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Everything posted by charlie4dancin

  1. Hope dress rehearsal went well last night and good luck for the performances swanprincess hope you have an amazing time and lil enjoy watching your lovely dd!! Cx
  2. I can't comment about Tring and as most of you know my dd did attend Hammond for a short while and although they did a lot of different dance classes she was disappointed with there not being more ballet and found they were doing street or contemporary on a Saturday and only a short vocational ballet class. On reflection this for her wasn't nearly enough ballet as she had been spoilt at home coming from exceptional ballet training with her local ballet teacher giving about 6 ballet classes a week and Northern Ballet and Elmhurst Associates.... Obviously others are happy doing this and it isn't why she left!! I must add the school, staff and house staff were lovely and worked very closely with us to make dd feel happy I can't comment on how good the standard of training is as my dd didn't attent long enough but I would advise too to look at all 4 schools to get a better feel. We loved Elmhurst and was always our first choice!!! Good luck Cx
  3. Sorry to hear this dancing10 I have replied to your pm Cx
  4. Good luck to those auditioning for ja's at Newcastle this week especially my friends lovely little dd Cx
  5. Congrats on your ds place at central "complete novice" good luck with the accommodation Cx
  6. Balletbun I hope you get sorted for your lovely dd to continue with her vocational training... Thinking of you all Cxx
  7. Well said Fran... That sort of behaviour should not be tolerated from teachers or as I have witnessed parents and friends!!! It can leave our children questioning their bodies, leaving lasting damage for everyone involved Hugs Fran Cx
  8. Morning we are all feeling good this week as dd has done some ballet and is feeling on top of the world Cxx
  9. Lovely to hear tutugirl and thank you for sharing your story with us I agree dd fighting spirit is returning, she has had continued support from our family and has had support here at home from lovely friends away from dancing which has been refreshing for her to recover without feeling pressure or feel like she has to talk about what she has missed or equally so left behind!!! Obviously we have been there for every step of the way willing her to recover lots of smiles, love and encouragement! Cx
  10. Thank you everyone "If only' ... thank you she loves her drawing and it has allowed her to channel her creativity over the last 6 months she has quite a portfolio going now and we have framed drawings on our walls too Cx
  11. Morning all Just thought I would update everyone... Dd is making progress and managed to walk unaided this week it's been a very emotional few days for her... I am continually trying to keep her motivated and have told her how extremely proud we are of her!! She obviously wants to run before she can walk so we need to set out a plan to keep her on track and healthy physically, emotionally and mentally so lots to think about and changes to be made to move carefully forward!! Thank you to everyone for your kindness, help and support we really appreciate it.... Thought I would share this quote I sent to my dd this week with a "Alice in Wonderland" pic... "A... "What road do I take?" CC..."Where are you going?" A... "I don't know. CC... "Then it doesn't matter. if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Cx
  12. You stay for a few hours for a meeting and parents talk.... Then you are free to go off, we visited the boarding house pm too enjoy! Cx
  13. Loulabelle I should of said the SS was excellent too my dd had a great experience and picked up quite a few helpful things to help with her dance we would strongly recommend it Cx
  14. Loulabelle my dd did MIDAS SS 2 years ago, it's is none residential... We stopped at the Ebis in Birmingham very reasonable especially if you book well ahead I had a lovely time while my dd was dancing shopping in the Bullring and exploring Birmingham The MAC where Midas is held is a lovely location with a beautiful park and a super coffee shop!! Cx
  15. Are the results out for Newcastle yet? I know one or two waiting... Cx
  16. So sorry Encarte that your dd has been made to feel this way by her so called friends... Just when they are needed most!! A lot of its probably jealously, frustration or maybe parental comments either way it's probably best to walk away with your heads held high!!! Cx
  17. I don't think we heard of any WL last year either...
  18. Well done to your dd all4dancers Cx
  19. Very wise words tutugirl... Big congrats for both of your students Cx
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