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White Lodge Summer Fair


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Who'll be there on Saturday? We need to have a Balletco gathering!


And also I was thinking it's strange it's only a "summer fair" again this year, I thought that's what it was last year, so this one would be an "open day". Can any WLers shed any light on it.


I'm going with my ds to see who remembers him (and which staff are still there - quite a few of the house and academic staff have gone).

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My DD will be going as last years leavers are all meeting up.  You are right JulieW, a lot of the house and academic staff have gone, even in the last 12 months, and the Head of Lower school is leaving at the end of term too.  Hope the weather is great and have a wonderful time.

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Is it only for the families of children at the school or can others go?  We went 2 years ago but we were given a flyer for it and it seemed to be advertised.  I had thought that this year its just for the those at the school.

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Is it only for the families of children at the school or can others go?  We went 2 years ago but we were given a flyer for it and it seemed to be advertised.  I had thought that this year its just for the those at the school.

I believe that this year it is just for current/past/new students, family and friends.

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Shame all associates were not offered the chance to attend where ever they are located.


My DD's JA class isn't in London & all girls/boys were given a flyer, regardless of wether they are starting in Yr7 or not.

Edited by Tippy_Toes
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I think anyone's welcome to be honest - we've turned up every year whether or not it was before ds started, or since he left - they just don't advertise it to the wider public (which I'm slightly aware I'm doing here ;) ) as on the "smaller" events they don't offer tours of the building or extra dancing in a studio (although i don't remember that happening for quite a while now).  If anyone would like to meet up, sent me a PM and we'll try to work out how to recognise eachother.


HFB - Of course I'll say hello from you all.


Ds did manage to pay a visit last year when the museum people did an open day - he got lots of hugs!  (so did I :) )

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I think there is a lot going on at the school at the moment and the staff are quite stretched. I think they felt that opening to the wider public this year would stretch their resource levels even further, so they have decided to keep it as a smaller event restricted to those connected with the school.

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Oh dear!


I have booked accommodation up in London for this weekend especially so I can take dd and ds to what I thought will the Open Day on Saturday. I rang a couple of months ago before booking accommodation and was not told it was not open to the public, nor that it was not an Open Day. I am a friend of White Lodge-does that mean I can take dd and ds? They have been so excited for months about going and will be absolutely devastated if I have to tell them we now can't go...


Any advice on this, please!

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You are a friend, of course you can go.


A couple of years ago I e-mailed to ask if I could come (my ds being ex pupil) and not only was I told yes but once I was there I was told that I'd never need to ask again!


But they understandably just don't want Joe Public to turn up in droves... 

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thanks for that...do you think I should ring the school first to check though? I also cant find this year's membership card (we are hoping to move and I have mislaid it in all the clearing up...)


Would be lovely to meet some of you and put names to faces! My daughter (age 7) is very blonde and will probably be wearing her pink Sally Prout School of Dancing hooded top! My ds is 4 and has blondish brown hair!


Thank you all for such a fascinating forum and see you on Saturday!

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Balletmummy - please don't worry - no need to contact the school - just turn up.  Noone has ever asked me why I'm there, despite the person on the gate not necessarily recognising me in any way.


I'll look out for you, but might send you a PM for a name, as I'll feel a bit silly going up to some random women asking if they're "balletmummy" :D


I'm mid-forties, short light brown bob-style hair, bit overweight (!), wearing glasses (don't I sound attractive :unsure: ) and will be with a 6'1" young man who has dark blonde short hair, who'll be walking like a dancer :P

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So kind HFB :)


And 2peas - I don't think anyone answered you and I'm not sure I know the offical answer, but it's usually gates open at 11 (or 11.30) with the official opening (just someone making an announcement ;)  at 12).  I enjoyed the year Wayne Sleep opened the open day - he talked for ages - in fact, I think I've got it on video on my computer, must look

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That would be lovely, JulieW! I am tall,late 30s, brown hair in a bob just above shoulder length and will have my tall blonde 7 year old dd and tanned nearly 5 year old ds with me! Driving up from Gloucestershire early tomorrow so probably looking rather jaded with a blue rucksack ! DS loves music so will probably try and sit on the side of the pianist so he can see!


Not sure how to pm you though!Do let me know how you do that...


Hope to see you tomorrow and any others!

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If all goes well, I'm hoping to be there and would love to meet up ... Wasn't really expecting to make it this year, as I've had to miss all recent ballet events because of a tricky work and financial situation. But a couple of ultra-cheap travel deals turned up, and after 20 hours of travelling, I'm finally waiting to board a plane from Barcelona Airport to Gatwick....


If anyone will be there tomorrow and can use a box of around 40 children's ballet fiction books (no charge), please PM me. I also have around 20 unused hair nets (brown, thick) from a girl who is no longer dancing. Free to a good home.



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Hi Yaffa


Although my daughter is only 7, I wouldn't say no to the books if they are still going! What age range are they for? Not sure I would be able to find you tomorrow, though, unless I give you my mobile number and you ring me once there!


Let me know what you think! Will be on the road by 8.30am though...



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Hi Balletmummy and Julie,


Do hope we'll be able to meet up, though unfortunately the nets and books are already gone.


Weather forecast says there's a 60% chance of rain. Let's hope they are wrong..




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Wishing you all a lovely day , I hope the weather stays nice - last year it as blowing a gale and dancers had to dodge falling branches and twigs from the trees and sit on the base of the Maypole to keep it upright ! But they did famously !

It will be one of my favourite memories !

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Well the highlight for me was watching all the amazing dancers as they dodged the rain drops and performed.  Really breathtaking.  I know some of the readers on here have sons/daughters at WL.  What a truly lovely school and what an amazing opportunity they all have.  For anyone hoping to go to WL I would say that there was not an obvious body type on display.  There really were all sorts and sizes.  Short, tall, very slim, very muscular.  Very diverse so I would say, if anyone thinks their son or daughter would like to go, go for it!  We will try next year, with an expectation that it probably won't happen.  Still, worth a try!  I hope we might be able to make another visit sometime.  Lovely day, despite the rain!   My son is doing the summer school and is now really looking forward to it - he likes the underground passages!

And if anyone has a son/daughter about to start this September, you already know how lucky they are!  Good luck to all them.

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Shame the weather wasn't better. They managed 2 out of 3 performances outside between the deluge of rain. The students were amazing and professional as always. They must have been freezing at times (we all were) but you would never have known as they all had such lovely smiles and performed beautifully. If anything, I think the wind was stronger than last year which is probably why they didn't risk the maypole!

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