almost all back ?
  15. Congratulations sunrise81 Is this from Manchester ?
  16. Oh don’t worry , I know it often feels like everyone knows everyone else , but it’s probably a group of JA Mums or a group from the same dance school . Quite often it is best to stand alone - away from all the chit chat and speculating !! I have experienced many many auditions , as a parent and as a teacher - it can be quite daunting at first , but you get used to it , and find your best way of making the day enjoyable. We always used to set off the night before - stay in a nearby hotel and get a good night’s sleep . Not talk about the audition too much , and have a bit of a treat afterwards ! Wishing you all the very best for your DS at the finals . Have you done Tring and Hammond too?
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