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Earlier this year, DD and I had some serious decisions to make. She had been shortlisted twice for RBS Associates, and had been invited to the White Lodge finals this year. But had little success. We were getting ready to write it all off.

But following the kind words of support from members of this forum, we decided to push on. We moved dance school, attended more auditions and kept our faith in DD's talent.

Within weeks of being in the new school, new opportunities arose. They invited DD onto their competition team (which was a vital boost to her confidence). DD was also successful in getting onto their dance company. Finally to cap it all, RBS Mid Associates found a place for her. 

This coming weekend DD attends her first dance festival (Arboretum dance festival, Nottingham). We're all very excited and will keep you posted on her progress.

The future is not certain, but one thing is for sure... I've never seen DD so happy - and that is, in part, down to you all, your advice and kind words of encouragement.


Thank you.

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Congratulations to your beautiful dd, can’t wait to see our girls beautiful group dance!  


We’ve had many ups and downs too, got straight into JAs in year 5, then waitlisted for mids then thankfully a place 2 weeks later, finals for Elmhurst then no place, but every time dd gets upset, and I say to her it it all really worth it!! she simply could not comprehend life without dance, so there is no question about carrying on ! As it’s simply everything to her 😊 Though thankfully, being an associate has lead her to a lovely place to dance at higher level, with supportive teachers and lovely friends, who seem to understand journey her better than I do 😂 


This forum has also been such a great support for me, thank you all!!







Edited by Snowflake
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I think one of the key things to recognise is that dreams evolve. At a young age, the majority of little girls  who want to dance probably see themselves as a Prima ballerina dancing Odette/Odile or The Sugar Plum Fairy. (Or equivalent for boys of course.) If that is the measure of success, then the vast majority of even very talented children are going to "fail". An almost immeasurably small percentage of those who begin with that dream will actually achieve it, and dreams and determination have to be tempered with realism as time goes on. But fortunately as they grow older most DCs begin to see that there are other end points that are more attainable, just as important, and probably actually better suited to their individual talents and personality. Some of those new goals won't even be directly related to dance, but that doesn't mean the dancing years are wasted - there are so many transferable skills. To my mind, if a child (or adult come to that) is dancing and loving it, then they are successful and they are living their dream in the present. Enjoy the journey and don't spend all your time and energy thinking about the final destination is probably the best piece of advice I've ever read on here, and I'm now applying that same principle to my youngest child's sporting ambitions!

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