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How to queue for returns

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Am not sure if this is the correct thread but does anyone know how to queue for returns at the ROH at the moment.

its a while since I've done this and not since the current building works started.

you used to form a queue inside the theatre opposite the box office bit which is no longer there at the moment!

i know there is the shop on the corner in Bow street where you currently go to buy tickets etc so is that where you would have to wait now 

What time does this shop close .....as the box office was always open right up until start of performances ....does this shop place also stay open or is it impossible to queue in the usual way currently.

i am thinking of doing this on Tuesday May 2nd for Mayerling as  had to return my other ticket ( which looks like it has been sold) and this is the only other night I have a chance to go.

I cannot afford the £87 Stalls tickets ( which seem to be the only ones on offer on the website) for that date so am hoping for some sort of Amphi return.

many thanks for any help


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Are many thanks Capybara ....so it's in the shop on the corner then.

its quite small in there so I can envisage if a longish queue then it taking to the outside!! 

Luckily it looks like an okay day on Tuesday ?

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I have returned tickets to the desk at the far end of the foyer shortly before the start of a couple of recent performances and they were sold on. I am not sure whether the foyer desk and the shop on the corner act in conjunction with each other or whether the timing of the return/resale might be relevant but on the basis of the conflicting information it may be worth a quick phone call to the box office to check.

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38 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Thanks for that yes will ring before I leave tomorrow so at least end up waiting in the right place!! 


Please let us know what you discover as I've not been sure of the form since the building works started. Also could you ask if the old rule still applies that they won't accept returns after 30 minutes before the performance starts.

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1 hour ago, John Mallinson said:


Please let us know what you discover as I've not been sure of the form since the building works started. Also could you ask if the old rule still applies that they won't accept returns after 30 minutes before the performance starts.


My returns were delivered to the desk in the foyer and sold on around 15 minutes before the start.

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To be honest it's a couple of years since I queued for returns but on that occasion I got a ticket at about ten past seven!! After sorting out payment etc I just about had time to get up to the Amphi!! 

I don't know exactly what time it was returned of course may well have been a bit before ten past but that's about the closest I've  been!! 

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Well walked into the box office around 5pm and got a stalls Circle standing seat (D.24) for £9 straight away so that went well.


although it was a student night in the Amphi they were also prepared to sell me a return there .....for £53 ....though made a phone call first...but I thought the standing would be good for £9.


i asked them the policy on returns and they did say that often they won't accept returns after 30 mins before point reached but it seems to depend on how things are going generally eg if it's sold out they still will accept them but if it's all rather slow and maybe several seats still available then they won't 

Also I was told the queue does go over to the main theatre still .....apparently there is a desk there where people collect pre bought tickets from and it's near there apparently. 

Once there's a queue in the theatre the shop/ box office tell people who come in to go over there to queue.


The performance was definitely worth standing for .......for Watsons performance alone....but came away still thinking Mayerling is not my favourite ballet ....but for another thread!!

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