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Demi pointes/Pointe shoe fitting (North East)


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Hi can anyone recommend any dance shops on the north east that fit demi pointes and pointe shoes? I've two children one almost 14 with an extremely slim foot and the other almost 11 who is currently only a size 12. I'm needing pointe shoes for the eldest (currently in grishko) and demi pointes for the youngest. We do have a local dance shop but I have no faith in their fitting. We are due to do a fair bit of travelling in Jan as youngest has auditions at Elmhurst/Tring/Hammond so willing to try shops near those if anyone can recommend any. Is it even possible to get demi pointes in my daughters size? I've searched everywhere online and can't seem to find any?

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For really small shoes I would try Freed of London - they might have to be specially made or altered though. Dd's very small footed friend got hers from there.

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When dd1 first needed pointe shoes she was a size 13. We managed to get Grishkos in a 1 and they fitted. ( they also do Demi's). It is a struggle in Uk as most shops stock larger sizes. Custom made could be an option but expensive. Sansha make small sizes too.

Is it for an exam? When Dd1 did grade 3 rad she had to have permission to wear low heel character shoe as at time she was size 10 shoe

and just could not get Cuban heels in that size. The Rad were very understanding.

eBay do have small sizes but there is an issue with not being able to fit.

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We have small feet in our family too - I'm size 1.5, DD is a 2.5 and my 11 and 13 year old sons are currently size 1 and 2 respectively. Small shoes in general are hard to come by and dance shoes are no better really. I think you will struggle with Demi pointe shoes in a 12 unfortunately. I think DD got her first pair in a size 13.5 (grishko) and they had to be ordered in. I never thought of getting any made to be honest -just told her she'd have to wait til her feet grew - but that may be an option if it's not prohibitively expensive.

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Does the Planet Dance shop in NB's hq in Leeds fit pointe shoes?

They do fitting but don't keep a lot of choice.  It's far better to travel the extra 5 miles to Planet Dance in Batley and get a pointe shoe fitting from their expert teams.  I would book an appointment if you are travelling a long distance.  I usually just drop in with my daughter when she needs shoes, but then its a relatively short drive for us.


My dd has very narrow feet and she always has Freed as she finds they fit best of all the shoes.  Planet Dance has an excellent selection of most shoes.  In fact my cousin took her daughter over the Christmas holidays and she lives in Johannesburg ( home in Bolton for Xmas though!)

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