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Jan McNulty

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Everything posted by Jan McNulty

  1. TP, I assume you mean BBC1 or 2 for Darcey rather than BBC4 for the rest! I agree with Anna that it was rather rude. I would just like to say again that programmes intended to appeal to a mass audience are probably not going to be as in depth as programmes aimed at keen fans such as members of this Forum.
  2. I've moved this post to Doing Dance where you are more likely to get a response.
  3. The performances at the Lowry in May are almost sold out despite the horrendous (for the Lowry) prices. Guess I will have to miss his Swansong.
  4. Scottish Ballet performed Matthew Bourne's Highland Fling a couple of years ago. It was, I believe, the first time a company other than his own had performed the work. I would guess it would depend on who owns the rights for the work and how contractual arrangements would be set up. I would assume it would be the same with any work by any living choreographer/producer.
  5. Hello Dizzy dancer and welcome to the Forum. I think Bluebell has given some good advice and I am sure other members will have comments too. Please let us know how you get on, and good luck to your DD.
  6. Lemmy, the founder of Motorhead and previous member of Hawkwind has passed away at the age of 70. Although I was not a Motorhead aficionado, I did see him with Hawkwind. He had enormous stage presence and was a great bassist. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24806076 Sincere condolences to his family and friends.
  7. Sorry I can't answer your query Spencedance but just wanted to welcome you to the Forum.
  8. I've been meaning to ask a question on this thread for a while now about the speed at which roles in the classics are danced. Numerous examples have been given about how much faster variations were danced in days gone by. I was wondering, however, if current producers of traditional versions of the classics are happy with the speeds as they are currently danced or if the dancers have more influence in that these days? I know that, for example, Sir Peter Wright is still actively involved in revivals of his classic productions such as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.
  9. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss Helen. Heartfelt condolences to Mrs Schon's family and friends at this dreadfully sad time.
  10. I've just been chatting to a friend on the telephone. She watched Carmen on TV and enjoyed it (much against her expectation)!
  11. Spoke too soon - just wanted to quote part of a posting and I couldn't!
  12. Sorry but the quote function seems to be a bit erratic so I have had to post the whole post. I was under the impression that Peter Schaufuss was a dancer of world renown who kept the Bournonville style in the international public eye during his dancing and directorship career prior to his return to Denmark. I started watching ballet just as he was appointed AD to London Festival Ballet and one of my earliest memories of an unforgettable performance was him and Eva Evdokimova in his production of La Sylphide at RFH in August 1985. During his international career he danced with Kirov/Mariinsky, POB, ABT and NYCB where roles were created on him by Balanchine. As for Irek Mukhamedov, surely the documentary clips demonstrated why he was worthy of inclusion. This documentary will have been aimed towards a mass audience and I thought it was great for that purpose even if many Forum members may have expected more.
  13. Yes, and I've got that book too! And I do believe I've got at least bits of the series on video even though I no longer have a video player! I'm just catching up on the Ballet Heroes programme and thoroughly enjoying it. I like Ms Bussell's presentation and her choice of dancers to highlight. I particularly loved the section on the RDB, Peter & Luke Schaufuss and the Bournonville style.
  14. Dancer was a wonderful series! It aired just as I was starting to watch ballet and it stoked the fires even more! This programme sparked my interest in the Bournonville style and my keen-ness on the RDB. Did you get the book that accompanied the series Odyssey?
  15. I really think your description of Ms Bussell is somewhat uncalled for as it is more personal and could have been more objective.
  16. I've just pasted the URL above and it has embedded.
  17. I find that if the URL is for YouTube, the embedded video appears in the published post.
  18. As an "English Mother Tongue" I find your final sentence offensive. If the conversation continues in this manner then I shall close the thread as it is rapidly becoming unproductive.
  19. Happy Christmas to you too SP ... and to all our Forum members!
  20. As indeed ! "liked" their posts too. In fact, I believe Bill was listing the dancers he feels are over-criticised by other members, far from criticising them himself. In the spirit of the season can we please desist from snipey remarks to each other.
  21. Northern Ballet are currently performing David Nixon's production of Nutcracker in Leeds (until 2nd January). I was there for both performances yesterday. David Nixon has chosen to set the ballet in Georgian London and the ladies' costumes in the party scene in Act 1 are particularly ravishing. It is a traditional production with Drosselmeyer more a benevolent "uncle" rather than the slightly more sinister character we may see in other productions. Clara's older sister and her boyfriend become Sugarplum and her Cavalier. Both performances yesterday were a delight. In the afternoon we saw the ravishing Rachael Gillespie as Clara with dashing Giuliano Contadini as her Nutcracker. Abigail Prudames and Joseph Taylor were Louise/Sugarplum and Boyfriend/Cavalier. In the evening we saw Antoinette Brookes Daw and Kevin Poeung as Clara and Nutcracker with Lucia Solari and Javier Torres as Louise/Sugarplum and Boyfriend/Cavalier. Rachael Gillespie has grown to be a very special performer indeed; throughout yesterday's performance you could see her sense of wonder for the Christmas party and what went on beyond, plus her realisation that she was growing up. Giuliano was great as the Nutcracker Prince. Dominique Larose was absolutely hilarious as the dotty grandma; her comic timing is nano-second perfect. She was a lovely snowflake too. Abigail Prudames and Joseph Taylor were very elegant as Sugarplum and Cavalier in a new version of the gpdd. Kevin Poeung was utterly fabulous as the Nutcracker Prince in the evening and Antoinette Brooks Daw was a delightful Clara. Lucia Solari and Javier Torres were glorious in the gpdd. As ever the whole company engaged with their roles and the audience. This is a lovely, traditional production and a great way to get into the festive spirit!
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