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Going Back to ballet continued...


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Hi Lin, as that will be my sixth repertoire session in a two month time span I will probably leave it at one. As for your comment “do you think you will be able to, memorise those solos from just seeing the videos”, I wont be just watching the videos, firstly I have my own studio, a bit small for some things, but don’t forget I often have access to one at Pineapple too for practice. In any case if I want more room at home I have freed off a large patio space by moving my trampoline, I have audio out there from the speakers near my hot tub. The surface of the patio in paved, however I have some Bloch split sole trainers with substantial cushioning for jumping on hard floors, that was a lesson I leant recently. As of yet I have not tried that area, don’t think I will be wearing a tutu even if it sunny ha ha.


The other point with these sequences, if I do have some difficulty I have a number of teachers that are happy to help me out. Only this afternoon we were dancing the sissone/ temp de flieche combination from RB first variation in Swan Lake (Act 1) in our ballet class, that teacher is fantastically helpful, however it did cause a few grumbles and comments from the girls. I'm duty bound now to perfect it and at some point demonstrate it there. I have another class tonight, that teacher is also helping me with another part of rep from Swan Lake (Act 2). As you know I my teacher at ENB help me out with ballet mime for some of my own choreography. Most of this is well beyond what I would normally encounter in class, but heyho I'm only a beginner, but I do know how to utilise and organise resources, so there no stopping this girl.


Lin you also mentioned variations, I not sure what you meant.

In a few weeks time I'm doing the Waltz of the swans from RB Swan Lake Act 2, I have also checked out Bolshoi and Paris Opera’s version as it give some clarity to the moves in spite of many movements being completely different, I just regard that as background homework. I know its also advantageous to familiarise myself with the dance of the big swans, as if time permits we may be doing that one too. So my little brain will have an awful lot to remember and that’s without the reps that are not defined yet as to which scenes we are doing. I guess that just goes with the territory.


Coffee sounds fine I would love that.

Edited by Michelle_Richer
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Not so much Ache as stiffness, particularly when I get up in the morning, my feet appear permanently turned out and it takes a while before I can get them parallel again. Long car journeys after class also leave me quite stiff. Tonight's journey was 45miles and tool about an hour as part of it was across town.

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Well I do sometimes....I must say. But it's usually okay after a good nights sleep. Some days I'm fine though. Do you ache anywhere in particular?


I have various things which play up from time to time.....usually not together fortunately. At the moment it's the left groin area! I'm sure this came on after a particular twist with the foot up on the thigh after yoga last week. It's a nuisance as it will hang around for a few weeks now no doubt. It could also be because have been digging a lot on our allotment recently because my partner has been unwell. It's been fine for about 18 months now!! But one does get used to these things.

My Cambridge friend is about to celebrate her 64th birthday at the weekend and we were saying only the other day could either of us remember when we last woke up without some pain or niggle somewhere in the body! And we couldn't!!


If you haven't been back doing ballet that long it does take a time for the muscles to strengthen up though.

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Michelle by variation I just mean a dance within a whole piece .......both the ones we have been asked to look at are "variations" within the ballets. It's another name for a little dance sequence often a solo but not always. Perhaps the name variation came about because some dancers changed the original slightly to show off their own best "party pieces" steps.


Now be careful Michelle as you are pirouetting across your studio and now out into your garden.....I seem to remember your garden backs onto a river!! Better keep off the vodka( only joking ) before practising!!

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Hi Lin


I realised the bit about variations as soon as I see the title of the little girl doing Aurora’s variation. I’m now looking for the appropriate music track to download from Amazon. I have extracted and sectioned the professional video example; it’s already on my studio video system for practice. I now need the music in .mp3 form especially for practice in Pineapple.


I see its in Studio 4 of the Place, do you know that location. I see she referrers to off-stage for those that want not to appear and be regarded as understudies. This suggests there is a stage area, do you know what its dimensions are, as I will need to get the travelling turns in.


If I’m to perform on her stage then I really want to perform it in character, I know I cant do en pointe yet, but I really would like that part of the course done in my tutu, as dancing in a tutu is quite different to dancing in a leo and skirt. I know this will be extremely challenging for me, but hey I will thoroughly enjoy ever inch of the journey on the way.

