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Live at Lunch - ROH

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Hi - can anyone let me know how popular/busy the Live at Lunch recitals are at ROH? 


We have bought tickets for the backstage tour at 2pm and would quite like to try and catch the lunchtime performance at 1pm before it but wondered if you need to turn up very early and queue for a while to guarantee a space? We will be flying in that morning so realistically wouldn't be able to make it to ROH until around 12.30 at the earliest. 


Many thanks. 

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I happened to be in the ROH today at 1.00pm and the new cafe was full, with many people eating their own sandwiches or ones purchased elsewhere. But the recital wafting up from The Linbury Foyer was a delight and much enjoyed by a multifarious band of listeners. I felt that this was an excellent example of what the 'open up' project should be about.

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I do wonder if more use could be made of music, DVDs, live streaming from rehearsals etc so that the Royal Opera House's raison d'être is much more visible throughout Open Up.  It may be I'm just not familiar with all the facilities but I'd got the impression Open Up would be providing much more of a taster of what goes on in the theatre, encouraging all to attend.  I'd much prefer a stronger Royal Opera House presence rather than providing quiet spaces for general meetings, work stations etc.

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1 hour ago, JohnS said:

I do wonder if more use could be made of music, DVDs, live streaming from rehearsals etc so that the Royal Opera House's raison d'être is much more visible throughout Open Up.  


Yes - using the big downstairs wall and the screens. Maybe live footage relayed from the ballet studios (i.e. class and rehearsals ' as they are' rather than being 'staged' in any way) would really 'open up' a window on the RB's and dancers' world.


Perhaps the ROH could invite ideas..................

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On 30/11/2018 at 10:39, Waverley said:

Hi - can anyone let me know how popular/busy the Live at Lunch recitals are at ROH? 


We have bought tickets for the backstage tour at 2pm and would quite like to try and catch the lunchtime performance at 1pm before it but wondered if you need to turn up very early and queue for a while to guarantee a space? We will be flying in that morning so realistically wouldn't be able to make it to ROH until around 12.30 at the earliest. 


Many thanks. 


I was only once there on the 2. November where the RB company had a class. I arrived shortly after the beginning and didn´t really find a place to watch (though to be fair, I am something around 162 cm, so rather small). Maybe it depends on the performances but it can get definitely full!

Since I didn´t see anything I did something else but I think it was a lovely thing and had the feeling that there were also a lot of people who had never/or not much experience with ballet before (at least that was my impression from the whispering I heard when I wandered around for some space for me).


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13 minutes ago, capybara said:


Yes - using the big downstairs wall and the screens. Maybe live footage relayed from the ballet studios (i.e. class and rehearsals ' as they are' rather than being 'staged' in any way) would really 'open up' a window on the RB's and dancers' world.


Perhaps the ROH could invite ideas..................


Screening more things around the 'opened-up' areas would be good - though I think ballet would come out of that better than opera, being more visual and probably easier to license than opera (which would be pretty pointless without sound, and I doubt you'd hear much with other people having sarnies and coffees etc). I have seen some screens showing clips (or rather, trailers) occasionally, which do catch the eye - though more, and longer excerpts, would be great for current or coming up productions. And more screens if possible.

Not sure warts and all real rehearsals/class would please the ballet staff though; I'm sure what we get to see is pretty sanitised, and without any of the boring bits included. Would be fascinating for die-hard fans to see, though not sure of what interest it would be to a casual viewer. 

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3 hours ago, capybara said:


Yes - using the big downstairs wall and the screens. Maybe live footage relayed from the ballet studios (i.e. class and rehearsals ' as they are' rather than being 'staged' in any way) would really 'open up' a window on the RB's and dancers' world.


Perhaps the ROH could invite ideas..................

I expect dancers would have differing views about this, but for some class has a kind of sacred element to it, or if not that then at least the chance to reconnect with their bodies afresh after the day before. Imagine if you are just coming back from injury - do you really want to be seen not at your best in class? Dancers are on view at performances, dress rehearsals and in class at events such as World Ballet Day. I think they should be allowed time to concentrate on their craft without the added pressure of cameras relaying it front of house. It starts to become a bit too Orwellian for my liking! And talking of screens,  I have had enough of them both front of house and on stage! 

Call me very old fashioned, but I loved the old days when the theatre had a real air of mystery - fantastical things going on unseen to most people, only to be revealed as the curtain went up!

Of course, I love all the behind the scenes documentaries, but let's not take it to saturation point. Treats are only treats if they happen occasionally!

Edited by Darlex
Missing comma!
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Fair enough, Darlex. Maybe rehearsals from time to time but not Class.


However,  I do think that, if we are being critical of the Open Up' concept (more on other threads than this one), we should, in parallel, be considering contributing ideas. Some may be unworkable/unacceptable but some may just 'hit the spot'.

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