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Life Peerage for Deborah Bull

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Deborah Bull has been made a life peer  "in recognition of her authority on public engagement with, and the impact of arts, culture and the creative industries."


Details from Kings College here




That article doesn't seem to mention her career as a dancer at all....



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7 minutes ago, bridiem said:

It is distinctly odd to refer to her first career just as a 'performer'. Principal of the Royal Ballet, actually. I suspect 'ballet' isn't a word they really want to use.


I don't know - it may be that having carved out a highly successful second career (which is on the face of it what the peerage has been given for) she doesn't wish to be defined by her first, or be sensitive to the charge that her subsequent achievements don't stand on their own merits.


I'd be surprised if she hadn't at least seen the statement before it was released.


Edited to add: possibly she herself just feels that she's moved on since then! 

Edited by Lizbie1
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43 minutes ago, Lizbie1 said:


I don't know - it may be that having carved out a highly successful second career (which is on the face of it what the peerage has been given for) she doesn't wish to be defined by her first, or be sensitive to the charge that her subsequent achievements don't stand on their own merits.


I'd be surprised if she hadn't at least seen the statement before it was released.


Edited to add: possibly she herself just feels that she's moved on since then! 


Yes - I did wonder about that but didn't like to speculate about her own thoughts. I would simply point out that it was her first career that launched her into her second one.

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45 minutes ago, bridiem said:


Yes - I did wonder about that but didn't like to speculate about her own thoughts. I would simply point out that it was her first career that launched her into her second one.


I hesitated before I posted, but since there have been a number of disapproving comments on this thread and elsewhere about KCL's failure to acknowledge her former career, I thought it time to give some possible explanations.


Of course, I have no more insight into the matter than anyone else here!

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They're entitled to sit (and vote) in the House of Lords.  Though it's not mandatory, I think that in most cases these days there is an expectation that they will attend with reasonable frequency and bring their experience and expertise to inform and shape debate.

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1 minute ago, fromthebalcony said:

Thank you very much.  That is quite a big deal then.


And it's called "life" because it is their title for life, and is not passed on to their children (a hereditary peerage).

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