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My performance at rehearsal tonight was rubbish, we did 4 total run-throughs, two were fine, the other two I forgot bits and these were not the alterations from last week. One piece I forgot two steps, the other my arms were wrong. It was so so annoying as I had been practicing it all afternoon without any hitch. The only thing I was worried about was the alterations, so I went through those with my teacher before we started the rehearsal, I had remembered them correctly. I know its no consolation but several of the other girls had hiccups in their performances too.


On the bright side, we now have our costumes and another little surprise, we have access to the stage next week (Wednesday) before our dress rehearsal on the following Sunday.



Just had another reply from Franziska about her Repertoire Workshop, apparently there is no stage, and we are to use normal practice attire, I think I may pack a tutu just in case. I tried to match the music of the Sleeping Beauty clip to the various MP3 downloads of that piece from Amazon, but the tempo was different in all cases. That only leave me the sound tract on the video clip, for practice it’s adequate. However I want to add this to my own repertoire that I can perform at events, but the sound track is for that is far too noisy.  Not sure how to get round that one apart from hiring my own orchestra.

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I had a terrific lesson last night! They are going to move the time to the earlier one next term, which is great, but yet again, the adult class is in danger because there aren't enough of us. I am going to have some private lessons over the summer and I hope to do that if the class folds. I do hope it won't ;(

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Hi Michelle as this is just a one day workshop people normally just wear class attire for this....no tutus!

But I suppose if you're brave enough to wear one while nobody else is wearing one that's up to you but however if Franziska has said already that you don't need to wear it I would leave it at home if I were you.


What is it with tutus....am I the only one who doesn't really like them!! I know when you see them on display in the ROH etc they are exquisitely made and as items to be LOOKED at I suppose can be quite attractive but to actually WEAR? I think they probably are okay for nice smaller hipped bodies but the thought of my hips in one.....well doesn't bare thinking about really!

I like the more floaty attire myself "Dances at a Gathering" dresses.....now these are okay. Or what Darcey is wearing in that video clip.

Maybe there should be a new thread on what costumes you would most like to wear from the ballet? (If only etc.....)


Fiz....I really hope your class doesn't fold. It's a bit extreme but maybe you need to have a bit of an advertising campaign though probably too costly and time consuming (gosh I am forgetting already just how busy you are having a job)

The private lessons I'm sure you'll enjoy as an extra but it's so nice having a class too. I'm having another private lesson with Franziska before the pirouette course in July as pirouettes are not a strong point for me though I love them when they really come off about once every three weeks!! It is odd though. In one class I can suddenly pull off two and then in another the teacher is saying Linda "just stick to a balance today" .....after have just gone widely off balance again.

I need some of Anjuli's "fever" (mentioned on another thread today) so my head doesn't get in the way!!

Anyway I will try divining up some people for you Fiz!

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Awww Fiz

I know how you feel, my local class has dwindling numbers, this morning there was only two of us, fortunately all the regulars including me pay by the term, otherwise today’s taking wouldn’t even pay for the hall. It might be an idea to pop a card in your local supermarkets free adds notice boards.



I have lots of bulges and some in the wrong places, so do some of the girls I’m dancing with in our show, they enjoy it and so do I. Although I am dieting for weight loss, I don’t get hung up about my appearance, so if it’s appropriate to portray a character in a tutu, then I’m all for it, I guess I’m just a big show off. But isn’t that what performing are all about? Never the less I expect the tutu to be appropriate for the occasion and flattering too, it has to work with me, just the way I would regard a dress in different circumstances.

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I love the Giselle costumes too, but then I like all costumes and its appropriateness for a particular roll. Remember its the character you are depicting and not yourself. I’m quite comfortable with that.


Today I was fortunate to see the ENB version of “Swan Lake” at the Royal Albert Hall”, were as the swans in the RB version was to wear the longer romantic tutus, ENB was the short stiff version, basically I have no real preference providing its appropriate.


A strange opportunity is appearing from one of my Salsa groups, we are going on a boar trip dancing Salsa. I'm thinking I would like a spot to dance my own Ballet Choreography to the Titanic theme, especially if I have access to the front of the boat.


