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Benny Hill in the supermarket


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Love this! And Benny Hill (or, more particularly, his signature chases) always reminds me of the time my daughter’s bag was snatched on a school trip to Barcelona. My daughter immediately set off in pursuit, followed by a number of her friends; two of the teachers joined the chase and as they all ran after the thief, various locals and tourists joined in, one of whom, when the thief was trapped in a dead-end alleyway, grabbed the thief’s shoes to prevent him making his escape, then gallantly retrieved and returned my daughter’s bag with almost everything intact. 

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What a story Scheherazade! 
we had all our things stolen from the car parked in a Barcelona Square after just arriving so cases still in the boot!
A long time ago now when I was in mid 20’s! 
I was very upset as was the first holiday with my new boyfriend at the time and had bought one or two nice new dresses lol!! 
He lost his camera though so was not exactly in a good mood for a few days! 
The police told us that thieves used to watch for hire cars parking there as knew could be possibly filled with tourist goodies 😢 

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You still have to be very careful in Barcelona...lovely though it is, it is still one of Europe's worst cities for thefts.  My dad, who had lived in NYC throughout the dangerous 60s, 70s and 80s,  was only ever mugged once in his life...and that was in Barcelona, not Brooklyn!  When he went back five years later, he was pickpocketed and lost his wallet.  That was the first time in his life he was pickpocketed...in Barcelona, not Brooklyn.  I know many people who have been robbed there in one way or another, so whoever is planning a trip there, just be extra careful!

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