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Everything posted by Scheherezade

  1. Lizbie, we think alike. That was precisely my reaction. Not because of the mix of ballet and heavy metal but because the idea of ballet and Black Sabbath seemed so implausible.
  2. I am hoping that Vinke will be in better voice by next Sunday. And looking forward to hearing Davidsen again in any event.
  3. Well at least it was a proper survey, with boxes to add opinions. I took advantage of this opportunity to set out my views upon ticket prices, discounts, programmes and everything else that concerned me, particularly the effect that the price rises in the cheap seats are likely to have upon the ability of the less affluent to attend.
  4. And my plumber has warned me off them on the basis that they do not generate anything like enough heat. Not a happy alternative for the very elderly at risk of hypothermia.
  5. And let’s not forget it’s mission statement not all that long ago that it doesn’t want tickets going to the usual returnees.
  6. It needs to be said. And something desperately needs to be done.
  7. Not only annoying but totally unwarranted. The company was on terrific form in both of the performances that I saw (opening and closing) and I can’t for one minute think that their standards dropped inbetween.
  8. And to highlight what happens when you don’t proofread for autocorrect before or shortly after posting, that should, of course, have read “huge bravas”.
  9. i really can’t add to that, Sim. But I’m going to anyway. As someone who couldn’t engage emotionally with Sakenko when she guested at the RB, I felt that I was watching someone else entirely at ENB today. Her Odette was exquisite, her Odile a master class in measured dynamism. And Frola? I didn’t think it was possible to love him more than I did already but after today’s performance I’ll take that back. This man really does have it all - classicism, virtuosity, emotional heft - and a tangible, very special connection with his Odette/Odile. Just wonderful! And as Sim had already said, huge bravado to an absolutely gorgeous corps of swans.
  10. Oh yes! What a joyous read from start to finish and how I would love to have seen it too!
  11. This is just wrong! Totally shocking, wholly unnecessary, disrespectful to the orchestra and unacceptably dismissive of audience members there to enjoy the performance. Which most definitely includes the orchestral overtures and interludes. i am sadly not surprised by the ‘don’t care’ attitude towards drinks and food in the auditorium since for some time now, when placing orders, I have been asked did I want to take them in and met with looks of incredulity when replying that, no, I wanted my drinks at the interval.
  12. Apart from the fact that it penalises those who might be tempted to buy a further, discounted ticket but might not be able to afford a second full price ticket.
  13. In the unlikely event that anyone has a spare balcony ticket for Sunday, please let me know.
  14. Extremely justified rants, LinMM. Ditto Alison, Dawnstar and Emeralds. And very surprised at the ushers allowing latecomers to disrupt others and to take photos and videos. Back in the day, they were absolute terrors at the slightest glimpse of a mobile phone, let alone photography, and very careful that latecomers, when allowed into the auditorium, should not disrupt others.
  15. I so agree, PeterS. It was such a shame about the wobbles but the audience in the amphi were particularly vocal in showing their support for Magri as the balances came to a close. I do hope she was able to hear the whoops and applause; and, yes, the rest of her debut was just wonderful, as was Corrales, who is consolidating what, I think, proved something of a surprise last year when he showed that he could be every bit as outstanding in the classical canon as in virtuoso works. The refinement gained from his time at the RB allied to his natural dynamism is proving to be a sensational combination. Bridiem’s nod to another unhappy prince transfixed by a vision of a beautiful woman amused me, supported, I might add, by the fact that this was a noticeably ‘entitled’ prince. And one that did not need too much prompting from the Lilac Fairy on the matter of how to awaken the sleeping princess.
  16. Sounds very positive. I will certainly be at the Linbury in June but is Northampton the only venue with a live orchestra?
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