I’m not sure if that will go down like a lead balloon but hay ho, I think most will be happy with it.

Although I need something appropriate to wear, it has to work with salsa too; I have both a white and a pink circular skirt in my ballet wardrobe, with the appropriate top it should provide a good compromise.



Hey Ho this gal is just got to dance.

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Had two really good ballet classes today plus my body balance class. Left home at 10AM finally came home at 10pm with two small visits home of less than an hour each. I'm not doing the London Trip tomorrow as my knee seems to have cleared up, so I can now do fondu’s again. I just want to keep things OK for our show next week.


It looks as if I have another show on the cards, this time in or around Lincoln for Christmas. It looks like being a joint one with other schools my teacher runs, I wonder where she got the inspiration from?

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Did the Chelsea Ballet Masterclass last night. It was in studio4 at The Place (Michelle.....where the August workshop will be) we were in this studio last time and its nice an d big and airy with some big windows(which luckily by positioning people cant see into studio that well)


Anyway unfortunately Richard Ramsey couldn't make it so one of the Chelsea girls took the class at very short notice. I was disappointed at first as was looking forward to R's class but she gave an excellent class in the end so all was not lost and she chose some nice music as well that fortunately she had with her on her iPod!!


I really love waltzey combinations with pirouettes especially in a big studio and we had a lovely port des bras as well. We really worked hard....had almost finished water by end of barre!! Had to run for train back to Brighton but as it was the slower thameslink one had nice time to sleep on the way home.


Have been finding other Tchaikovsky Pas deDeux recordings on Youtube (August workshop prep). Theres one of Alina C and a couple of the top Russians. Just realised the second one Franziska gave to look at on her website is herself dancing it when younger and she is lovely too. Each dancer has her own particular touches and brings something else out in the choreography.

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Hi Lin


Yes I was hoping to do that one, and the “Conditioning for Dance” at DanceWorks while on break from ENB. But my thoughts were, as my knee is just about cleared up, and they are both one and a half hour sessions, I didn’t want to do anything to aggravate it, especially with the show all next week. Apart from that this is a very hectic week, it looks as if I will have to be up somewhere between 4am and 4.30am tomorrow to be at my old companies accountants house for 6.30 as we both have a trustee pension meeting in London at 9am. There  is also loads of docs to go through on the train, just like old times.


At my Grantham class we have a port de bras exercise with a pirouette in it done from both sides, its unusual but very nice. If you love waltzes then you should be with us doing the Waltz of the Swans at the LAB SI with us.



I wasn’t aware we were doing Pas de deux in the August Workshop, just the solo pieces, if you have an interest in Pas de deux then I will drop you an email as I have something you might be interested in.

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Hi Michelle no I'm not interested inPas de deux for me.....the music one of the solo pieces comes from for the August workshop is from the Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux....it's a set piece. And I was just looking on Youtube for others dancing this piece and looking at their solo variations within it.


There were quite a few girls from Cambridge at the Masterclass last night so they had a bit of a trek home as well.

They were telling me about their classes inCambridge at the YMCA where one of the Russian ballet schools hold classes.


Amazing how far people will go for a good class!!

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Only snag in finding other variation to the same music, it tempo etc may not be the same as it may be tailored to that dancer. That was one of the problem I had in finding a clean recording of the Sleeping beauty solo piece. In the end I  had to make do with the You Tube track.


I'm glad we had access to the stage tonight for rehearsal, its a lot smaller than the studio. Not only do we need to consider the audience but the lighting too. Needless to say, lots of changes. On poor girl had a mental block, you could see the expression on her face "What am I doing here", she eventually picket up the thread. We did several practice runs and tweaks, I think we are virtually there, we have the dress rehearsal Sunday, I think that should go well with the extra access tonight of the stage. That's also my last ballet class this week until Sunday.


Lot of head cramming of documentation on the train in the morning to prepare for tomorrows trustee meeting. On the train back lots of repertoire familiarisation cramming in order to prepare for Sundays RAD workshop on Romeo and Juliet at Cambridge, only two hours after my dress rehearsal.

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We had a terrific class tonight and my new ballet friend is going to come to my private lessons over the summer so it should be a lot of fun as well as hard work. I think I need to buy a new leotard to celebrate!

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http://www.degasusa.com/index.php A friend has just emailed me with this site for leotards Fiz! They might be a bit pricey though. What colour do you think you will go for. I'm terribly conservative so always am attracted to black or dark red or navy blue!! Even though haven't got one yet these are what I look for! I fancy one of those floaty tunic things but they look nicer with the lighter coloured leotards.


At least your private lessons in the summer hols will stop you getting too stiff over the summer break!

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Lin, they are wonderful! Our own Just ballet is the only UK seller of them. I was lucky enough to buy one that she was given as it did not fit someone's dd and it is the nicest leotard I have ever had! Don't tempt me - they are expensive and I would dearly love a pale turquoise one with a skirt! :o

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My Australian friend and DD are in UK now for next six weeks and she is toying with the idea of one of these leotards for DD.....you know how it is one girl in the class gets one and then they all want one!! But she did say they were really nice quality and now we are possibly planning trip to Southend to Justballet!! But they have a busy schedule as you can imagine when only come every 2-3 yrs. DD is doing a couple of summer schools and I'm hoping will get a chance to see her dance in York.


Yes I fancy that turquoise colour if I wasn't such an old stick in the mud regards these things!! It's a very pretty colour.

It's funny but when I watched Darcey doing the Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux piece ....I was thinking about it for about a week and then decided to watch again a couple of days ago and was really surprised to see her in pink!! I had run this through in my head with her costume that turquoise colour as that is how I remembered it!! (You can see there is no hope for me then memorising the steps then if cant get the colour of the costume right!!!)

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Ah it would be lovely to see you! I'll book the sunshine so you can have a walk down Southend pier ;) (the longest pier in the world!)

I like the light Degas leotards as they don't show sweat patches as the front lining is so absorbant :) Do drop me a message if you do plan a trip and ill make sure I'm there to say hi :)

And I must book that workshop! En route to Glastonbury at the moment so no ballet for 4 days :(


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Hi Justballet will do almost certainly if we make it were just mulling over a few days here and there when we might be able to fit it in when met up on Tuesday. I think DD is after some pointe shoes as well!!


With regards to the workshop there is another solo from the sleeping beauty you can choose (in fact you can do both if you're up for it!)

It's the one from her birthday celebrations and probably nice to do on pointe but even though the Tchaikovsky one is faster it will probably suit me better. However I have discovered that its very difficult to tell until you actually start learning a piece how well you will really like it so will keep an open mind on the other one but I do, inspite of speed not exactly being a strong point, seem to enjoy the faster moving bits!!

Hope to see you at the shop or the workshop or both!!

Glastonbury.....how fantastic still haven't made it there yet. But funnily enough just talking about this with another friend the other day and whether we should try and make it ......it's will there be enough loos etc for us.....perhaps on the Not Dancing thread you can update us on the general loo situation at Glastonbury these days!! It would be great to see the Stones I must say.

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Hi Lin


Are you going to do the Darcey solo then or both, I'm sticking to the Sleeping beauty one as I don’t think I will have time to prepare for both. I've just had a mailshot from RAD (today 27th) telling me about a Swan Lake Workshop in Birmingham with a closing date of the 24th Grrrrr. I've ask if they will extend it so I can book it, so that would make me three Swan Lakes, that would be fab.


My you are shy, not in a leo yet.

I was very self conscious at first so I went to local class amongst friends before I dare start a new class in their regulation uniform so to speak. I guess it was a similar experience with my hair in a bun. Now I almost live in a leo and its just become part of me. As for colours , mainly black but it depends where and when, at Christmas I went red, LAB SI its been stipulated white with romantic tutu skirt. I have various other colours too. I never ever go in leggings any more, just doesn't seem right, even if all the other girls do. However I do like Darcey's pink floaty dress, that is something I don't have.


Hi Fiz

Are you conducting the private lessons or are you both going as a duet?

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No, I was going to have one to one lessons with my lovely teacher but K looked so miserable at the thought of no ballet till September that I asked her if she'd like to join my lesson.

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